Tuesday, October 08, 2013

And You

Lost in the government shutdown are the small people. We forget about the contractors and the small businessmen that make a living catering to government workers.

Obama own this shutdown and has been unwilling to negotiate altering Obamacare. If he were smart he would rush to do so because the plan does not work. If the GOP alters Obamacare, Obama can deflect the criticism of this mess.

Of course only Kool Aide drinkers believe Obama is clever. His inept policies and personnel choices have shown he is not suited for the job. Who in their right mind thinks John Kerry, Biden and Hagel are top level hires.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

If the GOP alters Obamacare, Obama can deflect the criticism of this mess.

That's what I think, too.

A dose of Obamacare pain from January 2014 till January 2015 would do a lot to wake people up. The people who can be awakened that is. Hardcore Leftists are incapable of seeing the reality.