Sunday, February 04, 2018

The Game is ruined

Thank you race baiting lefties for ruining the Super Bowl. I honestly tried to watch but my anger at the kneelers and the spineless owners has ruined it for me. The game is over for me until they ruin other sports. The athletes should be proud of killing the game.

The NFL owners should have put their foot down. They should have protected their product. Other than Jerry Jones there was no call for sanity. Now that revenues are falling so will salaries. How are the players going to take the jerkoffs kneeling. Everything is quaint until it starts hurting the bottom line.

ESPN has become a no go zone. The sports media has with rare exception has exacerbated this problem. The protesters are not brave the media fawns on the morons who then cry the public doesn’t indulge their disrespect of the symbols that unite the country.

I did like the Dany Devito commercial and the fake crocodile Dundee bit. I turned the game off.


Ducky's here said...

Some early estimates put the boycott as about ten percent of the drop in viewership with that group containing a significant element boycotting because of the way the protesters were treated.

The game may be over for you (and given the state of the Giants it's just as well) but the game is far from dead.

beakerkin said...

It is finished. The politics and the inept response of the owners other than Jones destroyed the league.

When players salaries start going in reverse because of the kneelers we shall see how they are viewed. If my salary is impacted because some turd wants to kneel I might respond with a more direct gesture. No doubt when their teammates start turning on them you will see the ESPN blather.