Monday, July 25, 2005

The difference between Comunista moronicus 167 and your average thinking life forms.

Sadly London was attacked by raving lunatics. The reaction of a person to having their city attacked is generally outrage. No I am not here to blast 167 view that not all Muslims are terrorists , I agree with that.

167 reserves his outrage for police officers who made an understandable tragic error.
The victim is partialy responsible by not following instructions of law enforcement officers. Your duty as a civilian is to follow instructions and if you have a grievence take a badge number.

The police saw a man wearing a bulky coat on a hot day. That alone is grounds for a search stop and frisk. The suspect ran creating the rerasonable suspicion he was running for a reason. The policemen did the best they could and used their best judgement. The blame for this tragic death belongs on the terrorists for creating a tense attmosphere and the victim for not following instructions. The police are doing their best under tough circumstances and thinking rational people understand that. The description of thinking and rational precudes the Communist 167 as he has proven to be neither.

Communist 167 places the blame for the bombing in London on the news media. I guess the anti war pro Muslim BBC must be the culprit or the UK Gaurdian. When in doubt he can blame Murdoch or the joooooos at the Telegraph. This proves once and for all he never had an intelligent thought.

The next on his list is the government for the blame for terrorists blowing up civilians. Is 167 an expert on mindless violence ? He is a Communist and they have plenty of practice at that. Is he a psychological expert in touch with the mind of religious nuts. Well according to Toynbee Communism is a surrogate for religion and Communists should be certified. Has he done a Star Trek mind meld with homicidal bombers. Lets see the Cole , 9-11 , WTC93 all took place before Iraq but maybe Osama was mad that KFC wouldn't deliver to a cave or tell him what herbs and spices were in the original recipie. Is 167 an expert in abnoral psychology or does he talk from personal experience.

Next on his list are the security forces. Blaming the people who try to save lives must be some new communist logic that eludes us.

Lastly he blames the very people who should be blamed the terrorists themselves. His lack of logic is once again revealed. Communists are stupid and illucid and should be used as educational props to demonstrate stupidity.


Always On Watch said...

I heard that the Brazilian fellow understood English. Why didn't he stop?

beakerkin said...


The basic question is what is our responsiblity with regard to law enforcement. As citizens our job is to listen to the instructions of Law officers. Arguing or disobeying people who are charged with public safety is a crime in itself. Civil liberties are not meant to be the blueprint for our cultural suicide.

The result of all the second guessing is that maybe an officer will fail to do his job in a similar situation when the problem is real. Lets back the police until
proof of negligence comes out.

The situation was created by the terrorists not the law officers. In fact policemen are know as peace officers something the left should remember.

Always On Watch said...

I have friends who are law-enforcement officers. What a tough job! No human being can make the right call 100% of the time.

Warren said...

It occurred to me that the Brazilian was probably just showing contempt for British law. Until very recently, essentially, all British law officers were unarmed.

He probably figured that the worse thing that could happen to him was that he would be arrested. Then he could sue them for some type of civil rights violation.