Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The limits on religion and breaking the cycle

I find it amazing that some of our favorite liberals see no problem with theocracy as long as it is Islam. The weakness of any religious based system of law is that non believers would automatically have lower status. Christianity comes the closest to overc[ming this natural flaw with its life afirming mention of brotherhood and the notion that all are subject to God's law.

The only answer to the problems of our world lay in Civil law. There should be basic minimum standards of decency all nations should have to adhere to. The lack of Civil law is one of the reasons religious minorities fare so poorly under Islam. If progress is going to be made everyones rights and lives must be respected.

Civil law would have another benefit stability. One of the keys to making this planet safer is investing and building the economies of Muslim countries. When is the last time you picked something up and it said made in Jordan or Syria.

Terrorism , instability , economic ruin and religious fanaticism become a pepetuating circle that goes downhill. The question becomes how and where do we break
this cycle.

The failure of utopian leftists is that they just are not interested in progress.
They are parasitesthat feed off your misery and thus they practice moral relitivism and enable terrorist. Remember their strugle is to overthrow Capitalism and all of us are expendible in their demented warped power play.

We must come up with a way to link aid in the third world to Civil Law.Nations that do not have civil law should get zero aid. Aid should be tied to civil law and liberals should demand accountability of the reciepients.

Then the next battle becomes the war on corruption. Corruption as a way of life is a plauge in the third world. The problem with alot of liberals is that they often throw money at a problem with no vision or responsibility attached. Throwing money at a problem with no vision is a band aid. The problem at hand is beyond a band aid.


Always On Watch said...

What an opening sentence! Quite a "hook," as we composition teachers are fond of saying.

My husband is no Bible-thumper, but when I read him your opening paragraph, he said "Whabba! That's somethin'!"

I agree with your statement "Nations that do not have civil law should get zero aid." Quit propping up those who are sworn to our destruction.

beakerkin said...

I wish the liberal had a vision of the future. At some point what next will be the question. Bush lied troops died carries zero vision.

A carrot and stick approach should be next. A mideast Marshall plan should be paid for in large part by the oil rich states for Syria and Jordan. We should use Teddy Roosevelts big stick approach to get the Saudis to pay.

Always On Watch said...

In general, today's liberals don't have a plan--just a series of gripes and slogans. Now, griping is good IF it leads to organizing a constructive solution. Slogans may be catchy and may play to the masses, but they don't have much significance in the long run.

Lots of politicians claim to admire Teddy Roosevelt, but few seem willing to implement his big stick approach. Carrot and stick works too because "money talks."

BTW, Beak, I really enjoy your blog and really missed your postings while you were transitioning to Vermont.

beakerkin said...

Always on the watch

I am starting to hit my stride again . While the Vermonters have been great and kind I remembered that I do not belong in bars. There is little wisdom and alot of sadness watching great people self destruct.

Everyone must be true to themselves and I can not reinvent myself as a redneck in training. I belong here with Warren, Jason Beamish and yourself etc.

My family will bring a crate of books next week. Shangrila was never meant for me but a glimpse of it was enough. I can enjoy the locals and the natural beauty but I need to be challenged or stagnate.

Esther said...

I agree -- band aid on a gash wound. Something must change or we'll just keep spinning our wheels.

beakerkin said...


The world has become too dangerous for us to sit and wait for the slow change. The moral rot the excuses terrorism and rampant human rights abuses against religious and ethnic minorities must change.

We have given far too much leeway to barbarism and the fault lies with the PC brigade. Islam is just if not more guilty of the same excess that Western Civ was but the left says nothing. The notion that Islam and other religions are equal is also a falacy .

I am glad you want to invoke the Crusades how long did they last. Now compare that to 1300 years of Colonialism and mistreatment of minorities. The Crusades were started in part as a defensive measure to relieve the incesant pressure on Constantinople 800 years. Do you want to go into Armenian, Assyrian, Coptic, Hindu or Bhuddhist history. Do you want to talk about the deadly Eastern Slave trade. Islam is what it is and there are more moderate visions but white washing history just doesn't fly.

Always On Watch said...

Westerners cannot reform Islam. Any reformation must come from Muslims themselves. The past history of attempted reformation of Islam has been a failure, largely because a low percentage of militants can subvert any such reformation by pointing to the words of the Koran and crying "Reform is apostasy." Wahhabism, of course, holds this position, but the position also appeared in Islam before the rise of Wahhabism. ,which quotes an AP article :
"The voice of the new imam at one of the largest mosques on the East Coast rang loud from the pulpit during Friday services: 'The call to reform Islam is an alien call.
People who do not understand Islam are the ones seeking to change it,' said Shaker Elsayed, the new spiritual leader at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church." The entire article is worth reading; btw, another mosque is mentioned, but I don't know of it. Shaker Elsayed defends Hamas, and he's the new leader of the Muslim community here?

The Falls Church Mosque is a prominent D.C. area center, about seven miles from our nation's capital. I know it well! In fact, as part of my preparation for teaching a world literature class, I attended an open house there some years ago, in the late 1990's. When a visitor asked, in the Q & A period, "What is the meaning of 'jihad'?" a very hostile discussion on the panel ensued; we couldn't understand much because most of the discussion was in Arabic. The meeting was abruptly adjourned, with no more questions allowed from the audience.

What's going on in this mosque, and in others around America, is treason and sedition--the promotion of anarchy. We must put a lid on this activity! At least on our own shores.

When a "religion" crosses that line, First Amendment rights do not apply.

Always On Watch said...

You are corect in your observation "The world has become too dangerous for us to sit and wait for the slow change." The definitive word on the responsibility for what happened in London today is not in yet, but the attack is certainly reminiscent of the attacks on Madrid. This attack in London is a minor one as compared to 9/11, but what I'm seeing on my TV screen has caused me to cry.

Let's stop blaming Bush, Israel, whoever. The prolems with militant Islam predate the founding of the modern nation of Israel.

The blame must fall on the terrorists and their hate-filled ideology. Until the blame is properly addressed, we are "spinning our wheels," as Esther said.

I'll close by saying an ugly thing: "Excuses are like assholes. Everybody's got one."

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Since we're not going to bomb the cradles of terrorism until they don't have enough people to bury the dead, why can't we just round up all Muslims, and safely deport them out of our country.

Sure, they'll be offended. But, they'll be offended somewhere the hell else.

Always On Watch said...

Mr. Beamish,
I like your turn of phrase "Sure, they'll be offended. But, they'll be offended somewhere the hell else."

Mass deportation may not be practical, but after what I've seen on TV today, I'm in a nasty mood.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Roger that, AOW.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"The declaration that religious faith shall be unpunished does not give immunity to criminal acts dictated by religious error." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1788. ME 7:98

"If a sect arises whose tenets would subvert morals, good sense has fair play and reasons and laughs it out of doors without suffering the State to be troubled with it." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XVII, 1782. ME 2:224

"If anything pass in a religious meeting seditiously and contrary to the public peace, let it be punished in the same manner and no otherwise than as if it had happened in a fair or market." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Religion, 1776. Papers 1:548

"It is time enough for the rightful purposes of civil government, for its officers to interfere [in the propagation of religious teachings] when principles break out into overt acts against peace and good order." --Thomas Jefferson: Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779. ME 2:302, Papers 2:546

"Whatsoever is lawful in the Commonwealth or permitted to the subject in the ordinary way cannot be forbidden to him for religious uses; and whatsoever is prejudicial to the Commonwealth in their ordinary uses and, therefore, prohibited by the laws, ought not to be permitted to churches in their sacred rites. For instance, it is unlawful in the ordinary course of things or in a private house to murder a child; it should not be permitted any sect then to sacrifice children. It is ordinarily lawful (or temporarily lawful) to kill calves or lambs; they may, therefore, be religiously sacrificed. But if the good of the State required a temporary suspension of killing lambs, as during a siege, sacrifices of them may then be rightfully suspended also. This is the true extent of toleration." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Religion, 1776. Papers 1:547

beakerkin said...

Mr Beamish

I think the time has come to ask ourselves why we allow immigration from those countries. The sole exception should be for Christians and other religious minorities. Why should hard working Philipinos wait ten years. There are plenty of Chinese and Indians etc. Why do we let good people wait so suspect and potentialy dangerous people come into the coluntry ?

I am not in favor of a round up. However anyone connected with terrorismin the USA should be sent to Gitmo .

Anonymous said...

Give them the pork test. Let all the pork eaters stay.


Anonymous said...

I say we declare baseball the national religion, which all citizens and metics must follow. It consists of attending at least one baseball game during the MLB season, and consuming at least (1) beer, and (1) all-pork hotdog. Let the chips fall where they may. Deport all "heretics".


Anonymous said...

I say we Nuke the whole middle east and let God sort them out. And while we are rounding up these people and deporting them we have the next group lined up we want to ship out.

Dont worry Beak I wont be back to this site. You tell people they have to know how to talk to The Beakers, The Beamishes well I see how to talk to them.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves this is the most pathetic diatribe I have seen.

I would expect this kind of talk out of Nazis, Communists or terrorist but not out of people who call themselves open minded conservatives.

Im sure you will delete this post Beak but at least I have seen you and yours at your best.

beakerkin said...


Do you have me confused with someone else ? I do not delette comments sorry you feel that way good luck to you.

I have never advocated Genocide or senseless slaughter. Nor have I advocated a round up. Why should Phillipinos wait to get in this country while people from high risk countries like Saudi Arabia and Syria have no wait.

Good luck to you Justin.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Justin whined: "I would expect this kind of talk out of Nazis, Communists or terrorist but not out of people who call themselves open minded conservatives."

I can't help that my words offend you, but could you please be offended somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

Civil Law you say. What do you or your right wing, religiouse zealot president know about law? GWB is one of this Countries biggest law breakers. He also is a cumpulsive lier. "I'm going to bring respect and dignity back to The White House". What a bunch of BS.

Warren said...

Dear cowardly anonymous poster, your trolling services are not required at this blog.

The position is already filled by our official troll, (Drew), and freelance trolling is frowned upon.

If you wish to apply for a position, please send a resume with your name, sex ((never, ocasionally or (what's sex)) and Socialist International ID number.

Although, (if circumstances warrant), you will be considered; having reviewed your post, it is my opinion you are not presently qualified.

We require our trolls to be original and witty, not boring and stupid. Your spelling is sub-standard, (eben 4 dis blog), as your post is unintelligible.

Life is hard, but remember that even though you are not qualified to be our troll, (if you study real hard and work at it), someday you might rise to the level of french fry maker at McDonalds (3rd shift).

beakerkin said...


You know who posted that who is the worst speller on this site and was asked nicely to leave.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Where's the backlash?

Where's the crowd of thousands burning Arab flags?

I keep hearing about a backlash against Muslims we should be preparing for in the wake of terrorist attacks.

Anybody got a clue what these leftists are worried about? Why are they profiling Muslims as those endangered by a backlash against terrorism?