Friday, January 01, 2016

Losing a hero

Officers have heroes and mentors. In a short order I have lost two of my three mentors due to retirement. I maintained a relationship with my boss in VT. He was a class act and being ex Coast Guard was a plus. The funniest moment was the lobster hands. I had a pile of admin closures and did not realize the new stamps did not require force. My hands were so swollen it was decided I shouldn't drive. The day after was cold and my land lord had a laugh
But by day two I was healed enough to work. He also knew my joke about sliding into home wasn't funny. I had a flash back with low flying jets was PTSD. We laughed about my stash of diet dew and chips in a tin being found later. I didn't think I would be in NYC long. He was a great boss and better person and I learned plenty.

My first mentor in NYC left without telling anyone. It was a shock to hear he was hanging it up. He was blatantly discriminated against because of age and ethnicity. He was the greatest officer I ever worked with. It seems a waste for him to go to Boca and become a condo commando. I learned if I live to such a moment to allow students and peers a chance to celebrate and mourn. He was a giant when it came to standing up to the self described elite. He reminded them that their work and methods were shoddy.

Another mentor in NYC will be leaving any day. Like the first one he won't be announcing the date. At least he told us it's close. He was a hero to the officers who were bullied. He was loved by the public and attorneys.

My last mentor is in another office. He is younger and figures to be around for years. Now most of our correspondence is about life.

My students saw how upset I was. It is like losing a beloved neighbor you worked closely with. I miss these mentors, but I have been carrying on there work for years now. I can only full my own shoes and am nowhere close to these heroes and legends. I am a different type of legend more known for wit and grit than as a hero. Guess it takes all kinds

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