Saturday, May 16, 2009

About Patriotism and Christianity

I want to point out many of you know I am a patriot. My patriotism is an extension of my heart and soul. There is no greater joy than to be an American. My values transcend petty concerns of race, nationality and religion. We are united by a series of common values that are open to almost all as embodied in our founding documents.

There is a very sick minority of people that delude themselves into thinking they are super patriots. Sorry, but if you are preaching any type of racial hate or blind religious hatred you really do not have a clue. The Marxist Poultry will falsely point to comments about Muslims. The sad factis that some lunatics have acted in the name of Islam and committed crimes against civilization.Terrorism is asymmetrical warfare aimed at civilians and if one eliminates communism and Islam 90% of the planets terrorism disappears.

The above does not infer that all Muslims are terrorists. Nor should a person like Stephen Schwartz who is very clear on his position against terrorism be tarred with the same brush as Bin Ladden. I am still waiting for some genius to proclaim that on a practical level this stuff causes people to harden their opposition and is poor tactical way to advance anything.

Patriotism comes from a spirit of inclusion and love. Those sick lunatics who preach racial hatred are not Americans or Christian in any sense of the terms.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Those sick lunatics who preach racial hatred are not Americans or Christian in any sense of the terms.Just yesterday, I stumbled upon one of the lesser-known counterjihad web sites. The webmaster actually stated, "We need the BNP here in America." This was presented as being patriotic.

My heart sank to my knees. We're seeing very wide swings of the pendulum all across the political spectrum right now.

The sad factis that some lunatics have acted in the name of Islam and committed crimes against civilization.The lunacy has become contagious because of petro-Islam, i.e., funded. I believe that Stephen Schwartz has so mentioned many times.