Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mark Steyn "Europe Is Finnished"

I have to agree with Mark Steyn Europe is toast. The reason for this is Marxist subversion of the education and culture. Europe after WW2 had the luxury of not paying for its own defense due to the US nuclear shield. The Europeans built huge welfare states with the money freed from defense spending. However, the large welfare state with low worker productivity meant escalating taxes an on the top classes hindered capital formation.

In a last gasp attempt for some of these businesses to remain competative cheap labor was imported. This cheap labor mostly came from Muslim countries and remained after the jobs were gone. Unlike America no efforts were placed to reign in abhorent ways of life. In the new neomarxist Europe the simple formula immigrants had observed for years was tossed out the window. Immigrants were expected to work, avoid legal trouble, learn the language and respect the rights of others. There are many examples of radical imams on welfare preaching violence and sedition in the countries they opperate in. Contrary to Commie propoganda terrorists do not come from the poor and oppressed. The 7-07 bombers and the 9-11 goons came from mostly upper middle class families.

The myth of dividing the world into oppressors and opressed in a Marxist world view
is similar to the Islamonazi House of War and abode of Peace. I live in a mostly French enclave and in the midst of the Frech Riots my coworkers were amazed at one demand expressed by the lawless rioters. " Out of the Occupied Territories" was the demand. Now the Duck and Weazel will have you think that the rioters were talking about the West Bank. However, the rioters were demanding the removal of police from the Occupied Territories in France. The French reacted exactly as dimwits do by opting for a French version of affirmitive action. No doubt the European version of this American disaster will fail twice as quickly. The notion of telling people to find jobs, obey laws and respect others is too much to ask of the oppressed. Lost on the Eurodolts is that rioters in America wanted opportunity and to be a part of America. Rioters in France want to create their own little Sharia enclaves at your expense. Under Sharia tribute from nonMuslims is considered a right. Thus the European taxpayer is asked to support people who will not work and have no respect for the dominant culture. Moreover, this welfare extends to fake indigenous people
who refuse to build an economy. The notion that the Rich Gulf states should pay the cost of this farce is absent.

The future will be dominated by India and China. Militant Islam will be tolerated until either one gets annoyed enough. India can easily eliminate Pakistan in any confrontation. Yet India has a growing vibrant economy that produces engineers, doctors and has manufacturing. Pakistan produces next to nothing, because it lacks stable governance, corruption is a way of life and the rule of law means nothing. One easily finds Pakistanis as capable business people but they usually leave Pakistan and the culture of corruption to make a sucsess elsewhere.

The USA is still growing in population but our largess must stop. The reality is higher education is subsidized in many countries and their local universities are uburdened by a cadre of lazy social science Marxists. University professors in India and China spend far more time teaching. One can easily glance at an Indian Commerce major and see almost no political classes. In order to compette with a subsidized Indian student a US business grad must be a triple major. The time has come overhaul the liberal arts requirements. No student loans for Social science majors or any major unlikely to yield a job. In fact it is far more important for an Antropology major to have a series of business classes than a business major have social science classes. Reading Chomsky, Fanon and Menchu have zero value in business and time and resources should not be wasted.

The future belongs to India and China who have invested in genuine education. The USA
is heading down the same road as Europe however far left types like Ducky do not seem to breed. The key to avoiding the fate of Europe is educational and immigration reform.

Mister Beamish in 08 and 12 and 16 on Mt Rushmore. We have to see if we can convince Mr Beamish to photoshop Mt Rushmore with the Mr Beamish addition.


Jason Pappas said...

I don’t agree with Steyn that Europe is hopeless. They published the Danish cartoons while our press, with a few exceptions, hid their heads. Europe will be the frontline in this battle (after Israel) and they’ll deal with the problem. It will be more painful the longer they wait but I wouldn’t rule them out.

All the problems Steyn points out are valid but we are right behind Europe. Madrid narrowly elected a socialist government and we narrowly missed electing the junior socialist from Massachusetts. The left controls the media and universities in Europe and they also do that here except for our economics departments.

It’s true that Western Europe has made a mistake with respect to immigration by allowing too many Muslim immigrants. Their Hindu, Slavic, and Vietnamese immigrants pose no problem. They were ignorant about Islam but close to Islamic lands. We happened to be close to Hispanic countries. We weren’t any smarter … just luckier.

We have to be supportive of our European comrades even as their elites try to “speak for the people” and make our blood boil. Remember, Europe is on the same side of the war as we are. Islam has always benefited by playing one infidel against the other. Let’s not fall for that trick. The essential problem in Europe is the same as the problem here at home: the leftists who form a 5th column. They just have a greater grip on the other side of the pond. But they also have a greater problem. Let’s stand back (no more military welfare for Europe) and let them be “mugged by reality.” Then welcome them aboard.

beakerkin said...

We can break the stranglehold of the left by eliminating their supply of useless jobs in Universities.

We must also make an effort to clean up lower ed. Journalism will take care of itself as ratings drop for the MSM either they adapt or become relics.

A Beamish Mall memorial should be shaped like a football stadium with a twenty five foot bronze statue of the man in the gasmask with his back purposely facing Mecca.

Mark said...

I agree with Jason here. Steyn is overstating the case, I believe.

I'm sorry to have to say it, but I'm beginning to wonder, in view of the mid-term elections, and especially in view of the new Muslim congressman backed by CAIR, Keith Ellison, whether Europe will morph into Eurabia first, or whether the America will morph into Amerabia beforehand!

By the way, Beakerkin, what was that you wanted me to take a look at? I can't find it.

beakerkin said...

Check below this thread for the post Important. There is a link to
a now completed interview with Amil Imyani an Iranian writer.

It is an Iran 1001 interview for those of us who are unfamiliar with Iran. Most of my questions were geared towards the Bad Eagle readership.

I disagree with you about the new Senator from Minnesota. Chances are he will be far more moderate in disposition than Galloway or Livingstone. Even if he isn't he will accomplish nothing like Bernie Sanders who passed one law in eight years.

Our immigration is mainly from the Western Hemishphere, China and India so the percentage will never become as absurd as Europe. Moreover, there is less tolerance for sloth so if you are here you had better work.

We need to clean up our Universities and can the Marxists.

nanc said...

o.t. and a special message for plucky (he'll be happy to know) - al jazeera begins its quest on broadband today - so far no american cable markets biting.

there, now you'll have your type of fair and balanced and we'll all rest easier at night knowing you're entertained.

beakerkin said...


What type of drugs do you use. Lets see meth as opposed to heroin and coke. Where does the heroin come from? Ask your friends in Hezbollah and Al Quedah. The Eastern Europeans have neither the inclination or motivation to riot. This is unless you try to revive Lenin with Weazie.

Ducky lets take a trip and compare the diet served to prisoners in GITMO and Cuban workers. Maybe Cubans will want to break in to Gitmo to get a decent meal.

Anonymous said...

Europe finished is probably wishful thinking, although Europe does have a history of ignoring a threat and than depending on the good ole' USA to come bail them out.

Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, all have come out of Europe, at some point they have to come to terms with why all these evil people have come from Europe. Leftist call Bush evil for the war on terror, but ignore Europe's history of evil Leaders that have killed millions and millions of people, Ignorance is not a excuse, it's a disability.

beakerkin said...


Jason owns his own blog and sets his policy according to his whim. So far to date the only people who are 100% banned at this site are John Brown and Gertrude. We also no longer publish annonymous posts.

Is spam free speech? Does John Brown have the right to post 200 times a day the same vulgar garbage no. After, the stolen avatars and the fake blog he is finished here.

Gert was banned for threatening me in a criminal manner. There are no appologies or excuses.

I do let the vast majority of Uptown posts stand. Weazie knows what triggers the censor and only three of his posts have been censored. Amazingly I do not see Conservatives behaving as nastily on Renegade Eye, the Disgruntled Chemist or any of the far left blogs I peruse.

However, as Jason owns his blog his policies are up to his discretion.

American Crusader said...

Europe is not yet a lost cause, but it needs to institute reforms at several levels. Primarily, immigration from Islamic countries needs to be stopped. These immigrants DO NOT in general identify with their host country and more importantly, neither do their children.
Affiliation with radicals should be grounds for deportation.
This trend is also here in America but since Islamic immigrants make up a much smaller percentage of the total immigrants in America, it is underreported.
Maybe even purposely...
Farmer..I pray I don't need to move to the Dakotas. Having moved from Florida to New York has been more than my system can handle. Any further north and I think I'll look outside this country.
Australia maybe.

beak..thanks for your comments and from several of your readers in response to Elizabeth's claim that the Torah promotes the killing of non-Jews.
So far, Elizabeth hasn't responded. No big surprise.

American Crusader said...

ducky...leftist live the life of the mind?
Sounds like hallucinogens are the flavor of the day.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


If you're not going to point to an example of a leftist anywhere in human history holding a rational point of view, don't you think it's a bit silly to go on and on about "living the life of the mind?" Please.

Maybe you're dead set against being taken seriously. Whatever primes your pump.


France is a testament to America's single greatest foreign policy mistake of the 20th Century - liberating a land from left-wing Nazi oppression, and then relinquishing control of it to the French before we introduced them to Western Civilization.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Don't deface TR's head with a gasmask. If I can't have my own head on Mt. Rushmore, take out Jefferson's.

beakerkin said...

Mr Beamish

What would the Mr Beamish monument in DC look like? Where will we place you on Mt Rushmore?

beakerkin said...

Ducky lets run back your WW2 lies. The Soviet Union was the Nazis ally. A treaty to divide Central Europe was a fact as well as a series of local executions carried out before the Nazis arrived.

The Nazis double crossed their allies and the allied powers kept the armies afloat. Left out in the oft cited 20,000,000 figure was 1,500,000 Jews in the Holocaust as well as people liquidated by Stalin
in purges.

Not also widely know is that Hiwis who were tired of Communist opression took up arms and formed in some cases over 10% of individual units.

Western aid kept the USSR alive in spite of Communist incompetance. Remember the Finns kicked their behinds. The Poles kicked their behind in 1920 and were stuck with a two front situation between Nazi and Commie hegemony.

All the while the official Commie line in the USA was Peace. When the Soviets got attacked the US communists like yourself did a Linda Blair bit. They even sold out black stikers for hurting the war effort to save their beloved USSR.

Jason Pappas said...

Thanks, Mark. I admire Steyn but he should be read more as a warning rather than as a prediction. He’s given up on Europe and I fear he’ll give up on America as we stumble before we fight with resolve and determination.

I agree Beak, the universities are America’s greatest problem. First step: stop all federal aid to universities that haven’t had an ROTC program in the last decade.

I don’t know if you read the story in the New York Sun about a New York City Upper East Side mother who’s proud her son enrolled in West Point. She’s found how hateful some New Yorkers are of the military. Of course, they learned that hatred of America in the universities.

beakerkin said...

I have read the NY Sun stories about the idiocy. People in my appartment building were disgusted that my older brother and sister in law are career Naval officers. They made snide remarks about them not being able to get real jobs.

My brother is a Dentist but I am unaware if he ever state license. I immagine with twenty years of practice he should pass with no hassle. My sister in law teaches at one of the military institutions and is equivalent to a Professor.

This arrogance spills into the obnoxious classes in Westchester. Interestingly in working class areas they love sailors especially Staten Island, Greenpoint and Chinatown. Construction workers insisted in buying beer and toasting the sailors. This is mainly far left elitism.

Anonymous said...

Figures ducky would get his news from the Leftist BBC news and the Terrorist News Network, Al Jazeera.

beakerkin said...


This is some sort of improvement over Counterpunch.

Mad Zionist said...

Beak, it's funny how the left defends
Stalin but vilifies Hitler. They were equally socialist, yet Hitler is called "rightwing" while Stalin is called "misunderstood" and "underfunded".

Jason Pappas said...

It is disgusting that some don't respect our men and women in the service (so much for the lie that they oppose our policy but support the troops) and, as you point out, the attitudes are different in working-class areas. The “proletariat” has always supported America and our military to the great disappointment of the left. It takes a university education to become corrupt and bigoted against our nation and military. I find it among the snobs on the Upper East Side. The Limo liberals!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Mr. bayn, if you are referring to World War II as an example of us bailing out Europe, I will remind you that Russia took the brunt of that war and it was Russia that bailed out Europe.

Russia doesn't hold at Stalingrad and it's over.

So show some respect for a nation that in each of three seperate battles experienced more deaths than we have in our entire military history.

Rob Bayn had it right.

Without the United States and Britain bombing the fuck out of Germany while airdropping food and supplies to Russia after flying and / or sailing through hostile territory while simultaneously battling another major conflict on the other side of the planet, Stalingrad would have fallen.

And how did the Red Army get in such dires straits? Remember, this is the military that got its ass handed to it by Finland. The military that let Nazi Germany take the Ukraine (aka their food supply). The military that the Japanese kicked the shit out of.

Sorry, Ducky. The greatness of a military is not measured by the number of soldiers it loses in a war. Quite the opposite, actually.

In the Red Army's case, they just weren't worth a damn against people that shot back.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

What would the Mr Beamish monument in DC look like? Where will we place you on Mt Rushmore?

On Mt. Rushmore I'd say put the Beamish icon in the middle, with the boots standing on Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln's shoulders.

The Beamish Monument in DC would be a giant drive-in movie sized plasma screen TV airing the movie They Live 24/7.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Here's one of Ducky's favorite military force's few "victories."

Had the people rounded up and executed been armed, the Red Army would have gotten their asses handed to them.

Anonymous said...

"I have to agree with Mark Steyn Europe is toast. The reason for this is Marxist subversion of the education and culture."

And do you think we don't have this in the USA, Beakerkin? Have you spent much time in a major US university recently? Political correctness and the most severe forms of cultural Marxism dominate the landscape. Steyn makes himself a laughingstock by basically ignoring this. It extends into the high schools and elementary schools, too-- Marxist-style teaching and obsession with "diversity" (as some bureaucrat defines it) rule the roost.

In fact, affirmative action is rampant throughout US educational institutions and has gotten to the point where it just about dominates even the most basic admissions decisions even in the sciences. I've worked on selection committees before or consulted for them, and one of the first things that comes up is, "How can we ensure diversity of this, this, this and that group to satisfy the bean-counters?" Standards of excellence, of course, go to pot.

This is the ultimate form of cultural Marxism in the educational system, and the US is plagued by it, whereas Europe is not. Not one European country-- save for Great Britain-- has such rampant affirmative action policies. I'd say that Mark Steyn has it mixed up-- it's the US that's doomed from the creeping Marxist hegemony here, not European countries!

beakerkin said...


I agree that we have a serious problem with Marxists inside our educational system. However, the answer is that in order to compette with India we must change our model of higher Ed.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

It's so much easier to shoot people in the back...

Aye. I suspect a significant number of Russian soldiers in WWII met their demise at the hands of other Russian soldiers. "Charge the enemy unarmed or we'll shoot you" is not a morale booster, despite its value as an exemplary example of the ass-backwardness that occurs when leftists are given leadership positions.

Look now as the Democrats claim "we support the troops, we just want to cut their funding."