Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Time to say goodbye Paultards

The GOP voters have spoken and the numbers in a smaller field speak loudly and clearly. It is time for the racial arsonists, commies, jew haters, confederate apologists, truthers and tin foil hat brigade to get out of the GOP. There is no place in the party for this kind of human garbage.

Speaking of this garbage 167 has deleted a series of blogs and is now feigning to be a white nationalist. He talks of Jewish Bolshevism while quoting Maoist vermin Finklestein. Amazingly he quotes the founder of V-Dare without grasping the racial baggage carried by the Amren crowd. Same obsessions about Jews but he is being dealt with quite effectivvely on the sites he fouls with his presence.

I am an American. My country is open to all who share a common set of ideals. We don't have second class citizens on the basis of race or religion. If we get around to creating second class citizens Ducky and his Communist pals should be told to wear a scarlet I for idiot. Communism is a mental health defect and they should be housed in prisons or mental health facilities according to talents.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

If we get around to creating second class citizens Ducky and his Communist pals should be told to wear a scarlet I for idiot.