Friday, September 08, 2006

Why do we count race in statistics

The time has come to make all the racial bean counting illegal. The goverment should immediately bar companies and Universities from asking. Let the scores stand as is
and the reality of life is that equality of opportunity does not equal equality of outcomes.

Of course the far left commie ( Marcuse) victims rights clowns would be deprived of their monofocus. Uptown focuses on the fact that some African Americans have distinctive names and are likely to be discriminated against. The distinctive names do not seem to bar Idian applicants from jobs and some of those names are 18 letters.
There are distinctive Asian names like Joo, Lirong and many others. The distinctive
names Jose, Altagracia, Miguel do not seem to bar hispanics from employment. I have seen plenty of Jews with names like Menachem, Yakov and Dvora get jobs with ease. The reality is that even names are not a solid indicator of etnicity due to mixed marriages.

The reason we still count statistics by race is that commies insist upon it. This was they can rail and make excuses for disasterous programs. Why should a candidate who just arrived from Trinidad get preferance over people whose families have been here for a century. The commie racial bean counters want it that way. Why do we even
need to ask these questions. The excuse is that sometimes cronyism occurs, but this is reality.

A typical example of Communist mental rot was the insane 167 who railed about the execution of Tookie Williams. The Tookie Williams execution made the USA the most evil country in the world because it was racist. The same lunatic went on to praise Iranian and Saudi justice that kill gays, because they are all pedophiles. The fact that those confessions were likely produced by genuine torture with preordained verdicts seems lost on 167. Moreover, the question of if Williams guilt was never even questioned by 167. Even Liberal Rob Bayn could not fathom that insane rant.

Beamish in 08


nanc said...

commies want to know where they need to kick it up a notch. see who they need to keep dumb and who they need to make dumb. makes sense beak.


uptownseteve said...


Some of your arguments are so asinine they seem like the utterances of 10 year old.

An anti-black bigot is not going to be concerned with the Menachem's, Subramanian's or Jose's of the world.

I produced a link which proved that resumes with "black sounding names" are 50% less likely to receive as much as a response from a hiring manager.

Am I going too fast for you?

beakerkin said...

Thats funny Upton, there seems to be no such impediments with anyother group. So now we are going to impose new discrimination to remedy this.


Typical anti-semitic commentary from the brain impaired poultry. What amount of money did my family get from the Holocaust 0. The group that makes everyone into a victim except Jews and religious Christians is Commie dolts. Lets see the Beak just invented Marcuse.

The Merry Widow said...

Beaker-Even when Jews and Christians are discriminated against or persecuted and murdered, we aren't victims. Because we are white, or Christian or Jewish... And it goes round and round and...circular argument! We are rapidly being shoved into the same boat, again! Good thing we like each other, the accomadations maybe a bit snug!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!

P.S. Guess my B.S. in Limnology with a Micro minor, plus grad level classes mean absolutely nothing! Nor does my counseling certificate!

uptownseteve said...


No other group had a US government sanctioned set of laws specifically designed to keep them in second classed status either.

What's your point?

uptownseteve said...

BTW beaker

You never answered whether you want to stop compiling crime stats by race since you want no race classification anywhere else.

Well do you or don't you?

beakerkin said...


Have you ever heard me quote crime statistics. End all the racial statistics now. Does this need translation?

Lets see so we impose new discrimination on people who have not discriminated against anyone. Moreover many of the beneficiaries were not even discriminated against.

End it all now.

In Russet Shadows said...

Uptown, your understanding of the dynamics of racism is flawed. Rarely do you find just one boogeyman in the racist's closet. You don't find too many people who will hate just one race -- usually it's any race but their own that they hate. But let's just say that we're dealing with someone who hates blacks, blacks, blacks, all the time, 24-7.

Where's your link, Uptown? It seems to have disappeared. But leaving aside that the study was most likely flawed and specious, suffering from respondent bias as well as interviewer bias -- as most leftists "surveys" are -- it all hinges upon what is meant by "black-sounding names" and what the manager associated with them. Reggie White is not a "black-sounding name", but neverless belonged to a black man. So if this racist manager went by names alone, she would have failed to screen out the Minister of Defense. :) Given that resume`s are all that we're looking at, not people, the bias cannot be against blacks as people, but against certain visible aspects of a subculture.

Is there a bias against the ghetto subculture? Definitely. Is that bias earned by the people who live its lifestyle? Definitely. Are all blacks practitioners of the ghetto lifestyle? Certainly not.

It ain't racism, so get over yourself.

nanc said...

or, as i'd tell my old lieutenant why i did not like going to affirmative action training, "i'm not prejudiced - i hate everybody just the same!"

uptownseteve said...

russett shadows

Here are several links to these flawed studies.

You righties are in such denial. - 72k - - 38k - 31k -

nanc said...

o.t. - friends of aow take notice:

i miss aow party at longrange and you're all invited.

In Russet Shadows said...

I notice that you didn't bother attempting a rebuttal to my points, Uptown. Only one link actually discussed the surveys in any depth and I'm just laughing at how crude the methodology is, and how many unknowns could have possibly impacted the results. (Employer fatigue from seeing too many resumes per day? Lack of buzzwords in the resume`? Different people doing the screening process? The researchers never took into account those factors, for starters.) Let's look at what little they do give us:

Ebony: 10.5%
Latonya: 9.1
Kenya: 9.1
Latoya: 8.8

All of these "black" names ranked more likely to be called for an interview than Emily, and all but one of them ranked higher than Anne.

That suggests to me that there's a bias against Emilies and Annes. (Annes with an "e" even.)

You've got to do better than that, Uptown.

nanc said...

why do racial stats matter we might ask ourselves with an open mind?

simply put, it matters to keep us separate and divided and hey - it seems to be working. look how many are obsessed with race. if we were all blind, would it matter as much? other than how we speak, our accents would tell little about us.

which reminds me of a joke...

uptownseteve said...

russett shadows

You're full of it pal.

You're in total denial.

The CBS link showed specifically that resumes with names like Tyrone were 50% less likely to even be responded to.

But let's be real here.

You righties have an agenda and it's to present white people as America's new victim as a result of the Civil Rights movement.

Black people getting first class citizenship is deemed as a direct assault on the dominance and supremacy of whites.

What points have you made?

Absolutely none.

I show it to you in black and white and you still shake your head and say "nuh uh".

uptownseteve said...


Name a time in America when we WEREN'T divided by race?

beakerkin said...


Thats funny I see Nigerians with names like Boateng don't seem to have problems. Nor do Caribs with names like Donovan. End the excuses, end the statistics and stop crying.

This counting of racial numbers is a Commie game whose time has come to end.

uptownseteve said...


What in God's name is wrong with you!

Acknowledging reality is not whining and or making excuses.

I know you don't want to hear it but racism and racial discrimination toward people of color has never went away and is alive and well in America.

I raise my sons to know that no one can truly stop you but you. However that doesn't mean that there aren't people who will try to stop you.

We're not bitter or angry. We're not making excuses or deflecting responsibility.

But I'll be damned if you are going to tell me what my reality or deny what I've seen first hand all my life.

We will not be silent to appease you.

nanc said...

then rise above it!

nanc said...

okay - time for a nancanalogy:

you're standing on a rail - a fast-moving train is coming at you fullspeed - do you stand there and take it or do you get the hell off the track?

your choice seteve.

uptownseteve said...


Did you read my post?

I rise above it every day.

What are you, stupid?


You're right.

They CAN'T learn.

beakerkin said...

Hey Uptown

The African and Caribs don't share your opinion. However, if you feel we can't learn visit Savage Justice.

Lets see Ducky you like counting race but the number 100,000,000 still eludes you.

nanc said...

no, i'm not stupid. you argue my point quite well. plucky, the man is trying to keep you down. it's working!

uptownseteve said...


What Africans or Caribs do you know?

At least as many of my childhood friends could trace their ancestry to the Carib as those who could trace theirr ancestry to the American South.

Did you know that most of the blacks involved in the Crown Heights riots were either born in the Caribean or had parents who were born in the Caribbean.

I bet I know far more Africans and Caribs than you and one thing they find out quickly in America.

If you have black skin at some point you'll be called a nigger.

nanc said...

well, i know plenty of women with nasty attitudes who will eventually be called a "bitch" - so what is your point?

there are kids out there with no fathers in the home who will be called "bastards"!

there are people out there who are worthless individuals who milk the system who will be called "white trash"!

wtf is your point?

beakerkin said...

Thats funny Uptown, I never heard Hatians, Jamacian, Liberians or Nigerians complain like you do. Thats funny because I spent plenty of time working with them in various jobs.

You think that the N word is any worse than any other insult. We deal with it and move on. Do you think the abuse you take is less than that of Justin Morris or Rob Bayn who are Gay. They lives their lives and move on. FYI Gays do fairly well in the job market.

uptownseteve said...


I don't spend a lot of time talking politics and race with co-workers or clients.

I expect that your Haitian, Jamaican, operate the same.


beakerkin said...

I can tell you for a fact that we do speak about such matters. You do not face higher obstacles than Gays who do quite well. Other minorities do quite well and Caribs and African immigrants do not share your opinions.

uptownseteve said...


Black people do quite well despite what is portrayed in the media.

You just don't want to hear about discrimination against blacks because it runs counter to your "whites/Jews as America's new victims" agenda.

You can rant all you like about the opinions of Africans and Caribs.

You just don't know what you're talking about pal.

And your comment about gays is laughable.

Some of the biggest racists I've ever met in my life have been white gay men.

They're still white men with the same attitudes about race as many other white men.

They just like to polish poles.

beakerkin said...

That was a homophobic statement. Gays face more discrimanation than you ever did but do not cry as much.

Keep crying Uptown, the one who isn't in reality is you. The victimology bit is right out of Marcuse. I also have seen plenty of black gays and they do well in the job market.

uptownseteve said...


How the hell do gays face more discrimination than blacks when many keep their sexuality private?

Like I said before beaker, you can rant "victimology" all you want.

You righties learned the "big lie" technique very well from your Third Reich forebearers.

Acknowledging the truth is not whining.

My personal success and the life my wife and I have built for our family is testament to our determination and strength.

However, I'm not going to be quiet to appease the likes of you.

uptownseteve said...


Entire black communities, complete with banks and other commerce, were burned tto the ground during the early part of the 20th century with NO RESTITUTION.

Rosewood, FL
Springfield, IL
James Island, SC
Southside Chicago, IL
Pennlyn, PA

Just name a few.

beakerkin said...

Nanc is in no description a homophobe. Nor is merely being against Gay marriage homophobic.

Most Gays are like Justin and Rob and live ordinary lives and earn a higher per-capit income than straights. They have never asked for or neaded afirmative action. They face much more discrimination than Uptown ever did, they just don't cry about it all day.

uptownseteve said...


I'm still waiting for you to explain how gays face more discrimination than blacks.

Heck, a white gay prostitute got a press pass to a White House briefing.

Certified black journalists have a hard time getting one.

nanc said...

my gay cousin retired from the blm at the age of 48 at right around 60k per year...that's not too shabby.

beakerkin said...

How about asking Gay men with the BS they put up with every day. You want to cry about the N-word, try listening to the names gays are called.

Gays manage to do quite well in the job market and face much more discrimination and abuse then anyone else. They do not cry for special quotas. There is no need for a gay box on applications.

Still looking for handouts Uptown, but you are just a Frankfort school
victimology Red. Eliminate race on all forms, don't ask don't tell.

uptownseteve said...


You still haven't explained how gays experience more discrimination than blacks.

Patricularly when ones sexual orientation is only an issue when that individual makes it one.

I see what going on here.

I provide links which prove that subtle racial discrimination still thrives in America and your brain shuts down and you go into rant mode.

Classic righty move.




Hell, if you ever actually THOUGHT for yourself, I think you'd go into shock.

beakerkin said...

Uptown lets assume that there is discrimination. The remedy is not to impose new discrimination via the court system or Marxist accademic star comittees. However, if you want to use statistics as a basis for discrimination where are the Conservative Professors. Why are Marxists exponetially over represented in college faculty.

Try asking a Gay person about the idiocy that they go through each and every day. Better yet ask a gay black person yourself.

Most Black people do not cry victim. They work raise kids and do not live 24/7 expecting handouts.

uptownseteve said...


You're the one who is ranting about "new discrimination", "victimology" and "handouts".

I don't care if all Affirmative Action programs were terminated TODAY.

They never helped that many people anyway and most of the ones that were helped were white women.

I'm merely reflecting the reality of race in America.

Sorry if the truth offends you.

beakerkin said...

Uptown you are not reflecting the reality of race in America. African Americans excell in every field in spite of people like you crying victim every two seconds.

Most people do not care about race.
You are obsessed with race, but when a genuine KKK nut show up you say zero. When Ducky or John Brown use racial epithets you are silent.The reason is Uptown your real color has always been red. Ducky is your classic communist and you are the victimology brand.

It should be illegal to ask about race in University admissions, job aplications and crime statistics.

uptownseteve said...


How do gays experience more discrimination than blacks?

Please explain.

beakerkin said...


Ask any gay person the names they get called. Those names are far more personal than the N word. Gays are the focus of much more hostility. Ask a gay black male and they will tell you themselves.

uptownseteve said...


"Those names are far more personal than the N word".

Oh jeez.

This is hopeless.

Beaker I see why you have this blog and why you hate it when sane people come here.

You're a freakin wacko.

You got your wish.

I'm outta here.

For the weekend anyway.

Later nutcase.

beakerkin said...

Uptown describing himself as sane is the funniest thing I heard all day. As for the names Redtown mentioned that Caribs and Africans
will eventually be called the N-word.

Left unsaid is that many Caribs and Africans have a low opinion of African Americans. This may be a the result of recent immigrants absorbing the dominant culture or a genine reaction to something.

Visit Savage Justice he needs readers, we don't.

beakerkin said...

Lets see Ducky, maybe in your fantasy you can just have them sent to the Gulag as class enemies.
We can explore the Commie record on minorities at your lesiure Comwad. Stick with film Duncy, Commies and reality are a poor match.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"Ebony" comes from the English word for the black wood of the ebony tree, as passed down from the ancient Egyptian word "hbnj. Aha! A name with African etymology!

"Latonya" combines the French article "the" with the feminine form of "Anthony" (Antonia), from the Roman Antonius. Not African.

"Kenya" is a nickname form of the Russian Innokentiy, from the Roman Innocentius. "Kenya" is also the Anglized form of the name of the African nation named for Jomo Kenyatta, who assumed power once Britain gave independence to "British East Africa." I'd say this one has a tenuous African etymology, based on if "Kenya's" parents were KANU party loyalists.

"Latoya" is simply the Spanish feminine article "the" combined with the Spanish nickname variant of Victoria. Not African.

Not many things called "Afro-centric" actually are, are they?

Anonymous said...

Beak, I agree. Race shouldn't be counted in company and university statistics.

And preferences are often unfair and ridiculous. If you are a white South African who moved to America, for example, you are not allowed to check the "African American" box on a racial/ethnicity form. However, a black person from the Caribbean who moved to America can do it. Similarly, people from South America who are as fully descended from Europeans as any white American, can check the box marked "Hispanic" and get special privileges because of this.

This is not by any means to criticize Caribbean blacks and white South Americans per se, but the racial preference system itself is very broken, and needs to be fixed and/or eliminated altogether.

nanc said...

it's called poor credit, plucky - my WHITE sister-in-law and WHITE brother-in-law also qualify for a home loan in californistan with a combined credit score of 650 at a much higher interest rate - la ta ta dum - the catch? poor or no credit. same goes for credit cards and the like.

and btw - with that rotten credit rating and the fact that they don't make 50g between them - they seem to qualify for a $250,000 home with payments at about $2,200 per month with - AHA - no down payment.

what do you have to say about that?

nanc said...

just as i figured.

The Merry Widow said...

KuhnKat- The idea is to eliminate the middle class! Go back to Greece and Rome and study WHY the middle class was DESPISED by the elitists and envied by the NON-WORKING poor! Then you will understand why things are going the way they are! Where I live now, used to be home owners who either worked at the base near meas contract workers or up at the Cape, well guess what? It is very desireable oceanfront property now. And there is a quiet word out now, that the reason our insurance rates are being so badly inflated and why our property taxes are skyrocketing, is bcause some very big developers would love to force a selloff by those who cannot afford to live here anymore. Couples who are now retired and are on fixed incomes, young families starting out and those who work at the Cape or on base! Middle-class! I live in a house my parents bought in 1957, they paid $17,500 for it. I can sell it for around $250,000, that is down from $325,000 a couple of months ago! Small condos are going for $450+ and don't ask what those properties are doing to our property taxes! Who can afford to buy a place and pay the taxes? Not the middle class. I wouldn't be surprised if a developer started going around making offers soon, we will be priced out of the area! After living in Californiastan for 8 1/2 yrs. I know the quandry, buy a house OR have children, not both! It's ridiculous!
Good night, G*D bless and Maranatha!


uptownseteve said...

hi beak

I decided to check your blog before I settled in tonight to see if anyone cared if I existed.

tee hee

solid surfer sez

"However, a black person from the Caribbean who moved to America can do it (check the African-American box.)"


First off, what applications specify an "African-American" box or category?

All I've ever seen have boxes for black, white/caucasion, non-white hispanic, Native American or Asian/Pacific Islander.

How can a non-citizen from the Carribean classify themselves as an American????

"Similarly, people from South America who are as fully descended from Europeans as any white American, can check the box marked "Hispanic""


White people of Spanish descent check the white box every time.

In South Florida there are clear distinctions between white hispanics, brown hispanics and black hispanics.

"and get special privileges because of this."

WHAT freakin special privileges???


uptownseteve said...


You're wrong again.

Blacks and Hispanics get higher mortgage rates than whites with the same credit ratings.

uptownseteve said...


Obviously you can't name these so-called "special privileges" for minorities.

You clowns are pathetic.

nanc said...

the nyt! you still read that after the jayson blairwitch debacle? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!

beakerkin said...

Hey Chumptown try applying for a Federal Job. The Federal Government asks for race on all applications, Try applying for a job in NYC government Chumptown. Try applying for a college, taking a regent, SAT. Many private employers ask for racial descriptions.

Why should a recent African American immigant get preferential treatment fom day one. Caribean people were not enslaved in this country and there is zero reason for them to get any extra benefits.
Have you personally experienced Jim Crow? What have you done to warrant a special treatment? I do not want to hear about relative or legacy.

It should be illegal for goverenment or Universities to ask
applicants about their race.

beakerkin said...

Speaking of unwanted guest take a hike. You promised to leave months ago. Nobody twisted your arm, but it is apparent you do not honor your word. You call other people LIARS, but you are the greatest liar of them all.

Are you going to honor your word and leave or do I have to resume moderation. You will leave one way or another. Three hundred comments of monfocused racial stupidity is enough. You sound like a broken record always the victim and always wanting a hand out.

Sorry Uptown, hands outs are over.
people should compette on their own merrits. Nobody owes you anything and you have to compette with everyone else.

Paraphrasing Mark Levin "Get off my blog you dope". Vistit John Brown he needs readers. I do quite well without your monofocused racial victimology.

uptownseteve said...


"Why should a recent African American immigant get preferential treatment fom day one."

There is no such thing as a RECENT African-AMERICAN IMMIGRANT, you idiot.

It's an oxymoron.

A recent IMMIGRANT is not an AMERICAN!!!!

Are you people for real???

"Have you personally experienced Jim Crow? What have you done to warrant a special treatment?"

I'm still waiting for you to detail all this "special treatment" that I'm getting.

Hell, I'm still trying to understand why of all the racial murders in NYC over the last two decades (Michael Stewart, Willie Turks, Yusef Hawkins, Michael Griffith), YANKEL ROSENBAUM'S (an Australian Immigrant) family gets a million dollar damage award from the city?????

beakerkin said...

Lets see the police failed to maintain order in the middle of a protracted three day riot. The other incedents were spontaneous.
Moreover, there was an effort to find everymember of the mobs in the other cases. Only Lemerick Nelson was charged. Price was charged many years later.

Legal immigrants from Africa are called African Americans you dullard. This is comon sense to anyone with an IQ.

beakerkin said...

Chumptown you want to say that Blacks recive zero special treatment in college admissions or applying for jobs.How many NYT reporters were hired without a diploma. A white person without an elite diploma would not even warrant an interview.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


How many NYT reporters were hired without a diploma. A white person without an elite diploma would not even warrant an interview.

Only at a leftist employer, such as the NYT. Leftism's the only pole people who actually believe people with dark skin are inherently inferior and need charity to be equal to the master race tend to hang out in large numbers, be they leftists like Hitler or leftists like Stalin.

uptownseteve said...


"Lets see the police failed to maintain order in the middle of a protracted three day riot."


Crown Heights was the first and only race riot in New York???

In 1974 my friend Darrell Fisher was beaten to DEATH by a white mob in the Mt Carmel section of the Bronx and my friend Jimmy Carson lost his eye in the same attack.

NOBODY was ever charged or prosecuted.

A white mob surrounded Yusef Hawkins in Bensonhurst when he was car shopping and after Joe Fava shot and killed him, the people of the neighborhood helped him get away and whisked to upstate NY where he was eventually captured after a week.

"Moreover, there was an effort to find everymember of the mobs in the other cases. Only Lemerick Nelson was charged."

Nelson was the only one who killed Rosenbaum.


uptownseteve said...


"How many NYT reporters were hired without a diploma."

Pete Hamill.

Mike McAlary.

Neither one even attended college.


uptownseteve said...

Karl Rove doesn't have a college degree.

Neither does Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Don Imus.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

And Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Don Imus work for the New York Times?

Really, Uptownseteve, this is whimsically insane. I realize that as a leftist, you're wholly unfamiliar with how to convince intelligent people that brain activity occurs within your skull, but damn. Follow along with your finger if you must.

beakerkin said...

Rush Limbaugh, Hannity or Don Imus do not work at the NYT. Try to stay relevant. Rove is not even in media and even more irrelevant.

The two Journalist you named were from earlier eras. The only reporter at the NYT without an elite degree was Jason Blair.

Wrong on Crown Heights, but we have been over this. The Dinkins adminisration allowed a three day pogrom against Jews. The other incedents were spontaneous.

Lemrick Nelson was part of a mob screaming GET THE JEW. Any claim that he was acting alone is a blatant lie.

uptownseteve said...


"Are you going to honor your word and leave or do I have to resume moderation."

Do what you will beak.

My toes will still be tappin'.

"Three hundred comments of monfocused racial stupidity is enough."

But beak, your last two threads were race topics.

It's so obvious that you just don't want to hear any opposition.

"You sound like a broken record always the victim and always wanting a hand out."

Right beak.

Just keep repeating it over and over.........



You guys would make great cult members.

beakerkin said...


Hamill never worked for the Times read his bio.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I'm still waiting for Uptownseteve to apologize to the Welsh community for saying "Shaniqua" is an Afrocentric name.

beakerkin said...


Mike McAlry also was never employed by the New York Times. He was a Daily News writter who also worked for the Post for a spell.

Get your facts straight you dimwit

uptownseteve said...


The point was that a college degree is not a requirement for media membership.

Talent is the main trait that's sought and by all indications, Jayson Blair was a talented journalist.

His problems arose from drug abuse and a lack of character.

uptownseteve said...


McAlary was hired by a major NY newspaper without a college education though, right?

Your assertion was that blacks get special favors like being hired by reputable media institutions without college degrees? Right?

Or are you trying to just focus on the NYT because of the Jayson Blair fiasco?

beakerkin said...

Wrong Chumptown

The NYT does not hire reporters without an elite college degree. The NYT will not even look at a reseme from a non prestigous school.

The other journalists are not relevant to the NYT hiring practices as they were never employed by the Times.

Another lie Veggietown forgets is that the money paid to the Rosenbaum family was a malpractice settlement. There were zero allegations of malpractice in the other cases. Nor were the other cases caused by any ineptitude by a mayor who allowed a three day pogrom. Dinkins was a nice man, but a lousy Mayor. The press helped elect him in the wake of the Hawkins case and it killed him after Crown Heights.

beakerkin said...

The other journalists were never employed by the NYT and are not relevant in any discussion about NYT hiring practices.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I'm not going to give Uptownseteve a pass on the theft of Welsh culture by his "Afrocentric" marketing ploy. Shaniqua is a Welsh name. Get your own culture, you ingrate.

uptownseteve said...


So you're totally conversant with the hiring practices of the NYT?

Are you certain that Rick Bragg, a white NYT plagiarist, had a college degree?

beakerkin said...

Mr B

If the names Uptown listed are such an impediment to gainful employment don't give them to your kids. Why is it that genuine Africans with names like Boateng or Aerwole seem to get hired. Maybe Russet Shadows hit the nail on the head.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

And I'm not giving Uppy a pass on "Towanda" either. That's an Algonquian burial ground. A consecrated, sacred place for the tribal dead. Not a name to stigmatize culturally ignorant children with because their parents' knowledge of Africa peters out at the end of the last Kanye West CD.

Ingrates! Get your own culture!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

What's next, little black kids named "Graveyard" and "Cemetery?"

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Here's a purdy Afrocentric name:


uptownseteve said...


I know of some "Shaniquas" and "LaShawns" who have been hired as well.

The point was that resumes with "black-sounding" names are 50% LESS LIKELY to be responded to by hiring managers.

That means that there is an endemic disadvantage and impediment.

Still, we rise.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Yo man, I gots to get hooked up. Let's roll down to Mailbox's house and see if my dawg Firehydrant is thar.

uptownseteve said...


Can you provide a link which corroborates your name origin assertions?

I'll wait patiently.

beakerkin said...

Those names are not African. I work with plenty of African immigrants and I have not seen those names. I see plenty of Esthers and Ruths among African immigrants. Then again Africans do not have your anti-semitic hang ups.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Sheeeet! Man I ain't seen DeOdorant 'round here in a minute. Last time I saw him he was jackin' a stereo out of Polyurethane's car.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

behind the name has a bunch, you can google others.

uptownseteve said...


"Then again Africans do not have your anti-semitic hang ups."

Damn beak.

Aren't an awful lot of Africans of the Islamic faith?

I guess that FACT doesn't help your present argument.

tee hee

uptownseteve said...


I checked your link.

"Shaniqua" is categorized as an "English Modern" name.

As in contemporary American black.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Let's not forget my larger point.

You had no idea Shaniqua was a Welsh name. You think it's an "Afrocentric" name, and yet, you couldn't even give a vague reference to what part of Africa it came from.

It's because despite all your pomposity about black pride and celebrating your culture and heritage, you wouldn't know the difference between an African name and an ingredient in nail polish remover.

You're a fraud, and a theif.

uptownseteve said...

But kuhnkat,

Don't you guys regard Muslims as inherently anti-semitic?

Don't tell me you're changing up now.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"Shaniqua" is categorized as an "English Modern" name.

As in contemporary American black.

So "English Modern" is "contemporary American black" now? What happened to "Afrocentric?"


Follow the rest of the info. You see "Shaniqua" derives from "Shan" - look up "Shan" and you get "Sian"... to "John" to "Yochanon."

You know those flappy, wordy things in libraries? They're called books. You have to go beyond the first page. Same with the internet.

That lesson is free. Use it. Further development of your information processing skills may lead to a rejection of leftism.

beakerkin said...


We have been over what anti semitic is dozens of times, thanks K. This may come as a shock to you but many non Arab Muslims have a low opinion of Arabs.

Moreover, many of these non- Arab Muslims do not share your rabid anti semitic obsessions. The Africans with the name Ruth and Esther are almost always Christians.

beakerkin said...

DeOrdorant and Polyamorous sound like Uptown's Afrocentric names. This is rather absurd as I see plenty of Ebeneezers and Ezekiel from Africa as well but no Shaniqua's

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Here comes my brutha Hubcap now. 'Zup, Cap? You still datin' Propecia?

uptownseteve said...


"It's because despite all your pomposity about black pride and celebrating your culture and heritage, you wouldn't know the difference between an African name and an ingredient in nail polish remover."

Beamish, the names of my wife, sons, brothers, sisters and cousins are all very American.

Steve, Sharon, Kevin, Nick, Cheryl, Craig, Mark, Wayne, Denise etc...

Black pride is about alot more than Afro-centric names.

However I'm all in favor of black folks giving their children names that they like and that reflect their creativity, individualism and Afro-centrism.

Be for real fool.

You don't know any white folks named Shaniqua or DeShawn and neither do I.

I do know a white woman named Shalamar though.

nanc said...

then please tell me what kind of name "sheree tyree" is?

nanc said...


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Naw man, I bounced Propecia to the curb. Now I kick it with Appendectomy.

beakerkin said...


Lets see creative names like Metamucil Jones on a resume are a sure fire way to get hired, not

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Don't blame me, Uptownseteve.

I asked you for examples of "Afrocentric" names and you sounded off with Welsh, Algonquian, French, Spanish, and Persian names.

Admit it. "Afrocentric" is a illusive marketing concept, and much like Bill Clinton's middle class tax cuts, four-sided triangles, and history books containing evidence that leftists are physically capable of rational thought, "Afrocentric" can't be found in reality.

It ain't real. So, be for real yourself. Apologize to the ethnic groups you slandered by claiming their contributions to etymology came from Africa.

Ingrate! Get your own culture!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"Shalamar" is an ancient Hindu name.

nanc said...

cut me some smack bruthas - that's the best i could come up with on long notice...

nanc said...

i thought shalomar was a candy bar - oops - my terrible - that's malomar!

uptownseteve said...


I admit to my culture theft.

I named my fish "Herschel".

uptownseteve said...


"Admit it. "Afrocentric" is a illusive marketing concept, and much like Bill Clinton's middle class tax cuts, four-sided triangles, and history books containing evidence that leftists are physically capable of rational thought, "Afrocentric" can't be found in reality."


beamish, here's some very intelligent advice.

Take some prozac.

nanc said...

okay - i've done a little culture thieving also - my beta is named "finster" - what the hell are you talking about, seteve?

nanc said...

beamish on prozac?


(((Thought Criminal))) said...


"Herschel" is a nickname for the Yiddish word for "deer" (Hirsh).

Maybe your fish looks like a deer to you, but it's not cultural theft unless you think "Herschel" is something other than a Yiddish name.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God Beak! I haven't stopped by in a while, but is this what its come to? You, posting your little heart out, and running up hundreds! of comments back and forth between you and and 6 or 8 FPM exiles, together with a random smattering of true lunatic regulars?

Why Beak? WHY?!?

Hank Snow

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Hank Snow,

It's bad form to jump in and start casting insults at people you don't know. I've never posted on the FPM forums in my life. I'm here via the now defunct Moonbat Central blog. Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Mr. Beamish the Instablepundit, a student of history stumped by the question "Have leftists ever exhibited signs of higher brain function?"

And you?

beakerkin said...


We do not need extra readers and you may take Veggie Town with you. Nanc, Farmer John and Morgan are the only regulars with an FPM connection.

Leftists dimwits are drawn to this site like catnip. Do we talk about race on this blog? No unless Homey the Clown from the Marcuse victimology department shows his ugly oversized bobble head.

We do not talk about race here. In reality we are less bigoted than far left dolts like yourself. Has the staff at Beth Israel removed Batya's boots from your posterior yet.

Hang out with your friend the criminal mental patient Socrates.
How is it that an alleged Scientist
could not figure out an impostor for years? Either you aren't quite as smart as you think you are or you willing let an ally pull a ruse. Jeff Bargholz also figured out Prof Meathead was an impostor.

Anonymous said...

For originality the award goes to the woman who named her baby while Kennedy lay in State in the Capitol.

"George Washington Rotunda Brown"

True Story really.

Put that on a application and watch the eyebrows.


nanc said...

i'm no exile. i prefer the smaller blogs, hank - more personal and sincere. is your envy slip showing?

beakerkin said...


Hank is a serial liar and a first class dolt. He claimed to have two blogs but failed to mention where they are. His attempt to satire his betters was lame and attracted a whose who of the criminally insane, Soc Clones, John Brown, 167, Janice, Uptown and perhaps Duncy who should not be linked with the criminally insane.

He has found his element.

The Merry Widow said...

I prefer a livingroom discussion with knoshes and drinks, a few good friends and a few laughs! We like our community and the neighbors pick up after themselves, it's the drive by vandals who trash the place!
