Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pain in my soul and good luck to a friend.

Most regular readers know I was an eyewitnessto 9-11 and a survivor of WTC 93. The images from London are upsetting to me and bring back painful memories. The pointless
waste of life for no discernable reason disgusts me. Was an objective taken or any purpose to this slaughter ? This is not religion in any definition that I understand it this is nihlism.

Into this mess comes a friend Justin who accuses yours trully of being a Nazi> First of all I do not call myself a Conservative , others do. I am an anti Communist moderate but my friends are having reality problems. As someone whose relatives survived Genocide it is absurd to claim I would advocate that on any people. I am also quite clear that I value life and attacks like those in London remind us we are fighting Nihlism.

We must stay the course in Iraq and build a better tommorow. I also firmly advocate any measures that create Civil Law in the third world. I have never advocated genocide but I am firmly against the sanitizing of Islam and its role in terror and its history. To pretend that Islam and Christianity have thesame history is insane,
A religion that divides the world into the house of war and peace , has jihad as a pillar and is based upon submission would tend to be more prone to violence then Christianity. This does not mean or imply that every Muslim is homicidal but there is a distinct dangerous element.

I have never called for round ups of Muslims.I am for the elimination of immigrants from Muslim Countries. Why should Phillipinos wait ten years and Syrians get in much faster. This seems like common sense to me.

I wish Justin and Rob good luck. I am glad you removed the link and I would appreciate it if neither of you came around. You guys talk a good game about bigotry
and have the nerve to point the finger at me while saying nothing about the rampant
hatred of 167 for Jews. Robs own fixations on Falwell as the antichrist are more hateful then anything I have ever written. Yet I wish both of you well and lets part as friends.

I will not censor you or anyone else unlike a deleted post that questioned why you made the charge I advocated genocide. We do not block posters or delette posts here and I stand by my words. You can not tell me what is in my heart and how dare you put words in my mouth. Jason, Beamish, Warren , Esther and Always are true friends and I can speak for myself.

Good Luck to both of you


Always On Watch said...

I understand why you have disinvited Justin and Rob. Based on what I know of you from your blog, you support free speech, but blatant untruths, heated rants, and unfounded accusations are distracting. You are definitely not a Nazi, nor do you advocate violence.

You might have noticed that I do not rush to your defense when things get "hot" on your blog. The reason is not that I don't agree with you. Rather, I trust your capability to speak for yourself.

Stay safe! Here in the D.C. area, we are once again in the crisis-management mode, which may make us feel safer, but I don't believe that such steps actually make us safer. Root causes have yet to be addressed, in my opinion.

beakerkin said...

Thanks Always I am somewhat disappointed in Justin as I still have high respect for him. However he was demanding I drop Mr Beamish and Jason. True friends like yourself do not make such demands on friends.

I consider them both friends and wish them luck. I will not ban or censor their comments or anyone else's but I am happier to see both of them go.

Always On Watch said...

I might be out of line on this one, but...
Asking the blogmaster to drop a particular individual doesn't seem right to me. Exception made, of course, if a commenter is spamming the site. Personally, I can deal with distractions (those Falwell rants, for example) which were sometimes off-topic), but blatantly false accusations (I still can't get over that you were called a "Nazi"--that's too much!) make the commenter look like an ass.

And you are correct: I would never suggest that a blogmaster disinvite someone.

Warren said...

I'm sorry to see this happen but I can't say that I'm surprised. When such false accusations are made it's inevitable.

Personal attacks are unwarranted and usually result when someone is losing an argument.

Truthfully, I have been called so many names, it doesn't mean much to me. The far left bandies about terms like Nazi and homophobe so much that they have replaced a**hole and SOB as inciteful rhetoric in their normal discourse.

I'm not really sure why I wasn't attacked.

No, Beak my friend, I know you felt betrayed
and I won't lower myself to respond and answer such spiteful charges.

I know who you are and what you are.

Shabbat Shalom

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"Nazi homophobe" is an oxymoron. Hitler's bodyguards were pole smokers.

beakerkin said...

Mr Beamish

We may have a troll infestation for a while but hunting them is fun. I am still laughing that they are so out raged you quoted Jefferson. What is next that we can not quote ?

Lets see fanatical muslims blow up London but Bush and Falwell and Fox News are the greatest danger to the planet.

Anonymous said...

beakerkin said...
Justin you can go on at any time you like. I have never deletted a comment and or blocked a poster.

This was on Robs blog yesterday afternoon.

Beak I would be glad to honest debate but are you willing to correct this lie on your front page that I called you a nazi or that you purported genocide. And I never called for you to drop either Mr. B or Jason. Just as I never tried to put words in any of your mouths.

You cannot go tell some one you want to be their friend then go publish lies like this one and expect them to think you truely are friends and want honest debate.

I do not contol Rob or his site. And yes I do question him when he does things he does.

beakerkin said...

Ok Justin

You are a friend and you do not have editorial control at Robs blog. I appologize for an incorrect assumption that you have some influence there.

You do claim I censor people here and that is an outright lie. You also did make the statement we can still be friends...

My blog is dedicated to the first amendment we do not censor. You can find 167 crying as usual at the top.

Mr Beamish has at least the same right to free speech as the communist 167. He quoted Jefferson in the USA. I do not agree with the principle of th quotes but I will defend his right to free speech.

Justin I always respect you and still do. I have never advocated Genocide and find the charge comedic. You are welcome here if you like and if you choose to go vaya con dios muchacho. I still consider you a friend with whom I disagree but friends do from time to time.

Anonymous said...

In other words plain and simple you are still contending and supporting that I called you a Nazi when in fact I never did. You are continuing to say I said you purported genocide when I never did. You are keeping alive that I asked you to drop Jason and Mr. B when that is not the truth and you know it.

I will leave you with this. You can say you missread something or missunderstood something but you know yourself in your heart that those statements are Un-turthful. If I say something I stand by it and if I am wrong I admit it but I will not accuse anyone of calling me something when they never did.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Mr Beamish

We may have a troll infestation for a while but hunting them is fun. I am still laughing that they are so out raged you quoted Jefferson. What is next that we can not quote ?

You'd be amazed how many leftist arguments about Saddam Hussein-Al Qaeda connections can be thwarted by Pres. Bush's Sept. 12, 2002 address to the United Nations. (I'll slightly forgive leftists who live in countries that lack free media and block their citizen's access to the internet, but since that applies to no one posting here, that merely separates the remaining leftists into idiots and liars.)

But I'm not sure Jefferson's words upset them as much as my unsanitized descriptions of behavioral deviancies. You see, we're supposed to accept gays as normal, when they're not. If they're "born gay," the argument goes that there was hormonal imbalances in the womb, which are medically correctible with pre-natal care (for how can a homosexual gene be passed?) or hormonal therapy; and if they're "gay by choice" then we have to point out the cause-to-effect / action-to-consequence nature of our universe and what happens when humans deviate from normal heterosexual behavior invariably it will follow that the "safest" of homosexual sex requires a HazMat suit due to the fact that at the end of the day, we're all humans. For example, you'd probably carry Hepatitis C if everytime you took a crap, your fecal matter was lodging itself in the open sores and scar tissue of your freshly torn rectal walls. It's just common sense. But it's not politically correct to say so.
So, the last resort of the "homosexuality is normal" crowd is "there's no such thing as normal." So I would point to that as the reason they want me silenced. I shoved Diogenes' lamp in their face and didn't find an honest man. They want me silenced because my argument reduces them to arguing for the right to be a disease vector.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Beamish:

I am totally amazed at the elequoence with which you speak. Your writing bears all the hall marks of the great authors who chose to do their case studies
up close and personal.

I do declare Mr. Beamish the absolute profound nature with which you use your words amazed this old texas cowboy.

I am wondering if you have any of your works
published that one might purchase as I would like to have a copy of it to go with the other great authors I admire and have in my library?

If so please tell me what titles I might find them under and
when they were published.

beakerkin said...

Mr Beamish

I don't see homosexuality that way. My response is who cares and it doesn't tell me much about a person by itself. 167 is a vile human being and he would be just as vile straight.

I have never liked the genetic predisposition argument as it leads to the potential labeling of gays as genetic deffectives . If the gene ever was identified could we see the abortion of gay children

There are plenty of well adjusted gay people Justin is one despite some silly comments about the talk on this blog resembling that of Nazis and Communists.

I wish I knew what happened to my friend Justin . Justin was always an eloquent man who spoke his mind
and yet he sits by and says nothing as his cohort calls this site a hate site. Perhaps Justin should reads Robs statements on Falwell and Bush being terrorists.

Justin you are a friend and I respect you . What happened to the man I respected with courage. Does courage only go in one direction or
to tell Rob he has gone overboard is too much. I have held back and treated Rob with Kid gloves, remember that.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

No published works in my name, Justin. I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I have no quarrel with homosexuals as long as they're tolerant of my view of their behavior as a disease vector. I firmly stand on the free will side of the argument - people generally choose what to do with their genitalia, and those who claim to lack control over their sexual impulses need help, not acceptance.

Anonymous said...

Beak all I asked you to do was make a retraction on your front page for all to see that what you said about me was a lie but you have talked about everything possible but that. I am still who I was I still have courage to speak my mind.

I will not ask again if I were a friend as you say you would have done so already. I guess as you say your friendship runs one way.

As you told me about Mr. B. if you have a problem with Rob I suggest you take it up with him. How can you expect me to defend you if you will not openly correct the wrong you did me by openly spreading lies like those you spread about me.

Anonymous said...

Too bad they are not published Mr. B I think they would make for good reading.