Saturday, July 30, 2005

Those little people

I amazed at the disconect between liberals and the so called little people. Gas taxes are a sacred cow to the left. The assumption is save the environment by taxing gasoline.This is the mantra passed by the activists . For ideological purity liberals tax the evil users of gas.

Gasoline taxes are the worst type of taxes as they are regressive. Poor rural folk do not live in areas with Mass transit grids. So the liberals flip the rural poor to the wind to please the fringe activists.

Guns and hunting are a big part of local culture in VT. Hunting and fishing are a big part of life here. However the far left elite have decided that gun control and hunting are uncivilized.

The reason that the democrats do not understand the little man is that they spend too much time at cocktail parties and at faculty lounges . The liberals need to go to truck stops and Walmarts and hear what the people are talking about. Gun Control and extreeme environmentalsm are not popular.One does not learn about these regions by books and experts either. Every day is a new revalation in VT . The people are admirable but this is not utopia by any description.

I am more popular then your local transplant because I admire and embrace much of the Vermont lifestyle. This area was never meant to be an extension of Manhatan.

Rural working people are not little people . They see the arrogance and patronizing way of the nanny state and do not like it. It is time the liberals got in touch with flyover country.


Unknown said...

"however the far left elite have decided that gun control and hunting are uncivilized"

wouldn't they be pro-gun control and anti-hunting.

beakerkin said...

Drum Master

The people live different lives and we should respect their values.
Guns hunting, alcohol etc are part of the Vermont way of life. The problem is that the far left is insular on college campuses and urban trendy areas. People in these areas have differnt ideas. The difference doesn't make the rural folk stupid.

The truth is the far left imposes its values on the rest of us. My motto is step away from my wallet .

Esther said...

Keep these reports coming, Beak. You're our intrepid reporter, telling us tales of what it's like so we can be more knowledgable on these subjects. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

i know the way of life is different in VT having visited you. you are right about the liberals being most concentrated in colleges and cities.

it is also true that they are losing ground with the common people, which is why they have been losing in elections. dems did once call the common man their constituency, but it has taken a turn for the opposite. i fully agree that the dems need to get back in touch with rural America in order to get back into the game.

Always On Watch said...

This is an elegant commentary! I especially love this part: "The reason that the democrats do not understand the little man is that they spend too much time at cocktail parties and at faculty lounges . The liberals need to go to truck stops and Walmarts and hear what the people are talking about."

I come from "little people" stock, both geographically, ideologically, and physcially (I'm just over 5-feet tall). American is a large nation, and each region has its cultural foibles. To each his own--as long as he loves America.

beakerkin said...

There are no little people or little jobs. Vermont is about family and the people understand the arrogance of the liberals. This is red state VT and gas taxes are poison.

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