Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Beak and his critics

This blog has no shortage of critics, in fact we have them in abundance. When we first started out 167 laughed at this tiny space. However while the commie 167 has been through four blogs all with no adudience we have grown. The secret is we design fresh content daily, with interviews, book reviews and posts that you won't see elsewhere. The outraged commies draw more readers to the comments section. We have had a few disgruntled Muslims, but they are few and far between.

All of my critics are failed bloggers with no blogs or ones with miniscule readership. Take the deranged Weazie who lusts for Nanc. Maybe Ducky will visit or the criminally insane Socrates with his 1001 writers hack personalities will vist.
There is Gertie the efeet verbose fop from the UK. Nobody reads his posts not even his halfwit pal Greg. Had Greg actually read his friends blog, he would have figured out Gert is an antisemite and a Communist long ago. Did I mention Greg is a halfwit?
John Brown gets more readers imitating me than his idiotic blog. Where are John Brown's readers? Lets see there is Renegade.... there is Renegade... He has no readers even with free publicity in NY Indy Media still no reader.

Then there is Uptown Steve the dullard in the Marxist Special Ed class. He doesn'thave the brains to set up a blog, we hear excuses. As far as his fantasy of fighting racism he has ignored KKK types at FPM in favor of anti-semitic diatribes.
This blog doesn't deal with race. African Americans like all other types have their good and bad members. However, those that excell do not do so by making excusesand pointing their finger of jealousy at others. Thus if Lashawn, Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams and Larry Elder disagree with Uptown and Black Commentator they are traitors to Uptown. No all of the above are Americans who think for themselves. Unlike Noam Chimpanzee and Michael Lerner who are still quoting Marx.

I do not include the Duck on this list. He is a looser, but has some social skills unlike the rest.

While my critics toil in obscurity this blog continues to grow. We laugh at the Comwads and halfwit critics, including Greg. Keep reading and if we have said anything to offend you comwads reread it again, I meant every word. Greg you were not called a Communist just a halfwit and a dullard so do not cry. I think by now you should have gotten used to being called a halfwit.

I am an American and a JEW. I do not put up with Marxist crap or guilt trips from the sons of Jihad or collectivist genocidal theives. Those of my kind who indulge Jihadi and Commie idiocies are Ameritoooooons and Joooooooos.

I want to note that while I have the disdain for Commiesand halfwits, I respect patriotic dissent. If a person comes to this blog and says I love my country, but this war is wrong I respect that. Rob Bayn's dissent is in that mode and should be treated and answered at length. Commies do not get that treatment because of who they are.

All you Commies, read the Crankfiles and vote Beamish in 08.


Mad Zionist said...

What ever happened to that resident moslem, Anus McTurd? She gave me a big laugh whenever she used to happen by.

beakerkin said...


Evidence is pointing towards the fact that John Brown and Anum Muhktar are one in the same person.
The responses came from Brooklyn and Muhktars links and KKK Klan watch are the same.

Felis shredded the Koran quotes with ease. I was able to debunk that this person was a Baluchi with fairly basic problems. Moreover, the pictire Anum Muhktar used was easily found googling Indian Women. Baluch women do not dress in the clothing in the picture.

uptownseteve said...


When are you going to get over this obsession with me?

And, more importantly, when are you going to ever tell the truth.

The few blacks that you actually speak well of are lauded as "not making excuses, finger pointing or jealousy".

This is garbage beaker.

Idenitfying the still present anti-black racism in America is not excuse making or finger pointing.


And non of you rightwing Jews have yet to explain why any black person should be jealous of any white or Jew.

If you can explain it, I'm all ears beak.

And of course the Jews you hate couldn't possibly be independent thinkers who don't engage in finger pointing or excuse making.

THEY'RE Marxists.

I love how you think.

One a lighter note, I've been checking out Steve Gilliard's blog lately.

Brother is a firebreathing, post black nationalist hero.

Slicing and dicing, righties, racists, uncle toms an neo-cons with strength, wit and passion.

His threads regularly received HUNDREDS of comments whereas your blog never attracts more than the same 5 or 6 boneheaded losers (nanc, florian, johnnymac, beamish and a couple of others).

Aren't you jealous?

tee hee

The Merry Widow said...

Beaker- It's crawling out of the sewer again! I guess I'm a bonehead, is that better than being a hairbrain?


beakerkin said...


You are on the staff but I have zero idea what you are talking about. However an advocate for class genocide should be the last to point fingers.

Funny Uptown, maybe I have spent more time in the inner city than you. Tell me about men and women who work two jobs and go to Church.
They do not blame the white man, but they do the best for their families. Those people are heroes be they Black, Asian or Latino, next to them you are a nobody. You are just another victims rights Marxist who thinks the world owes him something. The world owes nobody anything, grow up.

beakerkin said...

In reality far left people like Ducky and Uptown are the new Archie Bunkers. I have never seen anything like this.

beakerkin said...

That is funny but he could have gotten that off this blog.

uptownseteve said...


I used to give you credit for at least being an original moron.

Now you've resorted to ranting tired old rightwing slogans.

Look pal, I have no reason to "blame" white people for anything.

I live better than most and white folks call me "Sir" everywhere I go.

I'd be willing to bet a limb that you've never spent any significant time in a black urban neighborhood in your life.

If so, which one?

What street?

uptownseteve said...

I get it now.

Beaker is going to the "liberals are the new Archie Bunkers" tactic.

Now, maybe you can reconcile that with your "the more white blacks have in them, the better they look" remark.

I can't wait to hear this.

uptownseteve said...

Notice how neither beaker, florian or FPM have mentioned a word about George Allen's "macaca" racist rant.

Notice how they all wiggled and made excuses for Mel Gibson's vulgar anti-semitism.

Is there any doubt that if Allen or Gibson had been black and said the same things that florian, FPM and beak would have been howling at the moon????

I love exposing your hypocrisy.

THAT's why you hate me beak.

uptownseteve said...

Notice how neither beaker, florian or FPM have mentioned a word about George Allen's "macaca" racist rant.

Notice how they all wiggled and made excuses for Mel Gibson's vulgar anti-semitism.

Is there any doubt that if Allen or Gibson had been black and said the same things that florian, FPM and beak would have been howling at the moon????

I love exposing your hypocrisy.

THAT's why you hate me beak.

uptownseteve said...


I appreciate your civility.

beakerkin said...


I am not obligated to comment on every story. We did zero posts on the Duke Rape case.

Number two are you brandishing a weapon at the people calling you sir. FYI this is common in customer service so don't get a head trip.

uptownseteve said...

I know you're not obligated to comment on every story.

That wasn't the point beaker, and you know that.

THE POINT was that had Allen and/or Gibson been black you, florian and FPM would have ran ranting screeds for DAYS.

"brandishing a weapon"???

Going lowbrow these days, huh beak?

uptownseteve said...

Lost most it's sting with whom?

Andrew Young just lost his job for racially insensitive remarks.

But Bill Bennett, George Allen and Mel Gibson all still have their gigs with very little fallout.

Can anybody explain the discrepancy here?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


At least your trolls don't email you death threats and rant that you're an Israeli spy.

I just found out I'm an Israeli spy yesterday.

uptownseteve said...

What do you call people who mindlessly rant cliches and slogans and whose brains go into neutral when they are asked direct questions?


beakerkin said...

Isreali Spy that is insane.

Uptown you have me confused with someone else. The only Hollywood Celebrity that gets bashed by me is Shaun Penn who is white.

The brandishing a weapon was meant as a joke. You clearly are unskilled labor and muggers and three card monty men have skills.

This blog doesn't and never has dealt race. It isn't a topic that intrests me.

uptownseteve said...


YOU brought up race during your topic.

You remember don't you?

The good blacks like LaShawn, Walter Williams and Sowell excell, don't blame whitey, love God, mom, old glory and apple pie.

The rest of us sling crack, want handouts, brandish weapons at convenience stores etc....

BTW neither Andrew Young, George Allen or Bill Bennett are actors.

Nice attempt at diversion though.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Beamish, can you prove you have a job?

Yes, but doing so would jeopardize this currently entertaining time-space continuum. Just squint back to that time you got a wedgie in 3rd grade. Yeah, I'm a mean time traveler.

uptownseteve said...

farmer john

"The good blacks don't give their race a second thought..."

Yeah right.

That's why Barber, Sowell and Williams made their reputations being blacks who gleefully slander the black community for the pleasure of racist whites....LOL!

uptownseteve said...

farmer john

Sorry pal.

There have always been black intellectuals.

Dubois, Cruse, Fanon, Hooks, Loury, Marable, Reed....the list goes on and on...

The reason why people like you laud Sowell, Walter Williams et al is because they corroborate your white racism.

It's very soothing to white righties to have black people regurgitating their warped views of the black community.

They become "credits to their race".

uptownseteve said...

farmer john

Any examples of my "black racism"?

uptownseteve said...

farmer john

Stop ranting a second and answer my questions.

Can you produce an example of my so-called "black racism"?

Can you produce any statement from me that would indicate that I "live in the past"???

I'll wait patiently for an answer to THOSE questions.

uptownseteve said...

Oh well.

Looks like farmer's not going to answer me.

Go figure.

uptownseteve said...

No black humans farmer?

uptownseteve said...

any white racists farmer?

Or in your sick mind, just black ones?

That is, any black who says things that make you angry.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Black history lesson.

Dan Zaremba said...

You're a devious man.
You enjoy doing it, don't you. ;-)

beakerkin said...


These yokels fall for it every time they can't help themselves.
If I pull out a loaf of bread Uptown screams race.

Now Ducky is quoting Dubois who was a full blown Communist and praised Nazism. Fanon's Marxism is well known. Last week he claimed Bat Ye'or's scholarship is worthless because she is an "AIPAC"
tool. So if the Duck is going to dismiss scholarship due to political leanings Commies go first.

beakerkin said...


Do Check out Thomas Sowell's accademic credentials. They exceed Noam Chimpanzee and likely Dubois.

nanc said...

oh, nevermind!

uptownseteve said...

nah kuhnkat,

YOU lied.

BTW, I thought you righties regard sexual harrassment as "victimology".

I guess it's like everything else with you clowns.


What's that about an "inflatable doll"?

Are you harrassing me?

uptownseteve said...


"Do Check out Thomas Sowell's accademic credentials. They exceed Noam Chimpanzee and likely Dubois."

How so beak?

Don't worry.

I don't expect an answer.

beakerkin said...


you can look the credentials up for yourself. Chimpanzee is a linguist, he has zero training in history, political science or market basic. The circumstances of his PHD are rather murky.

Sowell's credentials speak for themselves and exceed Chimpanzees.

Dubois was a Communist and praised Nazism. Those are just inconvenient facts and remember Sowell is an accademic who has published plenty. Dubois was a clown who was more of an embarassment. You would need to read beyond Black Commentator to know the truth about Dubois.

Uppie tommorow there will be no comments. I am sick of your racial
nonsense polluting my pages.

Uptown has joined psychic friends network. He can now predict what we will post on. Take a hike, get your own blog and show some class.
Nobody cares if you live or die. Nobody comes here to read your thoughts.

uptownseteve said...

farmer john,

"There are plenty of them (white racists) stevie. At times, I'm one."

Very good john.

At least you admit it.

Now tell me, at what "times" are you racist?

Serious question.

Anonymous said...

I am an American

Strike one!

and a JEW.

Strike two!

guilt trips from the sons of Jihad

Strike three!

Now its time to hold hands, drop some acid and sing kumbya.

uptownseteve said...


If you don't care whether I exist, why do you keep TALKING ABOUT ME on YOUR blog?

I'm merely responding to YOUR remarks and the remarks of your buddies. Few as they are.

You wanna talk credentials?

LaShawn Barber couldn't even pass the bar exam.

Any evidence of Dubois praising Nazism?

I bet you don't have any.

Dubois encouraged black Americans to volunteer for military service and fight tyranny abroad. Thus proving themselves as loyal Americans worthy of all the rights inherent with citizenship.

Why do you just make stuff up?

uptownseteve said...


John McWhorter is a linguist as well but he has written books on race and politics.

Do you consider him out of his depth?

The righties and neocons are the power in government currently (at least for another few weeks anyway).

Why aren't people like Chomsky, Lerner, Franken, Tim Wise, Max Blumenthal, Barbara Ehrenreich and David Corn considered "independent thinkers"?

nanc said...

i'm a woman!

strike one...

i'm a woman!

strike two...

i'm a woman!

strike three...

G-d, i love being a woman!

where else can one strike out and still come out ahead! yeeeehaw!

nanc said...

that was a good idea purple avenger...

uptownseteve said...

Strike One!

You're an American.

Strike Two

You're a dark-skinned person of Indian descent.

Strike Three

You're called a monkey and welcomed to the "real world of America" by a brain-dead, bigoted Republican Senator.

Who STILL plans to run for President!

uptownseteve said...

Wrong again kuhnkat.

First off, I don't have a blog.

Don't want one.

I enjoy visiting blogs and websites to debate and get information.

This is far from the only site I visit.

It does seem like the righty sites are the only ones where opposing views are unwelcomed and censored.

nanc said...

now turn that around uppity, go to daily kos and see just how long you don't last.

better yet, go ask donal how many times she's been booted from d.u. for being honest.

the right has NO chance at a left blog and you know it. nearly all who post here have been banned, censored or booted from fpm - the rightest blog on the planet and have had to go through an act of congress to get back on. how many times have you, eggnesto, little dubby, and the like been banned?

you are a bunch of twisted kissarses and know just what cards to play - we're just not that devious.

elmers brother said...

Conspiracy Brother wasssuuuppppp!

nanc said...

you're a whiner, uppity - whining about every little thing, "they won't play nice with me" "they called me names" "they don't like me". you cannot get by on your own merit so you rag the rest of us. it'd be a cold day in hell before i'd e-mail beak to complain on your nasty arse or anybody else's. that takes no style or grace - right or left.

wah - wah - wah - you had the baby and now you want to get married.

nanc said...

guess it'll be a couple of weeks before we hear from him again! the truth always hurts.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't people like Chomsky, Lerner, Franken, Tim Wise, Max Blumenthal, Barbara Ehrenreich and David Corn considered "independent thinkers"?

Because they couldn't pass a Turing test would be my guess.

Warren said...

Beak said:
"If I pull out a loaf of bread Uptown screams race.

I'll bet its "White" bread!

Ducky, you're such a dim witted ass. That offer to buy you a clue still holds. Can you actually prove your homo sapiens, I haven't seen any sign of it so far. I'd guess Homo habilis.

When de rebolution come, whitey be callin lil' stevie, massa! (I'll still be calling him a pig).

Dan Zaremba said...

By the way, do you accept any of the theory that the Jesuits were in fact trying to upgrade the Spanish legal system during the Inquisition to avoid even worse wholesale slaughter?

Just for the record:

Jesuits? Spanish Inquisition???
Good Lord. Talking about ignorant, primary school mythology!
Spanish Inquisition was founded in 1478 and Jesuits in 1540 to deal with missionary work as well as education and later with reformation of Catholic church.
Link 1
Link 2

uptownseteve said...

farmer john

"I become a racist every time somebody orders me or my family to give someone else's kids special treatment because their ancestors are "special"."

And when is this farmer?

Affirmative Action has all but been dismantled.

But white favortism continues on as it always has.

beakerkin said...


I am not here to comment on every one of your inane points. Author Daniel Flynn did a whole Chapter on Dubios in Intellectual Morons.

Dubois termed the Nazi predudice towards Jews " reasoned predjudice"
"based on ecconomic fears". Dubois
and Nazism is covered on page 173 and 174.

You can also read the sections on Noam Chimpanzee in the same book or the anti Chomsky reader. However, you do not read books or check references so do not waste my time asking for them.

Warren you are 100% corrrect about the bread. Uptown also thinks that I select my toilet paper based on race. You use white toilet paper and flush sheets of color down the bowl.

Uptown you have been given more lattitude than Donal at DU or the Daily Kommunist. In fact you are still breaking your word.

uptownseteve said...


Stop the silliness.

YOU whine because I come here and you hate it.

uptownseteve said...


Stop it.

What "latitude" have you shown me?

Is this a place for debate or not?

uptownseteve said...

farmer john

Well for one, right here in Maryland last year one of the major manufacturers in the area, Sodexho, Inc, settled a discrimination lawsuit with black employees.

The case revealed endemic discrimination against black employees in hiring, promotion, scheduling and bonuses.

Bush sic his Justice Department on colleges which offer minority scholarships but they don't say jack about white ethnic scholarships or the fact that several historically black colleges, like UDC and Alabama State, offer white students free tuition!

beakerkin said...


Progressive is a code word for Commie. Commies should be under scruitiny 24/7 and deported for misbehavior.

Uptown, nobody cares if you live or die. You are too stupid to debate. Have you read the sections on Dubois yet or Chimpanzee. Take a hike. We do not discuss race 24/7 on this blog. Moreover, you seem to fail to honor your word like everyone else. When I tire of your antics you will be deleted.

Get your own blog and post on race 24/7.

uptownseteve said...


Calm down buddy.

I'll leave you alone, for awhile anyway.

But you don't look very good shrieking and whining because a poster says things that you don't want to hear and can't refute.

uptownseteve said...

Farmer John

Sodexho Inc is a major manufacturer in the liberal Washington, DC area.

If blatant discrmination like that exists in Washington is there any doubt it's going on in Texas, Mississppi and North Carolina?

And California, Florida and New York are no better.

AA is not "special treatment".

AA only levels the playing field that has always and continues to be tilted in favorm of white men.

Anonymous said...

right here in Maryland last year

That would be the same MAryland as the democratic stronghold People's Republic of Maryland?


uptownseteve said...

Yeah, with the Republican Governor.

Your point is what?

Anonymous said...

If blatant discrmination like that exists in Washington is there any doubt it's going on in Texas, Mississppi and North Carolina?

Since liberals have been scientifically proven by university studies as more racist than republicans, there probably is some "doubt".

uptownseteve said...

George Allen is a liberal?

uptownseteve said...

Tony (tarbaby) Snow is a liberal?

Bill (let's abort black babies and lower crime) Bennett is a liberal?

Anonymous said...

Your point is what?

That you're might be a hate blinded sub-moron leaps to mind as one of several possibilities. Then again maybe not.

Perhaps you're the next prophet and the rest of the whole planet is just wrong and deluded for not accepting your radiance and enlightnment. Then again maybe not.

uptownseteve said...

You righties are really amazing.

You HATE being challenged, don't you?

beakerkin said...


You aren't intelligent enough to raise a point, much less challenge anyone. We really do not talk about race on this blog. I do not share your obsession, kindly visit a blog that does share your obsession Savage Justice.

Unlike you I see people as an individuals and you are a jerk regardless of your race. Take a hike and visit a site that needs readers like Weazie. My site does not need traffic.

uptownseteve said...


You can insult me all you like.

It only makes you look like a petulant child.

The fact of the matter is that you, like most righties, are only interested in filibustering, with like-minded drones nodding their heads to your rants.

You can't deal with people who confront and refute your drivel with energy and strength.

I haven't been rude or hostile to you, this time around anyway.

You just can't deal with a strong, fearless black man taking apart your weak assertions.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I love being challenged. Think you could muster up a challenge for me?

I know it's short notice, and leftists aren't equipped for intellectual pursuits, but, could you try?

The Merry Widow said...

You want to talk about strong black men? I know several, one is married to a friend of mine. He SERVED his country in submarines for 22 yrs., he has been married(faithfully) to the same woman for longer, he has 2 daughters, he is a strong Christian man whose opinions I respect. Another is a retired AF Col., married, with 9 children, they homeschool, he is teaching his sons how to be men of honor, Christian, well spoken, doesn't use potty mouth(he grew up) his oldest 2 are in college. Neither of these men or their wives asks for any special priveledges, nor do they whine and complain, they are to busy doing and being to be whiners! They and others, I respect, I have none for you!


uptownseteve said...


Will you clowns please come up with some new material????

People who oppose your sick, racist, anti-muslim, zenophopic, jingoistic insanity are not whiners and complainers.

They're just not YOU.

And I thank God every day for THAT.

Dan Zaremba said...

Then we have missinglink who will now explain why the jesuits were imprisoned by the inquisition if they weren't in existence.

Please state you point clearly, and quote exact events.
I'll try to explain and we may have a discussion if you wish.
Smirking and and smart arse remarks don't make your arguments right and your 'facts correct'.
So far when you actually dare to mention any specificevents you only prove your history knowledge is on a primary school level.

The Merry Widow said...

KuhnKat- uppity has nothing new to say. He really doesn't have anything except ranting, raving, whining and name calling. You can't have a discussion with him, if you don't agree with him, you are and always will be wrong. Personally, I have more important tings to do, like spending some time in fellowship with ellow believers! Now that is invigorating!


The Merry Widow said...

Yesh, things, not tings and fellows not ellows! Pay attention, self!


beakerkin said...


135 comments all stupidity. Thank you for proving my point about who is obsessed with whom.

Anonymous said...

You HATE being challenged, don't you?

You don't challenge anything. You are however very entertaining in your dementia. I could take your schtick and use it verbatim at the Comedy Club and get howls of laughter all night long out of the crowd.

Warren said...

Missinglink said:
"So far when you (Ducky) actually dare to mention any specific events you only prove your history knowledge is on a primary school level."

That's one of the many reasons I call him Nostradumbass.

Lil' stevie said:
"Well for one, right here in Maryland last year one of the major manufacturers in the area, Sodexho, Inc, settled a discrimination lawsuit with black employees."

Signifing what?

Settling a discrimination suit is standard business practice to avoid bad publicity and costly lawyer fees. Discrimination suits are the modern equivalent of the protection racket.

There is no criminal or financial penalty for filing a false discrimination suite and the lawyers are always the winners.

Anonymous said...

Discrimination suits are the modern equivalent of the protection racket


uptownseteve said...

Morning guys.

Have fun yesterday fretting over lil ol me?

uptownseteve said...


The problem with your analysis is that there were reams of documented, certifiable PROOF that Sodexho discriminated against their black employees.

elmers brother said...

Uppity... I suggest medication...lots of it.

Warren said...

Lil' stevie said:
" warren

The problem with your analysis is that there were reams of documented, certifiable PROOF that Sodexho discriminated against their black employees.

So why did the plantiffs fold like a cheap lawn chair and settle?

And you saw these "reams" of documented certifiable "PROOF", right?

Very well, wise ass, lets play "your" game. Give me the links and prove it, Not he-said she-said crap but proof!

Or was it just more of your hyperbole?

Put up or shut up!

Quite frankly, I've been discriminated against far more by blacks than whites or latinos including death threats and refusal of service. I guess I could find a black racist on every cornor, if I squinted my eyes and looked hard enough!