Thursday, February 15, 2018

In appreciation of age and wisdom

I want to tell yo how glad I am to age and gain wisdom. When men are young we chase the shiniest gem, but it glitters and yields no warmth. A better man understands that flash is a small part of the picture. I marvel at some of the amazing women around me.

The best woman brings a positive energy with her. Every moment you share with her is a joy. You can trust her to always do the right thing. She literally lights up the room with her grace and she brings out the best in all around her.

She is an attractive woman but her beauty is timeless and flows from within. There are some with more flash, but none with more grace and charm. She is modest and doesn’t stand out at first until you see her Interact with others.

The only bad thing about her is you treasure every moment and never want to die. If you have a mean woman you don’t fear death quite as much as her next tirade.

I am amazed at the propensity of some of my older peers to miss this wisdom. I have two friends at work a tad older than me one just retired. I don’t know how the guy manages to get involved with every head case there. I remind him that these people are unstable but like a moth following a lightbulb he gets involved and is lucky he hasn’t met Lorena Bobbit.

The second one is truely a pathetic fool. Never ever get involved with a woman who is venting about her ex. The sex won’t be good and if it is run. Almost certainly you are involved with a woman with BPD. Now some of you wonder which
Face is the real person when dealing with a borderline lover. It is my belief the sweet person is merely a siren and the abuive manipulative tyrant is real. You will be feeling thger shortly even if it isn’t the extreme BPD issue.

I warned this nut stay away. I got the laugh the heart wants idiocy. Bottom line is this person is ranting about this ignorant fool and me because I stay away. I came out of the hospital and found myself the subject of an investigation. The charges were dismissed and unusually the investigator stated completely baseless. The investigator
wondered why she didn’t ask what was going on. In this case she wrongly assumed something she did not grasp was criminal. In fact it was textbook work. To make matters worse she has applied for supervisor multiple times and fails to grasp making unfounded baseless allegations against a peer doesn’t help a career. Now some of you wonder why this happened. Unlike most I grasped this was a dangerous person. I kept her at arms length and did not fawn over her. One would think this would keep one safe. This person has so much hate that she targets innocent people. Now I am adult enough to grasp attention issues. She is correctly complaining about inappropriate behavior. She picks on the one person who leaves her alone. She asked me about this at an earlier time. I stated that I am an old man and beyond
Such stuff. She persisted and I explained a truth. One is never healed if you are blaming someone else for a busted relationship. I never blame anyone else and accept my part. I don’t replay the relationships or wonder endlessly. I don’t really think much. Even when contacted I prefer just to walk away. Excuse me, I would rather not talk it isn’t my way. I built a new life please respect my privacy.


Ducky's here said...

Like sand through the hourglass of time,
So go The Days of Beaks Life.

Really,you should package it as a soap opera.

beakerkin said...

Life without love is a bore. Do you think pot smoking lefties have a monopoly on this. The unwashed masses know more about love and life than do the faculty lounge lizards waxing off about poetry.