Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Person Next Door

In these hard economic times it is important to remember the person next door. Oddly, this is the first economic slump that I seem to have missed. It is important to know that the business cycle is still very real. The only way to break that cycle is to install communism and then you have a straight plunge into hell on earth.

In these turbulent times populists will make all types of promises. It is of little consolation if you have lost your job or are struggling. Do know that believe it or not things will get better. The economy always recovers the question is how long.

It is important to reach out to those who are down on their luck with a phone call, buying lunches and listening.

The business cycle will resolve itself despite whatever games Obama tries. Sadly, this opportunity to address the excesses of big education will be missed. It is time for the government to put an end to the pork in higher ed. Treating higher ed as a jobs program for lazy Bolsheviks has produced high prices and poor quality. How many advanced classes do we need in victims studies and anthropology. More accounting less Marx should be our motto.


Ducky's here said...

Anthropology PH.D's are the problem now?

Can't wait to find out what you think of fine arts majors.

Of course you couldn't get a degree in either but that's for a different discussion right Beak?

beakerkin said...

The fine arts majors gotta get cut.
If you can not get a job with the degree it should be on your own dime.

More accountants less Marxists.

Always On Watch said...

Do know that believe it or not things will get better. The economy always recovers the question is how long.

But some of us will not be able to hang on. Therein lies the agony.

Brooke said...

Amen, Beak.