Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Paradox of Vermont

Vermonters are just a wonderful people and it breaks my heart to hear them rail about the outsiders trying to ruin their way of life. Often I hear them wonder if I am really a NYC resident. Howard Dean, Bernie Sanders and Ben and Jerry are all transplants.

Vermonters are more libertarian then liberal. I prefer their anti war message to that of the Marxist swine in the big citties. "I wish we could bring our sons home".
No conspiracy theories, no stupid slogans and zero patience for the vile Communists.

Vermonters should be able to manage their own affairs and I am beging to believe in the Hillary rule. All elected officials should have to reside in a state for twenty years before running for office.

The reality of the Dean propoganda and the poverty I see daily is wide. There are plenty of homeless here and strugling families. Vermont is not Utopia but its people are warm and friendly and have looked after this lost NYC boy.Most of what I see in the locals is a left wing variant of libertarianism. Stay away from sin taxes and do not mess with hunting and fishing.


Esther said...

i absolutely love your reports and your take on Vermont life. This could be a book someday, Beak!

beakerkin said...


Great to hear from you. As long time readers are aware I am a moderate in reality. Many conservatives call me a liberal over my support for Civil Unions, Certain environmental issues and a
series of smaller issues.

In any other decade I would have been a Zell Miller/Scoop Jackson style of Democrat. Sadly the Democrats have allowed people like 167 a seat at the table. Anti-Semites , White Supremacist and Gay
(people who want to commit violence
) should have no seat at the table.
I have zero problems with a religious person saying I am hellbound as a non believer but the second that veers into violence
my patience ends.

Howard Dean and other Dems reluctantly dismissed the 167 staple the Jooos and Israel are behind the Iraq war. I do remember
the vast majority of liberals are sane like you and even Rob 95% of the time. However at what point do
people like the Chemist and Co going to step back and look at the anti-semitism and assorted other bigotries and say enough.

I like the Vermont style of liberal
and I wish I saw it more often

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Perhaps you could do an investigative report of what Vermonters think of Howard Dean since he became DNC Chairman and contracted a horrible case of verbal diarrhea.

Esther said...

LOL Mr. Beamish.

b, great post. While I don't think people should play devil's advocate with Beak just to get another position out there (especially if they don't believe it?!), I do agree that Beak should ignore those guys, which I've said to him as well. Good luck with the bar.

beakerkin said...

Esther B is my favorite liberal because he has a good heart. I wish there were more B, Kafkaesq and even Rob on the left. Still it bothers me somewhat when a blatant bigot is codled by liberals. There is also his fixation and excuses for Communism.