Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The nation of Canarsie

Being that mindless Commies like fake indigenous people I will create my own. The nation of Canarsie dates back to the Canarsie Indians. The fact that the current residents have nothing to do with the Canarsie indians and their culture is immaterial.That doesn't stop Arabs who arrived in he seventh century from calling themselves Phillistines.

Did you say that the residents of Canarsie are no different then the residents of NYC ? They have an identical language and culture to the rest of NYC. That doesn't stop the Palestinians who have zero ethnological, cultural or religious differences from Jordanians, Most Syrians, residents of the Sunni triangle and most Saudis.

Did you say there has never been a Nation of Canarsie ? There has never been a nation of Palestine ? Maybe 2% of Canarsie residents should dedicate their lives to terror. Thus people like 167 can say the vast majority of Canarsites are peaceful. Maybe he can use a name to tar all people from discussing the fact that all of this is fiction, Canarsiphobia.

There are real indigenous people who deserve homelands like the Copts and Assyrians.
The suffering of the Kurds goes without notice. Has anyone seen 167 post a word on Tibet, Karens, Pashtuns, Basques, Comanche. The reason is that indigenous people only become a priority when they are fake and the jooooos are involved.

Do normal people post on Norman Finkelstein whose books are compared by the liberal NYT to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Do normal people run around talking about the zionist media a slang for jooooish media. Do normal people praise Simon Jones whose works are featured on the vehemently anti semitic site jooooish tribal review. I could go on but a pattern was evident along time ago only antisemites do these things.


Jason Pappas said...

But Canarsites don’t have their own language, were previously part of a larger political entity, only recently created their own identity, until recently led by a Canarsite who was really born elsewhere, have been given considerable tax-raise revenue from surrounding communities (ex. Manhattan), and live better than those in Bedford-Sty …

Wait a second. You can say the same thing about Palestinians! Hey, this is a crock ...

Anonymous said...

There are no autochthonous men living in the world who, sown from dragon's teeth, sprang from the earth to serve Cadmus, nor did any ants emerge from the earth, being transformed by the gods into Myrmidons, serve Achilles.

All claims to indigenous "rights" are mythical. Might makes "right", and so possession is 9/10ths the law (1/10th is outright fraud).

Palestinian's... get over yourselves. Had you lived in more "natural" times, you'd all be either Israeli, or fertilizer.

Israel exists because armed men stand ready to defend her borders and everything within them. If and when Palestine ever gets something to defend, they too can pretend to be a "nation state", make "laws", and discover "rights".

And people who are not willing to stand together and defend that which they possess, are not a "people". They are either "becoming" a people, "has beens", or soon to be "has beens".
America falls into category three.


Anonymous said...

On property (apologies in advance for the "length")

Rousseau "Emile"...

[289:] We must therefore go back to the origin of property, for that is where the first idea of it must begin. The child, living in the country, will have gotten some idea of field work; eyes and leisure suffice for that, and he will have both. In every age, and especially in childhood, we want to create, to copy, to produce, to give all the signs of power and activity. He will not have seen the gardener at work more than two times -- sowing, planting, and growing vegetables -- before he will want to garden himself.

[290:] According to the principles I have already laid down, I will not oppose his desire; on the contrary, I shall approve of his plan, share his taste, and work with him, not for his pleasure but my own; at least, so he thinks. I shall be his under-gardener, and dig the ground for him till his arms are strong enough to do it. He will take possession of it by planting a bean, and this is surely a more sacred possession, and one more worthy of respect, than that of Nuñes Balboa, who took possession of South America in the name of the King of Spain by planting his banner on the coast of the Southern Sea.

[291:] We come to water the beans every day, we watch them coming up with the greatest delight. I increase this delight by saying, Those belong to you. To explain what that word ''belong" means, I show him how he has given his time, his labour, and his trouble, his very self to it; that in this ground there is something of himself which he can claim against anyone else, just as he could withdraw his arm from the hand of another man who wanted to hold it against his will.

[292:] One fine day he hurries up with his watering-can in his hand. What a sad scene! All the beans are pulled up, the soil is dug over, you can scarcely find the place. Ah, what has become of my labour, my work, the beloved fruits of my care and sweat? Who has stolen my property? Who has taken my beans? The young heart revolts; the first feeling of injustice brings its sorrow and bitterness. Tears come in torrents; the devastated child fills the air with sobs and cries. I share his sorrow and anger; we look around us, we make inquiries. At last we discover that the gardener did it. We send for him.

[293:] But we are greatly mistaken. The gardener, hearing our complaint, begins to complain louder than we: What, gentlemen, was it you who wrecked my work? I had sown some Maltese melons; the seed was given me as something quite precious and which I meant to give you as a treat when they were ripe. But you have planted your miserable beans and destroyed my melons, which were coming up so nicely and which I cannot replace. You have done me an irreparable wrong, and you have deprived yourselves of the pleasure of eating some exquisite melons.

[294:] Jean Jacques: My poor Robert, you must forgive us. You had given your labour and your pains to it. I see we were wrong to spoil your work, but we will send to Malta for some more seed for you, and we will never dig the ground again without finding out if some one else has had his hand in it before us.

Robert: Well, gentlemen, you need not trouble yourselves, for there is no more fallow land. I dig what my father tilled. Every one does the same, and all the land you see has been occupied for a long time.

Emile: Mr. Robert, do people often lose the seed of Maltese melons?

Robert: No indeed sir; we do not often find little gentlemen as silly as you. No one touches the garden of his neighbor; every one respects other people's work so that his own may be safe.

Emile: But I don't have a garden.

Robert: What's that to me? If you spoil mine I won't let you walk around here, for you see I do not want to lose my work.

Jean Jacques: Could not we suggest an arrangement with this kind Robert? Let him give my young friend and myself a corner of his garden to cultivate, on condition that he has half the crop.

Robert: You may have it free. But remember I shall dig up your beans if you touch my melons.

[295:] In this attempt to show how a child may be taught certain primitive ideas we see how the idea of property goes back naturally to the right of the first occupant by means of labor. That is plain and simple, and quite within the child's grasp. From that to the rights of property and exchange there is but a step, after which you must stop short.


Anonymous said...

Beak Boy
It’s not as easy as you make it out to be. The Israeli-Palestinian situation is an endless problem that dates back thousands of years. However the current problem can be directly linked to the British, with promises that were never kept and mandates that never worked.

One thing that’s for sure is that the Arabs want the complete and total destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. No matter what the Israeli’s do they will always be the ones to blame. The UN has always (especially in the last few years) been anti-Semitic. They have endlessly criticized Israel for everything good or bad that they have done, and yet the UN never criticized Arafat or the Palestinians for any actions good or bad.

Palestinian terrorists are considered “Freedom fighters”, while Israeli attacks are considered terrorism. The Palestinian terrorists hide among innocent civilians to ensure that when the Israeli army acts against them, civilians are killed. Strapping a bomb to your chest and walking into a café or a nightclub and killing 15 or 20 innocent people is not “freedom Fighting”. It is plainly terrorism.

Anonymous said...

Tennyson on permanent solutions...



Warren said...

Farmer John,
It is as you say.

Even the UN recognizes the right of conquest.

There is only one case where the UN has failed to recognize the right of territory taken by conquest during war. That is Israel's right to the "occupied territories".

beakerkin said...

Sanitizer my apologies whatever you are you are not 167. You made sense but t5he next post lessons from London will not please you.

I apologize as 167 likes to use alaises like the Low Loader to cover his communism and antisemitism.

As you can see from my discussions with B I resopect real liberals. However I have no patience for Commie apologists.

If I am wrong I will admit a mistake . I will treat you with more respect. However the issues do get debated feircely at times.

Will 167 support my right to the nation of Canarsie. Only 3% of us are terrorists. Real indigenous people suffer while 167n champions fake ones.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

My people were kicked off the Tower of Babylon construction project for not speaking the language. I demand the continent of Asia as reparations.

Anonymous said...


That isn't entirely true... look at poor Taiwan. China hasn't even "conquered" them yet.


Warren said...

Farmer John,

Could we call that preemptive recognition?

Anonymous said...


Preemptive recognition of China's property rights on Taiwan... and preemptive non-recognition of the "Taiwanese People" or any rights to self-determination for "successful" rebellions against tyrants.

The world should take a lesson from this. The U.N. is an amoral source of legal piracy... and the very idea of the U.N. being the "standard" of international laws and rights, a cruel, cruel joke.

Some David should slay the U.N. Goliath.