Monday, October 07, 2013

Who will Bill Diblassio be next week Chico Marx

Circus clown Marxist Bill Diblassio has been through several name changes. He starts off as Kaiser Whilhelm then changes his name to Daffy Duck, Ben Vereen, The Velveteeb Rabbit, Shirley  Temple and currently Bill Diblassio. He has more name changes then most of the people in the witness protection program and more personalities than Sybil.

His next name change is Chico Marx.

NYC is finnished. Diblassio is elected high we get a return to high crime, lousy schools, no jobs, urban riots, punitive taxation and management by morons.

At least David Dinkins was David Dinkiins.


Ducky's here said...

Are you referring to Bill de Blasio, the recent election winner?

beakerkin said...

Is that what that Marxist Clown is calling himself. He's got more names than people in the witness protection
program and more personalities than Sybil.

Next week who will he be Truman Capote, Chico Marx or Gloria Vanderbilt.