Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Passion of the Poultry

The Duck thinks that as a god like Marxist he is heir to the divne truth. He is not bound by logic facts or civility. He is above history because he is the heir to Marx's utopia on earth. He has seen the Utopia on film thousands of times. If it doesn't work in real life we will try and try again till your all dead for your own good.

The Duck essence is alienation as he must be critical of his country and his values to toe the party line. Head chopping of homosexuals , amputation of limbs, pedophelia are just turd world cultural variants. The greatest danger to the planet are Randoids, Kahanists (Non Commie Joooos) and actaul Christians who do not worship in a PC Church. If you are born again you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You should be allowed to vote if your an illegal alien and commies should get multiple votes. Even the dead should vote as long as they don't vote Republican.

The Duck may use any racial or etnic slut er slur he desires. He doesn't seem interested in sluts unless they are in an obsure film nobody watches like Almodvar movies. Even Almodvar doesn't watch the films he produces for vidiots. Lets see the Duck can use the term fudge packer, but if Mister Beamish call gays disease vectors he is a homophobe or a synonym. It is okay for the Duck to call Condi Rice Aunt Jemimah because Harry Belacommie does it. That MZ and Beakerkin are Likudnicks, Noecons ,Shoapimps and Kahanists. In the warped mind of the Duck dem Israel supporting Joooooos are disloyal, but don't suggest that commies with a history of treason are disloyal. Suggesting that Commies are traitors is Mccarthyism and even if Venona proved their were traitors it was wrong. The Duck can call the President Chimpy, Chucklenuts and the Dauphin, but gets bent out of shape that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is called a black robed freak from the commie front group the ACLU that reularly supports NAMBLA.

The Ducks doesn't read genuine history if he did he would know dem Moooooslims trashed libraries and every house of worship in their path. He may read the worthless
writings of Fanon, Chimpanzee, Menchu because even fraud and shoddy sham scolarship by Commies is superior to genuine facts. 100,000,000 dead via Communism is exagerated and we should try again until Commies get it right. All those dead in the name of Marx are just a number. Yet if Israel should kill one Pseudostinian in self
defense the entire world comes to an end. Fake artificial Muslim indigenous people are cause celebre even when they have an unrivales record of 1400 years of Colonialism, genocide, ethnocide, property theft and stealing children. All of those qualities like Jim Crowe are evil in America but peachy when practiced under Islam. Israel is the aparthied state but don't say a word about the Royal Saudi Mafia family as they sponsored the Duck on a caligraphy tour. Those wonderful Saudis even have religious police that fuction just like a Cuban block patrol. Spying is only terrible if it is done by the USA against Jihadis and Commies. How dare you sweep that Mosque externally with a radiation detector. We need Shrillary Clintoon to get Janet Reno to disarm and degasmask Mr Beamish and all anti-communists.

The Duck is the sole arbiter of who is authentic. He knows more about Blacks than Thomas Sowell. He knows more about Jooos than MZ. He knows more about Indians than Dr Yeagley. He knows more about Christians than TMW, Elmer, Rob Bayn. True Christianity is Wibberation theology denounce by the last Pope and this one as apostasy. The Duck knows more about Catholicism than the Pope, You Fake Chrisians are evil and the greatest danger to the planet is Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson because they may say a few homophobic comments. Beheading homosexuals is fine as long as it is done by a kangaroo sharia court. Theocracy is fine as long as it is Sharia imposed on Joooos, Christians and Hindooooooos. Amputations are okay but don't place a Koran near a toilet or place panties on a Muslims head. Naked twister is okay when played in the gay anti-semites club in Tredingtong but not in Abu Gharib. Threats and deaths over Mohammed cartoons are the same as dem zionists canceling a play about Rachel Commie er Irwin Corrie ohhh Rachel Corrie. That evil Beakerkin was even planning to go with a Tonka Bulldozer and a CAT Hat with Mrs Butterworth Syrup. Pancacked Commie Morons anyone.

Don't you be critical of a religion because its adherents smack planes into office buildings, massacre school kids in Beslan and toss American Likudnicks in Wheel chairs off cruise ships. Leon Klinghoffer must have owned Israeli bonds and was about to play the evil game of shuffleboard. Ari Halberstam and the people killed in the EL AL ticket counter in Seattle were killed by Muslims oppressed by Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Bat Yeor, David Horowitz and Mel Gibson are the axis of evils. Muslims are rioting in France because their welfare checks aren't big enough. Expecting the sons of Allah to work and obey the laws is racist.

Must obey the party line no matter how stupid. The Rosenbergs weren't traitors they just practiced a different type of patriotism. Terrorism in the USA is okay as long as one can mumble some Marx and a few hackneyed Bob Dylan cliches and complain about the Vietnam war. Vietnam and Cambodia are great places after the boat people left and the killing fields practiced late term abortions, Cuba is a great place everyone can read what the block party commisars tell them to read. Cuban health care is the best in the world, but Infidel just called the Spanish doctors for a second opinion.

John Brown isn't insane, he just defines reality differntly than you reactionary Shoapimps and Fake Christians. John Brown and I are much alike, just my social skills in dealing with you evil brainwashed Mark Levinized capitalist booooors are
better. All of you non commies reactionaries are just hateful and ignorant.

That Beakerkin is the worst because he really would deport us to North Korea to live with Kim Jong mentally ill who is a huge film fan like me. He might put some of us in GITMO right next to the innocent Jihadis who were on their way to watch a Michael Moron film when the zionist conspirators captured them. I heard the prisoners get baklava in Gitmo and starve in the utopia of North Korea and Cuba. Treason is protected by the First Amendment as is the right to create taxpayer supported accademic gulags. Noam Chomsky is a political prisoner who endures a six figure salary, a bad parking place, and cheap disgusting cafetria food at MIT for worthless scholarship. The proof is that even the prisoners at GITMO get Baklava. The Reaganite rethuglicans will not foot the bill for Baklava in the cafeteria at MIT.

You have just endured the Passion/insanity of the Duck. Jesus died for mankinds sins
but the Duck endures bad cafeteria food with no Baklava for his savior Marx.

Beanish in 08

The Duck will be praising Michael Savage who did a 180 on Iraq and Bush. It seems as Levin takes away his audiece share he is moving left. Levin Rules


beakerkin said...

Well Duck this is your lucky day. They do serve Baklava at Gitmo, but we must not let the people of the socialist Utopia Cuba know. Otherwise we may have a stampede of Cubans trying to get Baklava.

The cafeteria in MIT does not serve Baklava. Noam Chomsky must pay for his own Baklava and this makes him a dissident like Mandela, Ghandi, Havel, Scharansky
and the White Rose students.

Chomsky only dissents from reality itself. Look at the dissident whose books are in every bookstore and are sold via accademic coercion.

The Merry Widow said...

Nailed him, I don't know if VT has an extended duck hunting season, so don't tell Barnie!
Plucky-I guess you hang out in places and with people who spend their time telling each other how important and smart and insightful you all are! Guess what? It's a closed society, like the Dead Sea, and is meaningless and useless in the real world with real people!
You are a vestigal organ in the body of humanity. Happy appendectomy!


beakerkin said...


More importantly, do you think the Duck should pay for his own Baklava
like the rest of us? Ducky may lead the march from Havana in search of Baklava and fresh vegies.
We want into GITMO and pass the Baklava.

nanc said...


you didn't leave a thing out for the rest of us to pick at!

you are gooooooood, beak - dayamed good.

i am seriously laughing my hind end off - my day will NOT be the same - oh, no it won't!

beakerkin said...


As a man of the people will you eat a toaster strudel with the peasants? How can you be a man of the people if you thumb your nose at toaster strudels and green jello?

nanc said...

plucky? you have no idea what you're talking about - tmw is one of the most humble people you'll never get to know! her humility makes mother teresa AND ghandhi look like hoodlums. she, like Yeshua, hopes that NO person perish. lay off her! pick at me if you must.

nanc said...

p.s. - i was wrong - one CANNOT find enough plucky pickin's!

The Merry Widow said...

Oh, plucky doesn't bother me! I figure I'm doing something right if he keeps picking at me. LOL!
As for Nanc, be careful picking on her, I might go "Highlander" all over you! And they use claymores! :-} You know, 5-6 foot long swords, double-bladed, not for stabbing but hacking! If I have to haul it out...I'll be peeved!
Nanc-You could almost write a sonnet on the "Ooops of Poultry"


beakerkin said...


The Duck gets the Red Cow bit wrong as it is Jooooos like MZ or myself who regard this as the sign of the messiah. I do not think TMW would be looking for Red Cows as the Messiah has allready been here.

beakerkin said...


TMW's faith is genuine and unlike yours it does not come with a stacks of dead. Moreover, from someone who bends over to justify terrorism and abhorent behavior in the name of Marx and Allah this is hypocrisy.

You have proved your dementia as depicted in my satire is dead on the money.

Who is the greater enemy in your warped world Osama or Pat Robertson?

The Merry Widow said...

As for being part of the "Red Heifer" crowd, I'm not offended, after all it was Christian ranchers in Texas and other US parts that got the herds down to the point that they were shipped to Israel! So I consider it a compliment!
And since Messiah is coming back, plucky can explain personally why I'm nutz! I'll enjoy the conversation! LOL!
And if plucky absolutely insists that I'm nutz, oh well, I've been called worse.


beakerkin said...


I was unaware that Christians were lokking for the red cow. In Hebrew it is called Para Adumah and is a harbinger of the Messiah.

Then again a true Christian understands that Jesus is the fulfilment of Judaism and not seperate from it.Therefore if this is a symbol to the Jewish people Christians who believe in the return of the messiah would look for that symbol as well.

nanc said...

beak - there is a cattle rancher - in texas - i believe, who has bred six or seven of them - they are priceless to christians.

beakerkin said...


I do admit I have learned something
about this. I was unaware Christians were looking for that sign.

Rebuilding the temple would cause WW3 as the Dome of the Rock sits on the site. Then again if it isn't this its cartoons or nutty Iranians threatening to Nuke Israel. We have been in WW3 for a while.

nanc said...

here is a link (scroll down past the white buffalo - only important to the people (indians)):

it's not the cattle rancher i spoke of above, but another in israel.

our landlord, who is also a cattle rancher has a red bull and thirteen white limousin-type cows - he is also a pastor. i'll have to ask him about the implications of turning out a red heifer in his denomination (church of Christ) - NOT the united church, mind you.

elmers brother said...

Beak we should hand out an award to Duhkkky - let's call it a "pop tart"

elmers brother said...

you must be lonely duhkkky

The Merry Widow said...

Beaker-As a Jew you know that it is the ashes of a pure red heifer that are used for sanctifying the Temple and the High Priest. Sooooooo, to Christian Zionists believe that when the red heifer is born, it is a sign that G*D has positioned most of the pieces for the End Times. Being involved in the assisting of getting things set up for Messiah's Return is a priviledge and an honor! And blessing the Jewish Nation brings blessings. The fact that they are so close to producing the heifer is exciting news!
And since spiritual things are only discerned by spirit, plucky is fluttering around like a bat at noon!


nanc said...

more like a fart in a spacesuit, tmw...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I have to admit I find Ducky's constant "Red Heifer" references almost as funny as sitting here at my desk at work reading him telling me to find a job.

If it were not for the overwhelming success of leftism's central tenet - that all rational people must be convinced that leftists are complete morons - I'd almost feel pity for him.

Freedomnow said...

I knew TMW had business dealings with Israel! How much worse does the Zionist conspiracy get?

When is the Duck going to give up his intolerant bigotry against Christians? If you are not secure in your own beliefs its only natural that you would lash out at those with more conviction than you.

Anonymous said...

tmw, is a great person, I don't always agree with her on every subject, but she has always conducted herself with class and dignity, that's more than I can say for Ducky.

It's no great shock me and tmw disagree, she is a Woman, Iam a man, Women and Men just don't get along always. Like Hillary and Bill, Hillary would love Bill to stay home and be a family Guy, Bill on the other hand wants Hillary to go to the white house so he can finally throw that fat chick party.

I did hear that Bill said that Ducky is no longer invited to the fat chick parties, apparently making out with Rosie O'Donnell who mistaken him for a Butch Lesbian was just to much for Billy boy.

The Merry Widow said...

Well put, Fern! Insecurity does tend to make someone either aggressive or defensive.
No, I don't have any investments over there, wish I did though!


The Merry Widow said...

Rob-That is a sight, that the very thought of makes me nauseous! :shudder:
No, we don't always agree, I'm really bored by sports, though I watched football, baseball and golf with my Dad. I even made I'm not anti-sport, I just rarely get excited about them!
My late wasn't even interested, except NASCAR, his step-dad was a certified crew chief at Daytona.
And i'm definitely not into vague, unknown foreign films by directors who look like Carlos the Jackel!


nanc said...

tmw? do you psalm 122:6?

if so, you have a major investment in israel!

nanc said...

to where did the guest of honor disappear?

KEvron said...

"You have proved your dementia as depicted in my satire is dead on the money."

this is grammatically incorrect.

is it asking too much....?


elmers brother said...

I am a man, Women and Men just don't get along always.

One reason why duhkkky and I don't get along.

beakerkin said...


Unlike your empty blog we provide fresh lively content for our readers as well as quick quips. These challenges must seem foreign to a blogger who has no audience or readers.

Anonymous said...

Whoaaaa....hold on a sec here. The buggy eyed alien Duck told Beamish to get a Job. How interesting since all I have ever seen him preach is cradle to the grave government. Telling someone to get a job flies in the face of all he espouses.

Ohhhh my god I am going back to bed and see if I can wake up from this night mare. Rosie and Ducky having a lesbian make out party!!! Just way to much information Rob. That would be tanamount to seeing Robert Byrd in a speedo on Virgina Beach!!!! ewwwwwwwww this night mare must end.

Kevron, looked at your site. Rolls eyes what a joke but then your from San Fran and we all know we must not expect to much from the deminted minds there all we need do is look at your Speaker of the house.

Anonymous said...

That's suppose to be a blog, HA! I laugh in your face!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


You have to realize that as a leftist, Ducky's only interested in making you believe he's dumber than half-dry window caulk. No constructive debate can advance until you acknowledge this.

Always On Watch said...

Quite a character sketch you've got here.

I'm smiling.