Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Captain Ray Lewis a disgrace to Police Officers

When one works in professions certain ethical rules prevent abusing your position. Thus when I go to a protest I leave the work gear at home. Wearing my agency sweater at whatever protest would presume agency endorsement of whatever.

Now I do admit the sweater is so darned comfortable I do wear it while watching a sporting event or two at the local Greek Diner. I probably shouldn't do that either but rooting for the Yankees while eating spinach pie is fun.

Public employees are not permitted to abuse their position for personal gain or publicity. I can not endorse a product in my official capacity. If I could it would be Mountain Dew.

Captain Lewis has violated these rules multiple times and should lose his pension. His department has told him multiple times stop wearing your uniform at OWS events and he refuses to heed multiple warnings. He is also urging fellow police officer to disobey orders while in that uniform which is another serious issue.

I want to point out ethics is a serious issue in government and not a year goes by without some scandal at work. We do have training where officers are told what to do when given an illegal order. The reality is following those instructions could end your career. Despite whistle blower protection laws the agency is really at the whims and quirks of local management that is often unaccountable. In reality the Federal Government does need an anti bullying laws to check some of these abuses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two thumbs up for MD.

Although, now you sound like Ron Paul: "It is terrible. Our laws protecting whistle blowers are not protecting whistle blowers, so we should make laws to protect the victims of bullying. These new laws to protect victims of bullying will protect whistle blowers and other victims of bullying."

I know how much you dislike Ron Paul, but last week someone finally nailed what scares me about him: "Ron Paul's solution for big government is always more government."