Thursday, March 01, 2007

What a Surprise

I picked up a new shipment of books on mmy way in. An odd book that I had forgotten I had ordered turns out to be excellent reading. I am on the last chapter of Planet India. The surprise book is From Falasha to Freedom by Shmuel Yilma. I want to point out that this is a young adult type of book but still excelent reading. The book recounts the trek of a young Eithiopian Jew to freedom. Obviously he completed the journey or there would be no book.

I would recomend reading this book to Uptown Steve as a form of torture.


Anonymous said...

Must not contain enough white racism, black exploitation, or third world colonial oppression for Stevie's taste. There's probably no secret Jewish banking cabal controlling the world economy so as to keep the black man in his place, either.

I guess he'll have to wait for tomorrow's edition of the New York Times if he wants to read about all of that.

Anonymous said...

You know, I had a strikingly conversation with an HP tech out in Bangalore India today. I asked her how the weather was and the convo really took off. Sometimes you learn some interesting stuff about the least expected. For example, did you know that they recently decided to change the name of Bangalore to Bangaloroo, which literally means "the city of boiled nuts?"

So I did a scan of Bangalore(oo) using Google earth. It's a very industrial, but poor looking town, yet it is hyped as being the tech capital of India. I was amazed however at the rail infrastructure in Bangaloroo.

I am wondering if there is anything in Planet India that discusses the real reasons why America never became firm allies with India. I happen to know one good reason why. It's because India, in the past, was strong allies with the Soviets.

Thus, there goes our old Cold War thinking again. I really think that America should strengthen our alliance more with India instead of Pakistan.

jams o donnell said...

That sounds like an interesting read, Beakerkin. I must admit I've been in the mood for light entertainment recently.. All I'm reading are Terry Pratchett's Discworld books and the Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe books. Very enjoyable but not particularly thought provoking...

beakerkin said...


I think the book was written for young adults. However, it can be read on many levels. Many people have hang ups about reading young adult books.


The reason the USA was more allied with Pakistan than India was mindly due to the Nehru clan. The Nehru clan were socialists and very anti-American in tone. Nehru's daughter Indira Ghandi was loathed in the USA for her bombastic comments much like Chirac.

The change happened when her son broke with the traditional anti-US
tone. India went from a country that was seriously loathed almost as bad as France to a country that is loved and respected.

This may sound odd but France may go through something similar if Sarkozy wins. The mistake Euros make is that it takes years to repair the damage caused by electing Chirac and Papendreiu types. Greece is no longer reviled but for a long time it wasn't too popular.

Anonymous said...

steve harkonnen...I'm happy to hear Los ANgeles isn't the ONLY "city of nuts" in the world!! Here, they call us the "fruit and nuts" capital.........hardy har har.

Beak, I loved your line about torturing uptown.....and....

I believe that, if Sarkozy wins, things will greatly improve between the USA and France, EXCEPT he's against the Iraq war. Let's see what he says after he's elected. He's tough, honest, and unafraid...we adored his stances on about everything when we lived in Paris.

Here's where I think we're at great peril because of our Left, because I believe this is indicative of our Left, too:

Sarkozy issued a statement the other day warning that terrorism may ramp up during the French elections and after. The press is accusing him of being tough just to get people to vote for him...that French people will appreciate his vigilance.

The rub is he's been vigilant all through his post now, before he thought of running, AND the French were told months ago, by Muslims, that, should Sarkozy win, they'll be shooting innocent people on the streets because of it.

I'd have thought the last thing Sarkozy would have wanted was to remind Frenchmen of THAT little bon mot...something he'd NEVER want remembered around election time... but, no, the leftist media's accusing him of extreme paranoia and only trying to get the vote.

THIS stuff is scary, it's dangerous, and plays right into the hands of those who only want chicken little liberals elected.


beakerkin said...


One never knows with the French. Certainly such a threat would push Americans into voting the other way as a point of pride.

Sarkozy if elected will change the tone. It isn't just being against the war that is the problem. The problem has been the over the top bombastic rhetoric from Chirac who has made France the most loathed nation in the USA

There is hope for France but remember it took India decades to undo the damaged caused by Indira Ghandi's idiocy. However, in all fairness the Indians are far more vital to our future than the French are.

beakerkin said...


One never knows with the French. Certainly such a threat would push Americans into voting the other way as a point of pride.

Sarkozy if elected will change the tone. It isn't just being against the war that is the problem. The problem has been the over the top bombastic rhetoric from Chirac who has made France the most loathed nation in the USA

There is hope for France but remember it took India decades to undo the damaged caused by Indira Ghandi's idiocy. However, in all fairness the Indians are far more vital to our future than the French are.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Screw New Algeria.