Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Vermonters are not NYC clones.

Vermonters are very fond of nature and wild life. The like it sauted, broiled ,roast with great seasoning and the appropriate wine. I have yet to encounter the Woodstock refugees that NYC dolts think populate VT. Vermonters are not a cross between Ghandi and Grizzly Adams. They are down home folk who love to laugh at my misadventures.


Always On Watch said...

I grew up in the country. You're in for some surprises about wildlife, Beak. It's not as portrayed in the movies. Wild animals have claws and teeth, and their body odors as are their secretions and their tempers, especially when injured or threatened.

Anonymous said...

Haven't made it down to Bennington, eh Beak?

Esther said...

Sounds like an adventure -- enjoy!