Thursday, July 21, 2005

Why do we mistreat the Phillipinos

The more I think about our insane immigration policy the more infuriated and flustered I get. The Phillipines has been a historic ally with a history directly tied to the USA. Why should a Phillipino wait longer then a country with less ties like Indonesia.

Why should Phillipinos be penalized while countries that have near zero political or historic ties get immigration slots. Lets let the Phillipinos have at least the same wait as the Saudis. The currency that ex patriots send back is a vital source of income.

We should not mistreat our allies like this.


Anonymous said...

Who's being mistreated?

"Filipino immigration increased dramatically after the U.S. Congress passed amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965. The new immigration laws encouraged family members in the Philippines to join relatives in the United States and facilitated the entry of skilled workers. Since 1965 more than one million Filipinos have immigrated to the United States. Almost 500,000 arrived in the 1980s alone. In the early 1990s more than 60,000 Filipinos moved to the United States each year. Experts predict that the Filipino American population will increase to 2.1 million by the year 2000, surpassing Chinese Americans to become the largest Asian American group."


beakerkin said...

FJ There is no reason that they should wait longer then countries with no historical ties to the USA.
Lets end the foolishness and allow the Phillipinos the same waiting period that everyone else does.

Anonymous said...


Ever hear of "supply and demand"? If Kuwait gets 500 slots and the Philippines get 60,000 you think that the Philippines is being discriminated against because the Kuwaiti only has to wait a year to get in, and the Philippino waits two? Whose slots do you advocate we cut back on, beak? Which countries aren't our "friends"?

Or should we revamp our entire immigration system based upon a new principle of balancing the "queues" from the multitide of countries that are not doing well financially, and even them up so that all emigrants may escape poverty and find economic refuge in the USA?

Do you favor any limits on immigration? On what basis should we set those limits?


beakerkin said...

The Philipines is a special case given our historic ties. There is no reason that a Pakistani and there are plenty of immigrants from Pakistan and Bangaladesh should ever get priority over a country with historic ties to the USA like the Phillipines.

I have called for the end of immigration from Muslim countries with the exception of persecuted religious minorities. The determination of who is allowed to emigrate is currently family based.
I would rather the system be based upon skills and personal interviews.I would also like nations with extensive ties like the Phillipines, Siera Leone and the Dominican Republic given preference.

Immigration is a privilage granted and determined by the American people. This is something the liberals forget.

Anonymous said...

So perhaps we could re-title your essay from "Why do we mistreat Philippinos" to "What aren't Philippinos given immigration priority". Immigration is a "priviledge" granted by the American people, and denying someone a "preference" or "priviledge" is not the same as "mis-treating" him.... it's "equal-treating" him.