Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Self Deception

We have an ignorant death cultist who illustrates my points entirely. Communism is a mental health defect and a moral failing. I don't go around life jealous of those who have achieved success. Communists are driven by paranoid delusions about the undeserved wealth of other people. In truth the death cult serves as a guise to rationalize theft of property for those whose skills and mental health defects have marginalized their earning potential.

They also feign that they "care" about the under privileged.  Actually, they only use their plight to rationalize theft and thug like behavior once they get into power. Gitmo has better health care and food then Cuba. In fact if Cubans were ever shown the food that our prisoners eat the locals would storm the prison trying to get in.

Anon has a pathological hatred of the USA that hysterically extends to the Communist party endorsed comedian President from a deranged Marxist family who hangs out with spoiled rich Marxist terrorists. None of these facts ever gets into mind of the deranged death cultist. They merely run around in an ignorant stupor usually ranting about the wealthy, spreading mindless Jooooo hatred or rationalizing whatever stupidity the party elite toss out their anus.

When actual people who work with the poor and various community groups seek assistance they mysteriously find me. These are professionals dedicated to serving the actual poor as opposed to seeking political power and stealing property based upon whatever.

As far as the rant "see me in the streets". Communists would be better served in insane asylums then in the streets. In fact a classic example was the attitude when actual homeless types camped out with OWS idiots. The OWS imbeciles didn't want to share their food and complained about theft of property. the name of the game is for the communists to steal from the wealthy in the name of the unwashed masses who are not worthy of getting actual food or sharing their spaces.

Sorry, but I will continue my public service to all types rather than stew in ignorance like our death cult ignarantii.


Anonymous said...

At least I get a whole blog post to satisfy my self-centered ego.

This is one of the most demented paragraphs I have ever read. EVER.

"Anon has a pathological hatred of the USA that hysterically extends to the Communist party endorsed comedian President from a deranged Marxist family who hangs out with spoiled rich Marxist terrorists. None of these facts ever gets into mind of the deranged death cultist. They merely run around in an ignorant stupor usually ranting about the wealthy, spreading mindless Jooooo hatred or rationalizing whatever stupidity the party elite toss out their anus."

You really sound like one hell of an angry man. Your ignorance is astounding. Although I realize you know exactly the kind of game you're playing. Or do you? The people you vote for know.

"In truth the death cult serves as a guise to rationalize theft of property for those whose skills and mental health defects have marginalized their earning potential." This paragraph is truly horrendous. Truly obnoxious,
nasty,insidious, arrogant and lacking in any compassion.

Beakerkin= Bizzarekin

beakerkin said...

I am waiting for actual death cultist to claim I am writing your comments to illustrate my points.

Funny, I serve the community each and every day and am known for bringing warmth and humanity to a sterile process. Actual community activists from a wide variety of communities hail and cite my work and sing my praises.

However, a deluded death cultist thinks she is smarter then the attorneys and community leaders i interact with daily. The basis of these delusions are anyone's

I don't sit around envying the possessions and wealth of other people. I like the possessions I have earned with the skills of my industry. I would be much happier if you death cultists departed for whatever failed workers paradise is in at the moment or went directly to a mental health facility of your choosing.

Anonymous said...

"I am waiting for actual death cultist to claim I am writing your comments to illustrate my points."

Not sure if I understand this sentence. Think I do but it's a little obscure or confused like the writer herself!

No-one doubts you do tremendous work in the community I am sure. I mean, I don't. You and millions of others. It's just that it's not the point. Something you don't get. Can't get. Don't want to get.

Being smarter than anyone, again, is not the point. Any society should be able to accommodate any level of intelligence,which comes in all shapes a sizes. It's just that the society you value, accommodates a very particular variety, whilst restricting opportunities for others of different persuasions.

Don't flatter yourself. No-one from my side of the fence envies your possessions nor those of others and their wealth.That kind of mind set is reserved for those who occupy your political territory. One day you may actually understand but I highly doubt it.

Ducky's here said...

You think is ignorance is astounding?

What about his diction and grammar.
He consistently feigns quality writing skills.

beakerkin said...


You have never had an original thought in your life. It takes no effort to repeat the party line no matter how inane.

Those who read my legal decisions would strongly disagree with your


Once again you are deceiving
yourself. You rant about the wealthy having undue power and controlling the system. The reality is even if that nonsense
were true I would sooner trust my fate in their hands then that of the inane death cult mob.

You delude yourself that you are part of a divine truth. As members
of a cult you feel it is your right to lord over the unwashed masses. You attempt to steal their
grievances to justify your cults lust for power and theft of wealth.

Of course the Duck repeats the standard lie that those who disagree with Marx are all spoiled wealthy people. Funny Bill Ayers and company did not suffer from poverty. At any gathering of Marxists one seldom sees actual poor poor people. Of course when actual workers vote with their feet to leave workers paradises the usual imbeciles rant on about false consciousness.

The truth is despite your rants you could care less about the poor. You merely seek to use their
plight to justify your lust for power and property.

" The party line according to Duncy. All the protesters in Venezuela are spoiled wealthy brats. The fact that the actual people might object to Marxism never manages to sink in. All thought that disagrees with the cult is forbidden. The cult will march in unison like lemmings over the cliff while ranting about the USA and Joooos.

Sorry, Anon I serve the actual poor for their own sake. Legal advocates hail my work regularly.
Your cult could care less about the poor. They are merely a means to an end and ignored once in power.

Duncy is still talking about Batista. How many years of political repression and theft is enough 50 years? People in GITMO eat better and have better health care then Cubans. Duncy will also rattle off the party line about literacy. The people are able to read whatever the party elite determine in state controlled media.

Anonymous said...

"You rant about the wealthy having undue power and controlling the system. The reality is even if that nonsense
were true I would sooner trust my fate in their hands then that of the inane death cult mob."

I don't rant about it, it is merely a fact. Certainly not nonsense and your fate is already in THEIR hands, in more ways than you probably think, and mainly because what you call democracy is an illusion. Plutocracy and Oligarchy are better descriptions. So head out of the sand dude, you can breathe easier!

" The truth is despite your rants you could care less about the poor. You merely seek to use their
plight to justify your lust for power and property."

The above quote is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard. Where do you get this stuff from? Do you just think it up yourself? How do you do that? Amazing. True genius.

" Funny Bill Ayers and company did not suffer from poverty. At any gathering of Marxists one seldom sees actual poor poor people. Of course when actual workers vote with their feet to leave workers paradises the usual imbeciles rant on about false consciousness."

Funnily enough Beak, here you have a good point. What you highlight above is a problem among those who seek a better world for all and needs to be addressed. And perhaps those on the left, and they aren't all intellectual Marxist scholars Beaker baby, nor actual Marxists, far from it, could learn something in this regard. I'm not sure the Soviet Union under Lenin or Stalin (funny, Lenin defined it more as state capitalism and it never got remotely close to socialism), China, North Korea, or even Cuba, were or are workers paradises and I don't think that's kind of what Marx had in mind, but what the fuck, I have problems with Marx too, Beaks baby, but maybe for another day, eh!?

"The party line according to Duncy. All the protesters in Venezuela are spoiled wealthy brats. The fact that the actual people might object to Marxism never manages to sink in. All thought that disagrees with the cult is forbidden. The cult will march in unison like lemmings over the cliff while ranting about the USA and Joooos."

Now you're back to your usual self. Demented and ridiculous. And this shit about Jooooos, what the fuck is that? It's not nor has it ever been about the USA or Jooooos, for god sake, it's about institutional structures and systems of power that favor a few over the many. A concept you are just, well, genetically incapable of understanding. People have a right to protest against legitimately elected governments. That's one aspect of representative democracy that kind of comes close a little to what actual democracy is supposed to facilitate. Many more, in the US and around the world, demonstrated against the illegal invasion of Afganistan and Iraq, millions upon millions, and the legitimately elected governments, or should I say government singular, made the decision to ignore the people and go ahead with their illegal death cultist destruction of the two countries for reasons that had nothing to do with restoring democracy at all. So in the same way that protest isn't forbidden in the US, it isn't forbidden in Venezuela. But let's face it, Maduro and the PSUV are legitimate. Voted in by a majority. That's how it works in the US isn't it Beaks? It's just that, the Venezuelan government is actually trying to make changes so the poor poor in the barrios actually get a better deal. Unlike those you claim to be of the Marxist persuasion like Obama and democrats. The Democrats don't get remotely close to being of a socialist persuasion. They believe what you believe Beaks!! Hard to take, eh?

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, Anon I serve the actual poor for their own sake. Legal advocates hail my work regularly.
Your cult could care less about the poor. They are merely a means to an end and ignored once in power."

More of your self aggrandizement. Thank god for the actual poor. It's great that they exist so you can feel good about yourself. What would you do without them, eh? What if there were no poor? Ya reckon the trickle down is working, eh? Or is it their own fault? Mentally and physically disabled and they deserve what they get? Yes? Well nothing need be done other than throw them some scraps every now and then. No? Well, if not, then what to do to eradicate poverty? How to get rid of the planet of the slums, eh?

Fuck that, eh. Better you do your job, do a bit of community work, pat yourself on the back, thank the supercreator for your superior intellect and physical endowments, get back to your family and friends and hope that things don't go horribly wrong before you cark it, eh? You can't get rid of inequality because it's just natural! It's the way things are. Isn't it? If you're too slow and can't get to the apple on the tree before me, well, too bad. Maybe I'll throw you the core when I'm done.

"Duncy is still talking about Batista. How many years of political repression and theft is enough 50 years? People in GITMO eat better and have better health care then Cubans. Duncy will also rattle off the party line about literacy. The people are able to read whatever the party elite determine in state controlled media."

Yeah, I wonder if a fifty year embargo on Cuba has anything to do with its situation. Nah, probably not. Just those death cultist socialists. Well, Batista was the preferred leader for the US. Funny about that. Same with the Shah in Iran. He was a nice guy too. Funny how we don't hear much about Iran pre 1979. Iranians sure remember! The Shah was a pretty good torturer like the fucking theocrats of Iran now. Oh, and that other much loved now disgraced leader of Egypt, whathisname. Oh,and there are many other leaders of equally outstanding character that your beloved US supports. Yes, there are party elites in Cuba, and that is a problem, but the health care system in Cuba is far better than the fucking one in the US. And that's because it aint state controlled but controlled by those who control everything else including the media, the Plutocrats, the Oligarchs. People you DIDN't vote for Beaks.

No matter, you prefer it that way. that's because you're alright jack and shortsightedness is a virtue!

Cheers, you demented soul (and I don't even believe in souls!!)

beakerkin said...


Once again you fall into rationalizations of death cult failings. Glad you mentioned the Shah as he might have been abusive but what replaced him was worse. You also forget Marxists collaborated with theological Nazis to overthrow the Shah. I don't seem to recall the Shah giving children plastic keys to heaven and walking them into minefields or supporting terror.

The crimes of Castro are worse and your inane rants about Cuban health care are a cliche. Does this include quarantining AIDS patients. Where do the advanced drugs that have made AIDS manageable come from.

Do you want to pretend Commies don't torture people? The heirs of Gulags and Re-education camps complain about the Shah. Does this garbage come with a laugh track.

You are the one brainwashed. The top contributors are lefty unions
who bankrupted cities.

A herd animal envies an individual. You have no intellectual independence or any vestige of coherent thought.

Anonymous said...

Abusive = understatement

"You are the one brainwashed". Really? How old are you, five?

"A herd animal envies an individual". You think this up yourself did ya. Brilliant. I hope you've got your Ayn Rand photo in a prominent spot. You Randian hero you. Feel like giving you a cuddle.

There is no such thing as intellectual independence. The nature of being human sees to that. Knowledge acquisition is a dependent origination. In other words, a collective historical achievement. Societal and communal. You can't fight the need for others Beak. Don't delude yourself. It's a lonely Randian road your wandering down. Still want that cuddle?

And I must take issue with you regarding the notion of coherent thought. This is definitely NOT one of your strong points. I hope you aren't confusing your own ridiculously predictable relentless repetitiveness and constant unimaginative childish abuse for coherence. Coherence requires being able to listen to other ideas and construct a rational anti-thesis, if that is your desire. So far from you, I have seen neither. Perhaps you are incapable of both. That's OK. No-one in the new and better world will discriminate against you for your disabilities. You will be treated fairly, equally and justly. You will be accorded full democratic rights and given the chance and ability to exercise those rights wherever and whenever you wish. Unemployment, destitution and poverty will be a thing of the past. Everyone WILL love everyone. It WILL be decreed! But if you step out of line....Off with your head.

Shit, sorry, the herd animal in me just got a little out of hand.

You remember that scene from The Life of Brian? You know, that very naughty boy? When he says to the crowd, so desperately wanting to follow someone, "we are all individuals". And the crowd responds in unison with, "we are all individuals". But then you here that little lone voice within the crowd meekly cry out, "I'm not". Yeah, well, they got that guy and locked him up in GITMO and threw away the key. We can't have that strange loopy kind of paradoxical shit getting in the way, tangling things up, confusing and complicating stuff.

Just remember one thing Beaky babe, "No sentence means what it says".

Ye olde, recursively generated hierarchically structured expressions may be unique, but at least they can be understood by the other. Discrete infinity. It's right there, inside you Beakster. You just gotta let go.

Really? You the judge of coherent thought! The mind boggles.