Sunday, March 01, 2015

Tired of Lefties Malfeasence In Higher Ed

There are some of you who are baffled by the failure of Obama to describe the source of terror. They need to look no further than his Moonbat lefty white family and years in the Old Bolshevik network in Education. He has no problem ranting about the Crusades even if the context is completely wrong.

The cult of victims is preposterous. Any look at the history of Islam shows a clear and distinct pattern of Colonialism and Jim Crow abuses against every other religious group on the planet. Claiming Jews
abused Muslims is even more preposterous than claiming Indians exploited the European settlers or Plantation owners exploited by Black Slaves. The Dumbest of all rants is that Islam is for liberating slaves. Where slavery exists today it is almost always by someone with a Koran.

Now I have nothing against the peaceful practice of religion. The problem is the left hold Muslims to no standards of ethical behavior while rationalizing every barbaric practice and absurd statement from hate preachers. Compare the reaction when the rare Christian voice says anything that can be construed as homophobic to the statements made by campus approved speakers. Lefties have an incoherent rationalization for supporting Muslims whose violent persecution of gays is a fact "pink washing". Similarly militant feminists will suspend all of their beliefs to support the most misogynistic people on the planet.

There is zero surprise that our poster boy for Mislim barbarism has spent years in Western Universities fed a diet of Victimology and Hate Preachers. Meanwhile, Jewish students are harassed
at multiple Universities. The free speech rants go out the window when Conservative speakers are invited.

It is time to drain the swamps. Note Obama could easily put the brakes on runaway costs by certifying on line education. Obama is more concerned about jobs for political hacks than improving
The lives o Americans


Always On Watch said...

There is zero surprise that our poster boy for Mislim barbarism has spent years in Western Universities fed a diet of Victimology and Hate Preachers.

The universities in the West have become a clear and present danger. It doesn't seem to matter how well grounded students are if they end up at a major university -- and, at times, in certain classes at community colleges. My homeschool families are finding out the truth of this horror to their dismay. I tried to warn them, but they would not believe me. They believe me now -- but their children have been "turned."

BB-Idaho said...

So, its the old 'why are right
wingers not in academia'?
Too dumb? Too lazy? I have no problem with US education with
two daughters with PhDs in the sciences. It is the business schools and online places that
offer marginal education.