Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Communist Tactics

In our travels we will exlore the deception deciet and tactics of noted Communist agitaqtors. The Communist lives in a fantasy world where nationalism doesn't exist, except amoung Pseudostinians that are contrived by Communists themselves. The essence of a Communist is alienation and the dream of being holder of the divine truth. Communists vehently deny what they are so someone should remind John Brown to stick to the playbook. They fantasize that they speak for the whle world, but in reality at best they speak for chattering classes.

The Pseudostinian issue has replaced the dreary impressioistic third world narco guerillas that were supported by the Cubans. Where they exist today in Columbia they are funded by Narcotics. There is far more evidence that FARC is funded by the Cocaine trade. Do not hold your breath for Gomer Kerry, Ducky or John Brown to say a word. Psuedostinians and Jooooos are an obsession amongst Commies and thus Comwad Weazie will proclaim " Nanc is a good woman who needs to change her position on Zionists". My statemet is Weazie is an asshole who needs to take his meds. The myth of a Psuedostinian ethnicity was largely a PR move by Nasser a noted Commie thug. Thus a new ethnicity with no history, culture or basis in reality was formed out of whole cloth to replace Pan Arabism. Nonie Darwash's father was the one who recruited the initial jihadis from prison to form the precursor to todays Pseudostinian terror
groups. Also easilly missed in the Darwash book was the herding of these fake indigenous people into the Gaza strip with entry and exit strictly contoled by Egypt.
The first riots in Gaza were against the Egyptians for their draconian rule.

Commies form a plethora of Front Groups to make common cause with non Commies. Genuine Liberals like Freedomnow, Possum and myself understand how Commies opperate and avoid them even when we agree. Communists actively seek to subvert and convert any institution they are members of. Thus we have whole departments in Universities with Marxist faculties. The exponential over representation of Commie in Universities is far more pronounced than racial discrimination ever was. However, the presence of star chamber hiring process reinforces the gulag.

1 Communist tactic deny what you are.
2 Everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi or Facist
3 Hyperventilate about the problems in America and Israel
4 Ignore the same problems everywhere else
5 Ignore and rewrite history and the English language. Colonial invaders with a 1400
year history of brutality become oppressed contrived racial groups.
6 Communists also seem to think they are the arbiters of ethnicity. Commie stooge Paul Robeson, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are conidered authentic while Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams and Larry Elder are not. More absurd is Ward Churchill is considered a Native American and Dr Yeagley is not. Communists like to point at fellow Communists like Noam Chomsky, Norm Finkelstein and Joel " deranged" Koevell as Jews when in fact as Commies they are defacto traitors and seek genocidal internationalism as their identity. The latest attempt is to hoist 100 inbred and moronic Neturai Carta as authentic Jooooos.
7 Exagerate the evils and dangers of Liberterians, Zionists and Christian and Jewish Zealots. If any group has a bear historic monopoly on treason this is Commies themselves.
8 Guilt by association is a specialty of the asshat Gertrude. Freedomnow is responsible for every statement of MZ, Jeff Bargholtz and the Editrix. The idiot then goes on to slander the Editrix as pro-Nazi. The fact that Warren and myself have seen the Editrix dimember Nazis and Stormfront types is an illusion.
9 Politically correct racism. Ducky calls Condi Rice Aunt Jemimah and says it is okay because Harry Belacommie does it. I wonder how long a conservative radio host that compared Charlie Rangel to Uncle Ben or Louie Armstong on Malt Liquor would be employe. John Brown calls Native Americans Sambos and Jooooos Mullahs, Nazis.
10 Everyone whom they disagree with is the Anichrist or Satan. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are loopy and say stupid things. A Muslim Cleric writes about killing Gays and 167 supports a meeting with Ken Livingstoned while railing against Falwell. Pardon me but Falwell does not advocate killing gays.

This is just a starter.


The Merry Widow said...

Gee, Beaker, I never realized that little old me is so doggone dangerous! Why hasn't anyone told me before this? LOL!


beakerkin said...


The most dangerous person is probably Freedomnow or Possum. They fit no cliches and are social liberals. One of the reason Commies loathe this site is we abuse them despite our social liberalism.Commies do point to my herritage as "tribalism". They do not have this luxury with Possum or Freedomnow.

Batya said...

We have lots of those in Israel. Thank G-d they don't want to live in my neighborhood!

beakerkin said...


That is sad, but on the pleasant side they do not have kids.

The Merry Widow said...

Beaker- And those who do...shudder!

Hi Batya!

VerityINK said...

Hi Beak! Check my sidebar: I have a new paean to Weasel for the next time he visits my site. He was there yesterday via 'Espoo, Finland'...

beakerkin said...


This is not FPM Batya. However she has an excellent blog I highly recomend.

Admitted Commies John Brown several times a day. However, he is more head case than talented.

Weazie, Gertrude, 167 and yourself
deny your real identities. Uptown Steve is a Marcuse based victims rights commie who hasn't figured it out yet.

I am glad commies come here for entertainment. They fantasize that they can make a point, but just like when they visit Rush, Shawn or Mark Levin they get swatted down. Commies do not study history as they are always rewriting it.

beakerkin said...


That is some side bar.

Weazie visits with his usual complaints. Why do you bother to blog yada yada yada. Weazie seldom writes original material and has the social skills of a chainsaw murderer.

Even John Brown doesn't waste his time there. In fact Weazie doesn't waste his time by John Brown. I guess this has something to do with the party line being a bore.

elmers brother said...

I guess this has something to do with the party line being a bore.

no wonder, how many times can they self flagellate and profess disdain for themselves?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

social skills of a chainsaw murderer.

That's just sick and wrong. Who the hell would want to murder a chainsaw?

beakerkin said...


I leave nuance for John Kerry and other lunatics. Communism always leads to a human rights disaster.
Stalinist/Mao/Lennin or Mugabee all roads from Marx equal death.

In an ideal country you would be under professional care. However, Commies have infiltrated the mental health profession. My preference is deportation as soon as you violate the law. The traditional charge was criminal syndicationalism.

beakerkin said...

Thanks Ducky, I will take your critique for the price I paid for it. I do not split hairs about the failures of Communism.

You do not recognize the Marxist thug who applied Social justice and turned a food exporter into a nation on the verge of a famine.
I guess you need to watch your commie tyrants a tad closer.

elmers brother said...

I finally found a Bible duhkkky would have present at his oath taking

Warren said...

Nostradumbass said:
"...please define a Marxist and a Stalinist and indicate your comprehension by explaining why someone could be one or the other but not both?"

Who gives a shit?

It only makes a difference if you consider yourself one or the other. Your internal bitch slapping doesn't concern us.

Yes, yes, we all know what you cannibals consider yourself different tribes but we don't care which limb you eat first as a discernible difference.

Lets just say the Marxists are prussic acid and the Stalinists are sodium cyanide.

It really doesn't matter to the sane how you murder or if you do it by proxy, the fact that you are murderers is enough.

nanc said...

thanks beak, now please erase elbro's comment at 5:24 - i'm not redeye for unexpected visitors!

beakerkin said...


When have you ever heard me mention any homicidal tendencies. If I ever did have those tendencies
those apt to notice would be Commies not Jihadis. I do not use the term raghead. When I use the term vermin it is to describe Communists.

Only a bird brain attempts to use Hebrew in such a clumsy manner. I am not a Bocher in any description.
This is more of the anti-semitic slurs we have grown accustomed. My religious training ended around twenty five years ago.

American Crusader said...

I had not heard of this group "Neturai Carta" before.
I can't believe they went to Iran and actually agreed that Israel was an abomination and should be wiped off the map.
I don't understand what they hope to gain?
Apparently all the rabbis who visited Iran live in either New York or London.
Pretty strange.

The Merry Widow said...

plucky- Your comments fell off the edge of intellectualism, it got left far behind you!


beakerkin said...


They are a very small group of extreemists who are publicity hounds of the far left. Even the Satmar who are anti-Israel also want nothing to do with them.

One can find these clowns going from far left media outlets or protests. The left likes to trot out these 100 clowns in their never ending campaign to deny their frothing anti-semitism. John Brown has a picture of these nuts on his site.

Do note the Duck will readilly describe Irsad Manji, Nonie Darwash and Walid Shoebat as not authentic while hoisting up Jewish Commies and the Neturai Karta as authentic.

elmers brother said...

what have you ever fought for duhkky besides a tube of ky and a rectal thermometer

VerityINK said...

Beak, I'm not on your blog roll?

beakerkin said...


My Nephew Drumaster maintains the blog roll. My Beta Blog has you listed. I will ask Drummaster when I get home.

beakerkin said...


I will not post anything that is derogatory of a females parts. That cosses the lines of good taste.

Your insults about Kuhnkat and myself were standard acceptable fare. It was same old material reposted but when one is a moron we expect this from you.

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beakerkin said...

John Brown

That took seconds to remove

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The Merry Widow said...

Persistant isn't he? That or so thick headed hs doesn't realize he isn't welcome in the yard, much less the house!

Warren said...


That's a complement comming from a low grade moron like you.

If your bains were piss, you wouldn't have enough for a drug screen.

Now go watch an Ouzo flick. Maybe he'll have a 90 year old pedophile peal a banana and you can weep bitter tears.

elmers brother said...

hey weazie, duhkkky recognize one of these? I didn't think so.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Stalinism is Marxism with AK-47s.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Hitlerism is Marxism with gas chambers.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Elmer's Brother,

That picture says... "Butter! Parkay!"

elmers brother said...

actually I think duhkky and weazl would recognize it....they see one every time they look in the mirror

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Mandelaism is Marxism with gasoline-filled tire necklaces.

elmers brother said...

I thought it said Telly Savalas

Anonymous said...

Marx oringinaly said the revolution would take place in an already industrailized society. Kind of like the adults do all the work and then the children kill their parents and take over.But communism can't run anything;its neither comman nor good. Its directly ooposite to the natural human instinct to be free. Revolution,''class struggle'',dialectic materialism,the proleitarit and all the murderous mind games and political and human debasement and death this idealogy has wrought on humanity in almost ninety years hasn't convinced the starry-eyed,selfish ,malevolent-mind,spoiled and feckless twits of academics,students and professional ''revolutinaries''leaving in the freedom and safety of American has totatly deluded and wrong they are to believe in what they do. Johnnymac.

Anonymous said...

Marx oringinaly said the revolution would take place in an already industrailized society. Kind of like the adults do all the work and then the children kill their parents and take over.But communism can't run anything;its neither comman nor good. Its directly ooposite to the natural human instinct to be free. Revolution,''class struggle'',dialectic materialism,the proleitarit and all the murderous mind games and political and human debasement and death this idealogy has wrought on humanity in almost ninety years hasn't convinced the starry-eyed,selfish ,malevolent-mind,spoiled and feckless twits of academics,students and professional ''revolutinaries''leaving in the freedom and safety of American has totatly deluded and wrong they are to believe in what they do. Johnnymac.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Spearsism is Marxism with pantyless paparazzi photos.