Thursday, October 12, 2006

Special Post A Limited interview with TMW on Life, God and Man

This will be an experimental mini interview where we discuss topics that we do not discuss with any frequecy. We sit and discuss the usual fare day in and day out but not today. We will discuss the abstract things that can not be measured.

Most of my readership is far more religious than I am. Thus I could have chosen nearly anyone except myself and the Duck. Most of us are familiar with TMW and her cheery upbeat personality. Today she will set the pace or try to make sense of recent events great and small.

This is a new format so there will be unexpected turns.

1 The heart of a true Christian

I was rather pleasantly surprised at the overwhelming heartfelt joy when a long time reader embraced Christ. This person was always my friend before, but I was surprised at the overwhelming heart felt affection this friend recieved. I expected TMW and perhaps Warren to welcome a friend into the family. The overwhelmingly positive reaction with no reservations should be as no surprise to those who know true Christians.

Should I have been surprised by the overwhelmingly positive reception our friend recieved. Or is the welcoming people in part of what defines a true Christian.

2 On a practical level do you belive man can redeem himself?

3 Can you explai the elusive concept of "divine grace" for non-Christains?

4 Recent events on this blog have made me wonder if some of my Jewish bretheren have their brains in nuetral. Are Christians offended by Jews like MZ who are faithfull to the orthodox customs? I say this as some of us think our enemies come from the faithful. I remind all that the Marxist left has been venomously hostile to the Jewish people from the days of Marx himself.

5 I have rolled my eles as the far left has described religious Christians as stupid
supestitious intolerant people. Have you experienced this arrogance from the left as a religious person.

6 What are your views on religious art and music in ceremonies?

7 My view is that some clergymen forget what their job is. Their job is to meet the spiritual needs of the congregation. Is my customer service model of how Churches should opperate too simplistic.

8 Is the morass of anything goes moral relitivism in he dominant pop culture a problem in your daily life.

9 I have been learning from Native Americans that thier version of Utopia on earth is more or less a stressful small scale eaiser version of their historic . This is opposed to the " social justice " far left mafia mayhem gang or the brothel style fantasy found by some Muslims.

10 Is anyone talking about the lives of Christians in the Middle East who are fleeing in droves.


nanc said...

these are great questions, beak - i see you've put much thought into them. a couple are tricky for the average christian, but i'm sure tmw will pass with flying colors.

Anonymous said...


This is one person I respect and respect her belief's. She is no Psuedo Christian.

She truly is saved by Grace and walks in the full light of Faith.

"Blessed Be" TMW you truly are blessed by G*D.

The Merry Widow said...

First-The heart of a Christian, well I can't claim perfection. I have been known to jump the gun and go for the jugular. But, Jesus said that "We would be known by our love." Love is a choice, and when we choose it, we show the world what G*D is about. HE is not the Great Bogeyman in the sky waitting to thunk us upside the head! HE loves us and we show how much we are loved by sharing it!
The only reason you were surprised is that those of us who call ourselves after the Christ haven't always acted on or in that all encompassing, all consuming Fire of Love. That is our fault!
The Amish this last week have shown the world what the Love of G*D looks like!
As for the welcome, it's just the way family should act towards each other. It should be the norm.
Second-Only Daniel, Job and Noah were said to be so righteous in G*D's sight, that they could die for their own sins. Of course Enoch was taken into Heaven, along with Elijah. Now if we were all that perfected...we aren't, those men were specially gifted by G*D for a purpose. If we could keep all 10 Commandments we might be able to earn our way to Heaven. But, because of Original Sin, we can't, if we commit 1 little "harmless" sin G*D cannot look at us! If HE can't look at us because HE is so Pure, Holy and Righteous, we are lost. We have to depend on HIS solution to our situation, we can't pull ourselves out of the Pit, we need Someone outside to rescue us!
Here's a start, I'll get with the rest tomorrow. Good questions, Beaker, looking forward to thinking my way through them.


elmers brother said...

I love TMW. Good evening, G_d bless her and maranatha!

The Merry Widow said...

Third-Elusive, but very real, like the wind. You can't "see" it, but you can see the results! We live in a world that we can only sense with 5 physical senses. But there is a larger reality that we don't realize is affecting us or being affected by us. Divine grace is that realization that we can do nothing, good or bad, to change G*D's love for us. We can't "make" HIM love us more or less by what our actions. We can please or displease HIM, just as a child can please or displease a parent. Looking back on our lives, when we were growing up how many times did we blow it, with good intentions or out of childishness and we were not punished for what we did, but instead were told, "Let's go for an ice cream, or Let's go take in this movie."? we didn't deserve it, we deserved punishment. the withholding of earned punishment is mercy, the gift of time or something else we enjoyed when we didn't deserve that is grace! We can't buy it, it is a gift given because of love! I deserve to go to Hell, but G*D said I wasn't going, that's mercy. But then HE piled many things on me that I don't deserve, that are good and for my benefit or enjoyment(like money coming in to help with property taxes)that's grace!
Fourth- Heck NO! I remember a Messianic Jewish man came to my old church to lead us through the Passover, the whole church turned out! We were supposed to make reservations, which I had, but so many people came that they had to sit around the walls while the rest of us participated. Everything I am as a Christian is rooted and grounded in the beliefs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To repudiate or scorn that is to spit on my Savior! Why were so many wanting to come to the Seder? because to know and understand the Feasts and rituals is to get closer to G*D and understand HIS Ways better. In the New Testament we are told by Paul, especially in Romans, that the Jews are the "natural" children, we have been grafted or adopted into G*D's Plans and Purposes. "To the Jew first, then to the Gentiles." We love and appreciate(at least the "real" Christians) our "elder" brothers and give them the place and honor that is their due for holding the Faith!
Fifth-Unfortunately, we can be less than down to earth with others, so we can sound simplistic. And for a number of years, the thought was that "Real Christians" were to avoid higher education and the reading of deep philosophies or hard sciences. This led to the perception that only the uneducated or less intellectually able became Christians! We are starting to reclaim what we once were known for, education! Originally all the colleges in America were for the educating of preachers and doctors! We threw it away and the price we are paying is the perception that we are dumb yokels!
And yes, I have run into that perception quite a bit. I usually keep in mind our failures so it doesn't bother me, that much, but sometimes...
Sixth-I love music! Music and singinghelp when I pray, or when I am worshipping with my brothers and sisters. I have been transported in the spirit to the Throne Room of G*D! Art can cause me to contemplate the Greatness or Goodness of G*D, that brings me to a greater awareness of HIS Attributes. They very definitely has a place in worship!
Gotta run for a bit. Back with the rest later!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


beakerkin said...


I have to admit no surprise at your reaction. You have always welcomed those to return to the faith. Yet the overwhelming welcome
and genuine heart felt wishes were quite moving.

The Merry Widow said...

Beaker- I made a decision wayyyyyyyy back, shortly after I was married to live a transparent life! It isn't easy to keep at it! But before I became a Christian, I was a terrble liar, for 2 reasons, one-I did it ALL the time, even for no good reason, second- I was bad at it, I was always caught! When I decided to live transparently, I had to reorder my life. That was turning upside down all my relationships,and all my thought patterns! I had to live who I really was, and believe me, I didn't like myself at all! If the 10 commandments can be boiled down to 2, they would be; Love G*D with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself! How could I love another if I hated myself? I had to get over thinking I was a mistake, and believe me Satan had plenty to work with! the reason I was adopted was because I was removed from my natural home due to neglect. My birth mother was married, but her husband was not my father, so I was a shame and reminder to both of them of her unfaithfulness. The state removed me at 9 mons. old, I was in 5 foster homes before I was adopted at 18 mons., so I remember quite a bit of that time. And Satan had used that to really beat the crappe out of my psyche over the years! So the promises of G*D to never leave or forsake me are too precious to let out of my sight. MadZ or one of the others can remember where G*D said That if my mother forgot me, HE would take me up. HE DID! That is why the promise of Jesus that those who give up family, home or land for HIS sake will be rewarded with 100-fold more in this life! Each new brother or sister I run into is of infinite worth to me!


The Merry Widow said...

Thanks for the replies, guys!
Nanc- Ps.23, even to the valley of death!
Justin-My reply to Beaker will explain it!
EB-Energizer Bunny, you're going to make Heaven a "lively" place!


The Merry Widow said...

Beaker- Did my loooong reply to you come through?


beakerkin said...

TMW in many ways it a positive to be adopted. The family that adopted you obviously wanted you specifically.

This may sound odd but there is much truth too it. Anyone can father or give birth to a child but being a parent is different.

The Merry Widow said...

Beaker- It took me a long time to get that from my head to my heart! But it has taken up permanent lodging there, so it is part of what shaped me into the person I am, that is why I extend grace as much as possible. G*D has been so patient with me, that I have to return the favor to others, otherwise I'm walking all over what G*D has extended to me!
Now, onward,
Seventh- YES! Instead of emulating the Great Shephard WHO would lay down HIS life for HIS sheep, they are hirelings who are out to profit from the sheep. Instead of following a calling they are having a "career". The job of the shephard is to, go before the sheep and clear the harmful weeds from the pasture, heal and protect from parasites, fight the wolves, bears and lions who would come in and ravage the flock, go and rescue the lost, weak, sick or those who are heavy with a lamb. They have to count and account for the flock, lead to safety through rough places. It isn't consumerism(that's more the problem)but doing for the sheep what they can't do for themselves! And protect from those who would sneak into the fold and steal. It is a calling!
Eighth-Yes, in that I have to counter it with my daughter. She will be 16 next month, she is strong willed, hard headed, and just like her Daddy! I'm trying to save her a great deal of heartache and trouble, but she still is a little to enarmoured of the "world". We do have a great relationship and I pick my fights carefully, but I do ask G*D to sicken her of somethings she is fascinated with! HE's come through!
For myself, I am getting Homesick for Heaven and the world holds little of me, I grieve over the lost heritage that we sold for a bowl of bean soup. I'm sickened by the evil, hatred, violence and greed. But as long as I am here, I will persevere in fighting Evil and doing good! I get tired though.
Nineth-In a way they have part of the vision. Simplicity and relationships are less stressed and stressful when we lower our have's to needs and a few wants. I'm in the process of decluttering and getting rid of stuff in my life! So much I don't need that owns me! But True Heaven will come, it is our relationships with G*D and each other that can make earth ,Heaven or Hell!
Tenth-Yes there are organizations who are involved with the persecuted church. Voice of the Martyrs does a good job of reporting what is happening around the world, and it is horrendous! They also help with the families and medical care for survivors. Avenging Apostate, over at Pedestrian Infidel is an example of what is happening in the muslim world, I encourage anyone to go over and read his testamony, it is heartbreaking. His situation reminds me to pray for our brothers and sisters who live in fear and active persecution! May G*D have mercy, grant them strength and boldness in the face of the Adversary. Protect them and let them experience YOUR LOVE more fully I ask, in Jesus Name!

elmers brother said...

TMW - I love it when our church does the Seder. So many parallels to the life of Christ and it is moving often to the point of tears to participate.

I'd like to have a comedy club in heaven. Improv..Nanc,'re invited to perform.

Beak - You might be familiar with the Christian doctrine of adoption. We believe we've been adopted into God's family..Paul wrote about it.

beakerkin said...

I think I have posted about my older brothers seder on an aircraft carrier in Gukf war one.
There were a mere ten Jews but hundreds of others of others who attended that seder.

The Merry Widow said...

The interesting thing about adoption, and this goes back to the Christian concept. In the Law, you can disown a born child, but you cannot disown an adopted child! It really is a committment on the side of the adopter, the adoptee can turn out to be a total heartbreak and disappointment, but you can never say that that child isn't yours! For better or for worse. So for G*D to adopt us, HE's putting HIS Reputation and all HIS resources on the line! Some of us are quite a challenge, but HE commits HIMself anyway. WOW! What Love is this?


nanc said...

i must admit, at first i wasn't particularly fond of tmw - she reminded me of a pesky puppy and then she got under my skin. i've since made amends to her privately.

it did not compute that ANYBODY could be so good - i was wrong. she is one of the most joyful and uplifting people i've come across.

okay - now enough of the mushy stuff - if any y'all repeat this i'll deny i said it. i cannot afford any more defamation of my ill character.

beak - you made a very good choice in selecting tmw for this segment. although i sometimes disagree with her take - we can agree to disagree. she is quite amenable.

tmw - GREAT JOB! you are a genuine blessing to this community and any other you attend to. honestly, i am humbled in your presence.

now, i must go change my name.

nanc said...

elbro? if we can forget about the door...

The Merry Widow said...

Nanc- I'll never tell, my lips are sealed...ooops!
And I am not that good, ;p
I want to be a blessing, and I've always enjoyed your quirkiness, it's original, people who crack me up are high on my list of who do you want to meet in Heaven?
EB- Get your fanny in gear and go to the Ozarks, you'll be glad you did! NOW!


nanc said...

hey, not everybody is particularly fond of nanc at first either...just a feeling i have...

can you imagine the money we'd make off the video if you put elbro's family and nancfamily together for a day or four? why, we'd be rich - rich i tell you!

beakerkin said...


Much of it was confusion as I was a very early Moonbat Central poster
but moved here. This blog was much smaller in those days. We were attacked by 167 and his band of communist antisemites who were oddly gay. Warren and I had quite some adventures but kicked @$#%$.

The blog has evolved with the times
and has taken up time that would be spent at Monnbat or Bad Eagle.
It has become a community watering hole with unpredictable content.

We do annoy the hell out of certain people. Noted antisemite Gert had read for several months before he ventured in. His odd posts were writen under the name Beakerpoop. He has some strange obsession with bodyparts and functions.

There are many people who read reguarly but do not comment. I have a regular from Romania that stops by twice a day. There are random hits but I do have readers who read regularly but do not post.

nanc said...

warren said we had a visitor from tehran on his last firearms post - yikes!

nanc said...

p.s. farmer is working on making our 20,000 post.

beakerkin said...

I remember few Moonbat Central posters other than Mr Beamish and Redbeard. Rightminded was there as well, but MZ came later. I was there sporadically afterwards.

nanc said...

and now for a lighthearted moment:

"Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad calls President Bush and tells him, "George, I had a wonderful dream last night. I could see America, the whole beautiful country, and on each house I saw a banner."

"What did it say on the banners?" Bush asks. Mahmud replies, "UNITED STATES OF IRAN."

Bush says, "You know, Mahmud, I am really happy you called, because believe it or not, last night I had a similar dream. I could see all of Tehran, and it was more beautiful than ever, and on each house flew an enormous banner."

"What did it say on the banners?" Mahmud asks.

Bush replies, "I don't know. I can't read Hebrew."

Mad Zionist said...

TMW, you did a great job. Count me as one of those Jews who appreciate your friendship, support and kindness. To us Jews, the value of rightous gentiles is beyond measure and you have proven yourself out to be that to the nines.

Even if you and nanc are the same person. ;)

uh, it comes...

Mad Zionist said...

Beak, I was at MBC from about its second month. In fact, I was there for the black background/white font days...remember?

The Merry Widow said...

Nanc- Yes, FJ is rather cluttering up the place with his unique nuttiness. I think he's in a contest with EB to see who can drive the rest of us to scream at them! The way some men think, I believe they count coup if they can get you to overreact! they think it's funny, or something...


Anonymous said...

It's interesting how many Christians are unaware that Jesus was Jewish, if you hate Jews, than you hate Jesus, no way around it, because we know the Jewish people are God's chosen people.

I was listening to TD Jakes the other day and he said "you can have Judaism without Christianity, but you CANNOT have Christianity without Judaism."

I been overwhelmed with the love of God shinning through many here, it's a reminder of what Jesus said "and you shall know them by their Fruit".

nanc said...

here we go again, tmw.

nanc said...

rob? and all this time i thought it was, "you will know them by their fruity yet bovine flavor!"


okay - here goes the speech.

tmw = good
nanc = bad

tmw = spells like beak (sometimes)
nanc = has breakdown when misspelling

tmw = florida
nanc = arkansas

tmw = does not separate thoughts into paragraphs
nanc = definitely TOO many paragraphs

tmw = much older than nanc
nanc = much younger than tmw

anymore you can think of, tmw? oh yeah - one more - i'm a fox and tmw is a lamb.

i think we both drive gas hogs though...

Mad Zionist said...


MUCH younger? Look at you spreading the loshen hara...perhaps if you are not the same person you are at least twins?

hmmm...I think I know which one would be the evil twin...;)

The Merry Widow said...

MadZ-Thank you! I'm one of those who does know that Jesus is Jewish.
Now, as for Nanc and I, we are in different states, we don't even share a border. Nanc is married, I'm a widow, my late was 10 yrs. older. Nancpop is slightly younger. I homeschool, Nanc used to. I'm part Scots, Welsh, German, Dutch, she's Olagala Sioux and Irish, she is also an inch taller and 2 yrs. younger...any more questions?


The Merry Widow said...

Nanc- Except for begging to differ on #1, you did good!
MadZ- Do we both need to show up at your place of business and embarass you to tears?
I'm a Mother, so is Nanc, we know how!
BTW-After seeing our persons there will be no trouble keeping us separate! Nanc's the skinny one!


nanc said...


i always knew my mother was hiding something from me...

nanc said...

madze - is loshen hara like manure?

beakerkin said...

Lashon Hara is foolish talk in Hebrew.

nanc said...

ahahaha - then it is manure!

it's my day off so i get to spread a little extra today. fall IS the best time to fertilize.

Anonymous said...

Beak, wondering if you are aware of the Persecution of Christians in Communist China, where they have to have their churches underground, and if they are caught they are thrown in prison.

Mad Zionist said...

Actually, loshen hara is telling lies and/or badmouthing someone behind their back...foolish talk is on the right track, but, according to Jewish Law, slandering someone when they are not around to defend themselves is akin to killing them. Many people mistakenly think any bad things said is loshen hara, but it isn't. Yeshivas are built on argument. False rumors told as gossip are the big no-no..

beakerkin said...


I am aware of the persecution of Christians in China. Leftartds like 167 and Gert never do seem to say a single letter about the human
rights abuses in China.

nanc said...

good thing i wasn't lyin' and she was here to defend herself!

Anonymous said...

Beak, they can't than they would have to admit they support regimes worse than republicans, and for leftist they seem to think republicans and religous folks are the worse thing in the world, although in the real world we know kids starving in North Korea in Labour Camps, and Christians being beaten and thrown in prison in China, and homosexuals being hanged for the crime of being sexually immoral, is a lot worse than a group of people you may disagree with on foreign policy.

The Merry Widow said...

InRussetShadows has a post about the Trivial Pursuit specialists. It's all petty garbage that they get into a snit about, not "unimportant" things like, treason, fraud, lying, blackmail, attempted blackmail, theft, adultery, yada yada yada. And it seems that everytime they go out to solve a problem, they actually make it about 100 times worse! Throw money at it to make themselves FEEL good and virtuous!


Anonymous said...


It was good to see your reply to Beak as it hits close to home. Both my Sons were adopted. My oldest was 2 1/2 when I got him. He had been abandonded in a Park by a mother who we found out later was just to busy with her boy friends to worry about a baby.

My Youngest was like you 9 months old when we got him. He came from a family of crack heads and needless to say we had some real health issues with him. More so than a normal child would have.

Both have grown up into wonderful young men who have both taken wives who are practicing christians. My oldest will be giving me the greatest gift of all in December. My first Grandchild. We dont know the sex yet because they dont want to know until it is born which I think is good. Gonna be a total suprise but I will give you three guesses who stands ready to spoil this child rotten LOL.

Hugs and Blessed Be TMW.

Anonymous said...


As we have factories in China and I have been there many times I can attest to the persecution of Christians in China. In the publicly sanctioned churches they are given a bible written by the government. There is no mention of Jesus or G*D in it. The Catholic Church does not appoint Bishops or Priests there. The government chooses their Bishops and Priests.

If you are suspected of belonging to a underground church you are invited to the local police station for coffee and never seen or heard from again.

Many evagelist have gone to China and preached however, they never knew that the translator was sanctioned by the government and the message they were preaching never got that translation.

China is much like what Rome must have been during the early Christian era. The only difference is they dont get lit up like candels for sports game.

The Merry Widow said...

Justin- Had some friends from my old church that went to Beijing, ESL teachers, they had to leave because she had osteoporosis and the mission board didn't want to risk her having to have surgery in a Chinese hospital! But, they were able to lead a core group of young people to the Lord, just before they left a house church was raided and people they knew were imprisoned. It is a very dangerous place, look at what google kowtowed to to break into the market there! Betray the dissidents and Christians!
We are rapidly reaching the point that G*D's patience is coming to an end! The ride is going to get rough!


Warren said...

I'm sorry, dear people.

For reasons that some of you know, I just don't have the time to post very much.

Beak, I'm glad that TMW did this, she did a much better job than I could have.

elmers brother said...

My wife's family have smuggled Bibles into China for years. My in laws are there now working with the underground churhc. Emails are cryptic and they have had to hide where they are meeting several times.

The Merry Widow said...

EB- No wonder your family has been hit so hard! Satan definitely doesn't appreciate the inroads into his territory! I'll bet your whole family gives him ulcers! And on different sides of the world...little time for him to "sleep", I love it!
My goal in life is to reach the point that when I get out of bed in the morning, he gets a headache!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


elmers brother said...

hahaha that's funny. I smell a bumper sticker.

Have you given Satan a headache today?

Give Satan an for God.

The Merry Widow said...

EB- We could start a company, how many do you think would sell?


elmers brother said...

I have at least two friends...

Always On Watch said...

Excellent interview! Sorry that I have arrived so late. I'm tardy!

Jesus said that "We would be known by our love." Love is a choice, and when we choose it, we show the world what G*D is about.

Nothing takes the wind out of the sails of a wayward teenager better than speaking of love. Example...

Student: Why do you keep calling my mother and telling her that I didn't do my homework?

Teacher: Because I love you.

Sometimes a teacher's or a parent's being punitive doesn't reach a teen. Now, I'm no softie (Ask my students!), but there is a time to express God's love through softness--as well as through strictness. One needs the guidance of the Holy Spirit to find the balance.

nanc said...

ahem? three.

The Merry Widow said...

AoW- When my 2 were a little younger and dealing with their Dad's death, they had a lot of anger. Sometimes I would get the old,"I don't love you. or I hate you". My reply, knowing what was going on was, "That's alright, I have enough love for both of us." Well, after a while, I haven't heard either comment in, oh, 2 1/2-3 yrs. now!
