Thursday, October 04, 2012

RIP Irving Cohen

I want to take a moment to mourn the passing of a giant of a man Mr. Irving Cohen. He was one of the first bosses I ever worked for and a visionary. He turned boys into men in summers. He made more matches and repaired more family fueds than anyone I ever met.

I remember I was despondent about a real lost first love. Hey kid life is long and you never know what is around the corner. First one's the worst, and no it doesn't get to be old hat after a while. In your case better now than later. You won't ever do worse.

The truth is that Cohen's words were true. The girl I fell in love with was on her way to a life that was interesting but predictable. At the time I had naive notions about class snobbery. The truth was Cohen was right. My life took me to many wonderful adventures and intersting chapters.  The person I fell in love with did not belong in my world nor could I be a townie.

Many years later I returned as a guest. I thought he had forgotten me in a sea of names. We spoke and he recalled the conversation. I had to thank him for telling me what I did not want to hear. 

In our lives we never stop and say thanks. Those that met Mr. Cohen never forgot him. Those that knew him professionally and on a personal level were blessed.

Mr. Cohen thanks for everything.

1 comment:

Z said...

what a very nice tribute to Mr. Cohen; He sounds like someone who deserved a nice tribute.
Thanks for that, Beak, and thanks for his wisdom repeated to us!!