Sunday, December 10, 2006

Welcome to Psuedostine comwads

I have been looking around the web and one of my Beakerisms seems to be spreading beyond this blog. Psuedostine is a far left Marxist creation of commie stooge Nasser.
Prior to 1967 the Arab cry never mentioned indigenous people it was march dem Jooooos into the sea and annex the rest of the land into Judenrhein states. This commie creation was known as Pan Arabism.

Commies like to hail a genuine corrupt terrorist thug Yasser Arafat as the founder of this Pseudostinian movement. This is mildly amusing when one considers Arafat was born in Cairo and so was hack accademic Prof Said. What makes a person a Pseudostinian is a mystery as it is not language, religion, historical identity or any coherent fact. Commies like to point to Jews born in Europe and say so what. Jews in Europe had been part of a recognized culture and considered a nationality for thousands of years. In fact Commie ID cards from the Soviet Union list Jew as a nationality. Now the comwads of the left want to pull a Linda Blair and say it is a mere religion.

There is no Presbyterian, Methodist, Bhudist or Mormon language. There are Coptic and Syriac languages spoken by other people Colonialized and abused by the mery men of Jihad. Those people also have clear roots as indigenous people and historical identities that precede Islamo colonialis.

Does a Pseudostinian have his own language? No they speak Arabic with a regional accent less pronounced than Brooklynese. Do they have a historical identity or a connection to the Phillistines who were Agean invaders and lived in the Gaza strip.
No they have no connection to the Phillistines, Finlelsteins or Phyliss Diller. Recently, the far left has added Canaanite to the list of absurd claims. The area was conquered many times and Arabs rules for at best a few hundred years. European Crusaders, Greeks, Byzantines, Ottomans, Egyptians, Brittish, Persians and everybody except the Taco Bell mascot ruled the area.

The far left Comwads also like the Native American analogy except that is also false.
The Jews are the indigenous people living on the Israeli reservation. The Colonial Arabs allready posses an abundance of stolen land and want no reservation in the area. They want to resteal the land from one of several people that they opressed for 1400 years.

The left is fond of ignoring history especially its own with wascally Muslims who just happen to loathe homicidal Marxist tyranny. It seems Marxists liked to ship these troublesome people off to Siberia to die, then they rail about aparthied. The Chinese are more creative and they pay these wascally types a nice dowery to mary a hot Chinese woman and the children are not considered Muslim. Pol Pots attempts backfired as he forced Muslims to raise pigs and eat pork. Muslims eatinng pork died at lower rates than others who had no food.

What is a Pseudostinian and what makes them so uniqe from their Arab neighbors. Seventy percent of Jordanians call themselves Pseudostinian. So far we have heard idiocy about embroidery and folk dancing. The Bronx has a unique form of dancing so lets create Bronxistan with our ruler George Steinbrenner who is from Ohio. The Shakers had some unique needle craft and furniture so lets create Shake Rattle and Rollburg next to Pittsburgh and make Martha Stewart the ruler.

There is no case for Pseudostine and Psuedostinians are no different from Arabs in adjacent areas. The treatment of human beings as hockey pucks by Arabs is a disgrace. It is time the Arabs like every other people on the planet settle their own refugees.

Do not expect logic from Commies who have a lengthy history of turning people into farm animals and creating neoslavery.

Maybe I should start marketing Pseudostine merchandise. A big red flag with a question mark and a stick of dynamite. PT Barnum was right but you can dupe Comwads because they just repeat the party line no matter how absurd such as " True Communism hasn't been tried yet" or " The Rosenbergs had a different deffinition of patriotism".


Always On Watch said...

As long as I can remember, I've been hearing about the "Palestinians." And I had a rather conservative-oriented education!

It took 9/11 for me to do my own research and to find out just how dangerous the term is in the hands of the left.

Recently, the far left has added Canaanite to the list of absurd claims.

Those of us grounded in Old Testament Scriptures have a very negative connotation for "Canaanite." I guess that such a connotation is missed by the left.

beakerkin said...

I have started a new blog for leftist who insist on this bogus ethnicity. I am designing a flag and I visited Pseudostine and all I got was this lousy T Shirt. I will make a travel book as well.

beakerkin said...

The Pseudostinian ethnicity is a Communist creation after Pan Arabism proved useless. As far as aparthied regimes google the population statistics of Israel, Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia and it is fairly obvious which states have been ethnically cleansed and it is not Israel.

Try again Comwad Duck.

Buchanan is a standard old fashioned antisemite who has made common cause with Dr Fulani and Holocaust deniers.

The vast majority of Pseudostinian obsessed nuts like yourself are Commies or Jihadis.

Brooke said...

Psuedostein. That's the best one I've heard all weekend!

Warren said...

I hate yo be Mr obvious here, but...

Mr. Ducky said...

" Why does Beak conflate communism and opposition to the Israeli Apartheid Regime? "

Why do you thing, you chuckle headed Commie Anti-Semite?

Urban Infidel said...

I kind of like "paleostinian" myself.

The Merry Widow said...

I prefer paloswinian, very insulting!


Mad Zionist said...

It is a religious war, nothing more. The problem is, the marx/mohammed alliance has fostered the illusion that some kind of indigenous nation existed called "Palestine" for the purpose of advancing their own personal agendas.

For marxists, "Palestine" must become a secular nation of advanced socialism, devoid of religious conotation after moslems and Jews merge into some PC mish-mosh of shared multi-culturalism.

For moslems, however, it is pure islamic advancement. The desire to make one more country swallowed whole into the pit of mohammed's terrorist organization and governed by Sharia Law.

The two groups know that for either to succeed in their utopian dream they must destroy the Jewish State and replace it with the version they dream of. Olmert is the perfect useful iduiot to help both sides make this first step happen, and then we'll see a real battle royale between the Communists and Moslems that will make the current conflict look quaint in comparison.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Pat Buchanan's run with Michael Kinsley on CNN's Crossfire used to be my centerpiece evidence that there were no conservatives on cable political talk shows.

Purple Avenger said...

The Palis have been pariahs among other Arabs for a long time. Sure they get lip service only because they're a useful foil against Israel, but when it comes down to it, the other Arabs view them as annoying low-lifes and only support them enough to maintain annoyance of Israel.

The Saudis and Kuwaitis recently wrote the Palis off essentially saying they were cutting off aid because they were a bunch of loser loons.

The_Editrix said...

Beak, no need to publish this. Just to let you know, it's "judenrein" (free from Jews, an adjective). The word "Judenrhein" is non-existent. It could mean a special river Rhein for Jews, though. ;-)

The_Editrix said...

The Palis have been pariahs among other Arabs for a long time. Sure they get lip service only because they're a useful foil against Israel, but when it comes down to it, the other Arabs view them as annoying low-lifes and only support them enough to maintain annoyance of Israel.


When thousands of them were killed at King Hussein's order in the ten days of Black September 1970, the world remained largely silent. Why? Because nobody gives a fig for the "Palestinians" as long as they can't be used against Israel and the Jews.

beakerkin said...

Editrix one of the things that makes me unique is I can laugh at myself. I have to admit that your correction has me laughing at myself but in a good way.

I am not sure the concept of Malaprops has a European counterpart. However there is a brand of American humor that is devoted to this. Most of it is simple like when my friend Hiram used to mix up excuse and accuse.

An extreeme example of this was a person who confused Ambidexterous with bisexual or thespian and Lesbian. It may cut across cultural lines but it is big in America.