Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back to 1984

I want to express my understanding on a small scale with the abuse that Stacey Dash has been subjected to. In 1984 when  I registered as a Republican some people in the community did hurl garbage at me for what was then very rare. Now Jewish Republicans are not so rare especially amongst the young.

It is wrong to vote for or against Obama on the basis of race. While much attention was paid to creeps that sum Obama into every Black stereotype, zero attention was paid to the messiah nuts.

All of us should have the freedom of choice to decide our own political identities.


Ducky's here said...

In 1984 when I registered as a Republican some people in the community did hurl garbage at me for what was then very rare.

Why did anyone care to determine your registration?

You sure the tomatoes weren't for some other reason?

Ducky's here said...

All of us should have the freedom of choice to decide our own political identities.

You've called for deporting the left, you hypocrite.

beakerkin said...


I want to be clear on deportation.
There is the criminal left which consists of Bill Ayers and so forth.
These people have engaged in criminal activity. They should be denaturalized and deported after some nice days of waterboarding.

If Nixon were the monster the left claims, Ayers and co would be dead and the planet a much better place.

I was open about why I joined the GOP. I am serious about anti communism.

Ducky's here said...

There is a very good documentary on the Weather Underground available. I suggest you give it a look and at least understand why they were able to escape capture.

Nixon, the last liberal president (and I'm not joking).