Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Its entitlements and growth of government stupid

One thing that has become obvious in the economic meltdown is that the problem in many countries without significant defense spending is the growth of entitlements and luxurious retirement packages given to government employees. Of course this lesson is lost of the Marxist Duck who was last seen in a commercial with Ben Afleck.

What is shocking and surprising is that the Obama administration has yet to offer buyout to older workers. This would reduce the size of government somewhat. When my agency went on a hiring binge two years ago we asked where is the work? Of course the answer was it will be there. When it gave decent raises and promoted many people not ready for additional duties, we asked where is the work. The work still has not arrived and years latter the agency finds itself overstaffed. Now some of this is being lessened by natural attrition but it is not where we should be.


Ducky's here said...

It's odd that a useless paper pusher who is being taken care of cradle to grave and couldn't be productive in the private sector is talking about government benefits.

You certainly are a hypocrite or do you still prefer "officer".

Go send some paper work up the ladder.

Always On Watch said...

couldn't be productive in the private sector


Always On Watch said...

The work still has not arrived and years latter the agency finds itself overstaffed.

And, of course, all these workers are being paid at taxpayers' expense.

Well, once the government gets fat, it can't seem to go on a diet.

beakerkin said...

More bitter gripes from the educational expert who studies doodling.

I left the private sector to be an officer. Cronyism and wasted resources are far worse in government
than in the private sector.

As for my career legal professionals address me as sir, but as I am modest officer will do. I have changed thousands of lives and am frequently thanked in odd places by people I have long forgotten.

Let me know when someones life is changed by doodles

Z said...

Ducky, why do you need to be so nasty and insulting? Studying FILM is more important than being an officer doing immigration work?

Beak, thanks for your comment at my place...could you come back and explain a little, I'd really like to know exactly what you are an expert in the field so I know readers would like more from you on that YOusef thanks so much.

Ducky's here said...

I have a natural antipathy to hypocritical white supremacist sympathizers.

Warren said...

Basically, Nostradumbass is nasty because he is a pitiful nasty person. He is insulting because he is jealous of people that lead happy productive lives.

In other words, it sucks to be ducky and it makes him mad.

beakerkin said...


The Duck is a moron.

He supports Cuba which is a racist state where Blacks are excluded from top jobs in government and in the tourism industry.

He can not find a single racist comment made by me so he resorts to
a Commie version of McCarthyism redux. In fact the record shows heated arguments between myself and Yeagley over his writings.

On the subject of Race, lets see Yeagley is evil because of his Obama as Negro posts but the communist Duck gets a pass to call Condi Rice Aunt Jemimah. It is blatantly obvious who the hypocrite is.

Warren said...

Beak said:
"The Duck is a moron."

Shame on you Beak!
You've just insulted morons everywhere.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I have a natural antipathy to hypocritical white supremacist sympathizers.

Must be a real emotional crisis when you're sending in your membership dues to the ACLU huh, Ducky?

Ducky's here said...

Well,z, I'll tell you. I've managed to get a number of kids off on a career and good employment. I can live with that.

As for beak's contention that "squiggles" don't make any difference,well I think self expression has a lot to do with freedom. You far right wingers are always talking about freedom but as the man said, "talking about it and doing it are two different things".

So we have Beak casually misrepresenting peoples beliefs and generally strutting so why is it so arch o call this little Nazi kahanist pushing paper in the Circumlocution Office a fraud?

Speedy G said...

I have a natural antipathy to hypocritical white supremacist sympathizers.

Me too. They're called Democrats.

beakerkin said...

Hmmm point well made.

Warren said...

Where to start...

First, Nostradumbass, we talk about "Liberty". Freedom is a relative concept and mostly meaningless unless a group of sane rational people are talking about it, (which leaves you out in the cold.)

Far right wingers, Nazis, kahanists, Frauds. Hmmm, anyone notice a pattern here?

Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung, either one, could have made their entire career using you as a case study.

It isn't just Beak or me or any one single person. Your hatred for anyone to the right of Ralph Nader is palpable. Part of it seems to be for shock factor, I mean that's one of the reasons obscene phone callers do their thing.

Big Buba was right, your nothing but a bomb thrower. You have nothing to add and are incapable of defending your positions so you lob out an insult and disappear.

Sucks to be you, Ducky!

SecondComingOfBast said...

I've never seen him quite this nasty. I wonder if he's upset about something. Maybe one or more of those Russian spies was a buddy of his. Didn't one or more of them live in Boston?

beakerkin said...

It goes in cycles. When the price of pot goes up he gets testy.

The people are fed up and he doesn't like the direction of the storm.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

It goes in cycles. When the price of pot goes up he gets testy.

Well, who wouldn't? ;)