Sunday, March 12, 2006

Revolutionary Couch Potatoes

Oriana Fallachi has a nice tirade against the current batch of the Red Brigade. It comes a no surprise the forces of evil have united. Thus the Red Brigade sees itself making a common front with Saddam and Osama. The quote from the deranged Commie leader in the book looks eerily familiar to the statements of 167. There is zero linkage between Israel and Iraq in reality. The imaginary links between Israel and Iraq exist only in the mindless world of Communist logic.

Some of you think I am joking about a Commie obsession with Israel and Joooos. Commies are obsessed with Israel and oddly one will find more focus on Israel in the blog of 167 then in a Jewish blog. The mindless Revolutionary couch potato also adds in we must eliminate the zionist entity. Genuine misguided liberals do not play word games with Joooooo and zionist. They speak of rights for fake indigenous people that are allegedly opressed. The question of why Arabs elected to treat their brothers like hockey pucks is just never asked.

Commies are evil incarnate and should be granted no quarter. One may find a decent Muslim who wants to earn a living and be left alone. Communists deserve no quarter
and should be barred from any job that conveys information. They can have their free speech just not on the public payroll. The fact that one is a Marxist is probable cause to justify surveilence and deportation in some instances.

Free speech does not include exhortation of criminal acts , such as sedition. Thus we
get overly romantic portrayals of the Red Brigades , The Weathermen and the Black Panthers. In reality all of the above are less honorable then your local mafioso or
streetgang. At least the Mafia uses violence for a purpose and has a tangible goal in sight. In comparison random bombings and assasinations of police officers serve no point. The heroes of the working people have no following amongst those they claim to lead.

When one encounters a far left type take no prisoners. I do not mourn Rachel Corrie or Lori Berenson as they put themselves in harms way. Can I go to Iran and protect the Bhai who want to be left alone. How about protecting the Christians in Syria, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Egypt whose papers cross my desk every day. Protecting Christians oppressed by Muslim thugs never seems to make the agenda of these self appointed dolts. I honor Rachel Corrie by adding nuts and bananas to my pancakes. If the broadway show about her life ever comes to NYC I will go wearing a Catepilar hat
and a Tonka minature. In fact I urge conservatives to go enmasse with Catepilar hats and root for the bulldozer.If there were true justice the Corrie family would have to pay for damaging the bulldozer.

Chapter 10 of The Force of Reason proves once again that Mr Beamish knows his material. Our Commie critics like poultry and the accolytes of 167 routinely call me facist or Nazi. Fallachi who lived through the era points out that fascism and its coralary Nazism were left wing. Those of who are new to this blog will have to read chapter ten. Nazism is not the antithesis of Communism it was its rival. People forget that Commies and Nazis divided Europe and had a peace treaty. This is probably why Commies like Finklestein and Chomsky work closely with the Holocaust Denial crowd.

The next chapter is a a point we drive home regularly. Communism and Islam are almost identical and readily work together. Jihadist and Commies share similar obsessions and readily work together. Thus Commies will attempt any justification of Islam to further their goals. Thus we have the comedic spectacle of 167 endorsing Capital punishment of Gays in Iran and Saudi Arabia , while getting hysterical about the execution of Tookie Williams. Only a true labotomy would ever prefer to be in a Sharia court instead of a California court. Those of you with a weak stomach avoid the part where Fallachi quotes from Khomeni's Blue book as the idiocies are beyond comprehension. It is forbidden to eat a domesticated animal once you have had relations with it. There is also talk of pedophelia and far left acceptance of female genital mutilation.

Do not apologize for anything to a Marxist. If they feel uncomfortable with our patriotism leave. USA USA USA USA USA its infectious. For those of you in the land down under OZ OZ OZ OZ. Even 167 has the chant on his blog USA USA USA although his is sarcastic.

Beamish in 08 they are allready planning to add him to Mount Rushmore, Ducky to join Looney Toons and 167 keep repeating the USA, USA , USA bit it is sooooo catchy.


WomanHonorThyself said...

"Communism and Is-lam are almost identical and readily work together. Jihadist and Commies share similar obsessions and readily work together"..dont forget the looney left wingers who join their clan readily.
kinna like the 3 stooges only not as funny.......

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Communism and Nazism are united as one by the common leftist goal of slaughtering massive numbers of innocent people. Franklin Demento Roosevelt was hardly finished masturbating over reports that Jews were being rounded up and slaughtered by the Nazis and German subs were sinking American transports when Hitler made the grand tactical mistake of turning his guns on Roosevelt's beloved Soviet Communists.

It's all socialism. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin was an international socialist.

beakerkin said...

Fallachi agrees with Mr Beamish and the esence of this blog. More interestingly Fallachi describes far left anti semitism in Italy in 1947.

Dan Zaremba said...

mmunism and Is-lam are almost identical and readily work together. Jihadist and Commies share similar obsessions and readily work together"..dont ...

As in all cases of totalitarian ideologies the most important value - guaranteed right to private property, is non existent (including inheritance).
The current state of economy in all Islamic countries is a direct result of this (as in all totalitarian countries).
Under Islam the user loses his rights to the land/property when he stops producing/using it and so:
a) it is the state which decides about the distribution of the land and all “scarce” resources (corruption becomes the norm).
b) since the “scarce” resource cannot be sold they have no market value in themselves
c) since land and other scarce resources (right to use etc) has no market value they can be only exploited by the current user as quickly and “violently” as possible (tomorrow the may be somebody else’s so improvements make no economic sence).
Even the Saudi millionaires do not invest seriously in their own infrastructure but buy into Western (secure) markets, unfortunately they bring Islam with them and if it is to become the law of the land the the "property rights" will vanish and without them the prosperity will slowly but surely disapear.

Dan Zaremba said...

One may find a decent Muslim who wants to earn a living and be left alone.

Most of Muslims were born into it communism is always a choice.

It's all socialism. Hitler was a national socialist, Stalin was an international socialist.

The superficial difference was the "defined" enemy. (Class vs.Race)
I say superficial because in neither case the struggle against the "imaginary" foe was maintained with any logical consistency (e.g. Jews- bad but Arabs good???, in Soviets case anybody called class enemy would do as a victim).

Warren said...

I can't help but remember how after the rise of Khomeni, and before they could do it to him, all the commies were arrested and hanged.

Gee, ducky, is it rough being irrelevant?

Always On Watch said...

Under shari'a law, Duck wouldn't be cruising the blogs--or anywhere else, for that matter.

kevin said...

In this article
I talked about the commonality of Islam and totalitarianism, check out albizu's comment. His blog features a Karl Marx quote in the header.

beakerkin said...


Thank you for demonstrating my points.

AOW You joined nice new logo.

I wonder if Mr Beamish has added himself to Mt Rushmore.

Always On Watch said...

I'd like to have a fun avatar, but I love the motto on the VA seal: translated from Latin to English as "Thus always to tyrants."

nanc said...

well, aow, since beamish has a thing for muppets and you've expressed a desire not too long ago - at least i think it was you - for pig lawn ornaments - why not have yours be the irrecusable and i might add, one of a kind - miss piggy wearing a star of david necklace and earrings! here's a good one:

put a gas mask on kermit and instead of star of david jewelry - star of david shining in her eyes!

google miss piggy - priceless images there.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I think of AOW as Rosie the Riveter rolling up her sleeve to show how the .50 caliber Desert Eagle in her hand pumps up her biceps. That may take some doing.
