Saturday, June 23, 2012

Package from Vermont

I received a box of books from a store I patronize in VT. The books are mostly on Abenakis or historical fiction set in the Revolutionary War in Upstate NY. I am reading the Jew is Not My Enemy by Tarek Fattah. The books chapter on the reaction of the Islamic community in Mumbai to the terror attacks is interesting. The descriptions of well educated Jewish conspiracy loons and the damage to the faith by Qutub and his followers in chapter 2 is informative.

It is not my typical reading but one learns by reading other vantage points.


Ducky's here said...

Revelutionary War (sic), did we fight in that one?

beakerkin said...

A Duckhead is a Marxist with too much free time on his hands. Thanks to the wonders of spell check the matter is corrected in seconds.