Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Into the future What can the Democrats do to become a national party

The real question people at the DNC should be asking is how a union member and a moderate has gotten so disillusioned with the Democrats.

1 Lose the blame America first crowd Move ON , Answer , Code Pink and the National Lawyers Guild loose more votes then they bring in. Send the Senator from Chapaquidic into retirement. Under no circumstances nominate a candidate who has become the symbol of appeasement John Kerry , Tom Harkin are going to get the same results. Hilliary Clinton is a lightning rod and another recipie for disaster. Govenor Richardson would be a great candidate without the bagage . Think of a Govenor outside of NJ as your next candidate.

2 Come up with a peace plan that acknowledges the reality of the terrorist problem. What we have now is obstructionism, monday morning quarterbacking and colaberation with fringe groups that belong on the sidelines like David Duke nuts.

3Talk about the little guy and offer real solutions. Loose the PC taxes that are regressive and hurt working people Gas taxes are a tax on the poor. Cigarette taxes are way too high and lets stop taxing beer. Regressive taxation is an abomination.

4 Medical Insurance reform . Lets remove the lengthy legislation on HMO and allow them to offer plans tailored to the consumer. More choices for the consumer should be the goal. I do not want or need aroma therapy so let me purchase a policy that does not offer it.

4b Certain people with expensive illnesses belong out of the risk pool and should be dealt with nationally. Catostrophic illnesses like AIDS , Stroke survivors and some Cancer Patients should be assigned federal health care . Most end up being paid for by the tax payer at some point anyway.

5 Tort and Product liability reform. It is time to reign in a legal system that is out of control.

6 Embrace a compromise on the Gay Marriage issue. Lets have civil unions and a law acknowledging that Churches do not have to admit gays as members or leaders or perform ceremonies that violate their teachings. A church has freedom of association and a right to follow its teachings so long as they are non violent. IN short a church is not Walmart and shoul be treated differently. There is no reason a gay employee in proper attire can not do a job at Walmart. Churches, Mosques etc have every right to determine their membership. Some will admit gays and others won't but who is a member of a Church is for the members and leaders to decide not DC.

7 Stop the anti religious foolishness and get real. Falwell and Robertson are not terrorists. Calling religious Christians stupid and brainwashed is arrogant.

8 Embrace the accademic bill of rights as an RX for campus extreemism. Professors should not be granted tenure or treated any differently then CPAs or attorneys. Professors of social science classes produce dubious scholarship that is often of zero value to society. More focus on education less on scholarship and a change in the liberal arts base from 64 credits to 32. These classes will be replaced by computer and business classes. Every student should have a class in computers, accounting and marketing.


Jason Pappas said...

I think you’ve given examples of reasonable reforms for the Democrats Party. If they undertook a program like this, they’d appeal to the moderates without losing their defining principles. I’d like to hear what Democrats think about Beak’s platform. Good Democratic values, required compromise, or betrayal of principles?

John said...

Problem is, for every reform you propose, the Dems would lose a major constituency whom they represent or a special interest group which has funded and campaigned for them. Further, some of the genuine wingnuts on their side of the aisle will resist just enough to cause total disunity if the party leadership attempts to persevere in their reforms. Amid the chaos, they would fall below the one-third level in both houses of Congress, the Republicans will make judicial appointment leading to dominance of the judicial branch while passing ammendments banning all the vile stuff which the Dems so love, and the party might very well collapse.

Wait... I was trying to think a problem and I came up with a dream come true.

Anonymous said...

Sorry beak... they've already got a plan, and aren't open to any suggestions that would require offending anyone other than the U.S. taxpayer. They simply want "fairness for all", "economic justice" and "whirrled peas".

Prog Cauc


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Richardson has no baggage in the sense that not many know about his role in passing nuclear technology to China and North Korea.

Always On Watch said...

You've presented an interesting platform. But I don't see that Point #2 will be accomplished. Far too many Democrats have embraced multiculturalism and moral relativism, and the Dems don't seem very willing to back off from those two -isms.

Also, the ad hominem attack is a favorite strategy of the leftists. The other day, a commenter who disagreed with me asked if I was "always on watch for pubescent children." (The topic we had been discussing was the perpetual re-election of Teddy Kennedy) With nutty comments like that hurled at me, I am inclined not to continue the discussion, though I did respond civilly-- largely because the commenter had flung out the pronoun "he," thus giving me the opportunity to type in a zinger of my own.

Warren said...

I think, John Walter, stated the situation exactly. (Hello John, welcome to the blog).

Look at the core groups of the Democrat party.

Minority's, unions, (AFL-CIO, NEA, NAACP et al). A hoge poge of different special interests groups that are given far more consideration than their numbers warrant, PETA, Greenpeace, Code Pink, Not In My Name, Indymedia, George Soros, the ACLU, ISM.

The Union leadership is distinctly leftist, (AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney is affiliated with Socialist International), and doesn't actually represent the views of the blue collar membership. But the leadership controls the union purse strings.

Then, as Farmer John pointed out, we have the so-called Progressive Caucus that has affiliates of the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), as members.

(These paragraphs from an item on
"The DSA, which recently hosted the media relations of the Democratic Progressive Caucus (an organization of congressional members of the Democratic Party) points with pride to its affiliates who also serve as congressional members of the Democratic Party. Among these Democratic Progressive Caucus members are House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Berkeley leftist Barbara Lee, and Lynn Woolsey. Other notable members of the DSA include Noam Chomsky, Ed Asner, and Gloria Steinem. Professor Cornel West is the organization's honorary Chair.

Even the so-called "New Democrat Movement", which is supposed to be the "Right Wing" of the Democrat Party, lists such people as John Kerry, among its members.

Beak, I do not think the Democrat party is salvageable nor do I believe its possible for it to push away these people and remain viable.

Perhaps it is time for a new political party to form.

Practically every day I hear someone say, "I used to be a Democrat".