Monday, November 13, 2006

Commies using International Courts

We have the far left Marxist thugs abusing the international court system. The Commies at the CCR have decided to indict Donald Rumsfeld in a German court. My response is lets the trial begin and follow it up with a RICO investigation. Lets find out once and for all who funds the CCR. A quick hunch is that Comwad George Soros is behind this.

Make no mistake the CCR isn't interested in genuine human rights abuses. There is no plan to indict Fidel, Robert Mugabe or the thugs in Iran. There isn't even a lame attempt to deal with Sudan, China or the Islamonazi terrorist who shoot school kids in the back, smack planes into office buildings and toss wheel chair bound seniors off of cruise liners.

The CCR is worried about naked twister, panties on the head and some S&M inspired photographs. Some of the critics of this ( this means you Gert and 167) are upset they weren't invited and freely behave in these activities. None of these activities
constitutes torture that can be readilly found in the prison systems of most of the world. If placing panties over the head of a prisoner gets the information, do it. Humiliation is an efective tool to use against the Islamonazis and is more efective than breaking bones.

Communists like the Duck get all enraged over a misfired Israeli artilery shell. They neglect to mention the innaccurate rockets filled with plastic ball bearings dipped in rat poison used by Pseudostinian thugs precipitated the mess. No doubt an ally of the CCR will try to indict an Israeli for legitamate self defense. The outrage is selective and illustrates why the USA should never sign any treaties that allow citizens to be tried before Kangaroo courts in Belgium or Germany.

Lets send a message to the CCR, go ahead start the lawsuit. However, the Federal government wants to look over your records and will publically name donors and employees to the Communist front Group. If George Soros has a significant financial stake he should be denaturalized. Lets turn this into Rummy versus Soros and place Soros on trial.

All you lefties out there forgot the lessons of Iran-Contra. America embraced Oliver North as a patriot doing his job. This will mark the beging of the end for Soros if the government uses the RICO statute and the IRS against the CCR. Undermining the Federal Government falls under the RICO laws.


Always On Watch said...

Lets find out once and for all who funds the CCR.

Follow the money!

BTW, CAIR backed down from Andrew Whitehead just as the revelation of CAIR's funding was about to become a part of the court's investigation.

nanc said...

so, this is the article that has plucky out and about spreading hate and mallardcontent!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

No jurisdiction. Any attempt at enforcing any decision made by this court against America will be an act of war.

Then again, we could sue Germany for their ridiculous leftist Hitler's obviously deluded view that Germans are racially superior to heads of cabbage.

beakerkin said...

Ducky I want them to do that. Lets find out exactly who funds the CCR and place every donor in the Newspapers as a donor to a commie front group. Lets also use the RICO statutes as US citizens conducting and interfereing in US foreign policy violates the law.

You will enjoy GITMO and this will backfire. Remember Iran Contra and Gomer Kerry made Oliver North into a hero.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


re: funding of CCR


Anonymous said...

There is no doubt Europe hates America.

If the reason is for alleged abuse, that's just stupid. Real abuse is listening to Hannity play with papers while someone is talking, or even worse listening to Hillary give a speech, now that my friends is Torture, and should be prosecuted by the international community!

beakerkin said...

I think there is a better chance of you being sent to GITMO than Bush being indicted. This will backfire worse than Iran Contra.

Do note Gomer Kerry dodged all references to his role in that fiasco.

beakerkin said...

Hey Duncy are you going to play Jurasic Park with Lennin's stinking corpse. Maybe you and Weazie can make a sequel to the Boys from Brazil. Deranged commies try to create an army of Lennin clones.

Purple Avenger said...

There's really only one question I need the commies to answer.

Why is it that the refugee rafts are always heading away from their paradises rather than to them?

beakerkin said...

No Duncy like Cuba, Vietnam and Haiti has been in a non-stop Civil war agitated by Charlie "Red" Rangel. Why are our troops there if not to appease Charlie "Red" Rangel?

It seems just a coincedence but nobody starved in Rhodesia. It took a thug like Mugabe to ruin an economy that exported food. Lets see planned starvation in China, Ukraine and Eithiopia. Class genocide seems to follow your worker's paradise.

It is time America sent people like yourself to live in your messes. How about a nice trip to Cuba one way. If you need a good meal stop into GITMO. People in GITMO have better medical care and food than Cuban party members. If the menu at GITMO was ever published hordes of Cubans would be trying to break in.

elmers brother said...

Duckkky you make plenty of money why should you care about expense.

elmers brother said...
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elmers brother said...
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elmers brother said...
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elmers brother said...
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JINGOIST said...

nanc-Mallardcontent? LOL! That's a good one!
You tell him Beaker!

This was a great post.


FLORIAN said...

Commies and other Authoritarain types HATE the individual and free speech. Be afraid of them. Queers like Elton John wish to impose "hate-speech" laws because it "offends" weak people like themselves. Obviously, Left-wingers love and embrace the days of Authoritarian lynchings because they despise the individual being allowed to voice his views. The double-standard is unbelievable for what they consider protected speech. Germans can't even say anything disrespectful of Black African and Muslim vermin living in their country and milking the system for fear of being called a "nazi". Oh brother!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

This commie front group needs a name change.

"The Democratic Party" was already taken.