Sunday, August 04, 2019

The Difference

The desperate media tries to play connect the dots with every mass shooting except those done by Muslims or communists. When a Muslim perpetrated the greatest homophobic crime in US history the OBAMA line was it was guns.
The Killer didn’t yell long live Charlton Heston.

Unlike the left and ANTIFA, Trump wasted zero time condemning this crime. Do not hold your breath waiting for lefties
to condemn ANTIFA. Ilhan Omar literally thinks Al Queda is funny. Perhaps she should listen to our military vets say Al Queda. Guaranteed they aren’t saying it with respect. Furthermore, I would bank on them killing a terrorist here by any means necessary. Once an attack is underway whatever needs to be done.

The sad part is that the left and the country club republicans are somewhat guilty of creating an atmosphere where
legitimate concerns about immigration are marginalized. The result is The truly unhinged gather on extremist websites Where lunatics compete to be the shriller. This is also seen by the far left monopoly in our educational system. It is no accident that Antifa lunatics all seem to be involved in education. The monoculture leads to a race to the bottom. There has been zero action taken against the university garbage that published the personal information of government officials.

I will take it for granted that Ilhan Omar has threats. Of course so does anyone that supports the President, Is openly Jewish and supports Israel, supports Israel or is a traditional Christian. Yes supporting the 700 club would get more abuse than supporting Hezbollah on a US University.

Trump speaks to those of us tired of open borders and disrespect for our traditions. I work in Nadlers district where
Outside of a Federal Office you never see an American Flag. There are plenty of rainbow flags but nobody flies the American flag. Oddly the most homophobic clowns on the planet are the radical Muslims. Let Pat Robertson say something stupid it is everywhere. Let Farakhan say dumber things about gays and it doesn’t stop Obama, Sarsour and whomever from rationalization of that bigotry.
Trump calls it as he sees it. We do see videos of lefties harassing Ted Cruz, incredibly Chelsea Clinton but none of
these with Elijah Cummings or Ilhan Omar. Both Cruz and Clinton were composed and zero headlines. Yet a TEA Party person allegedly called Cummings the N word it is everywhere.

By marginalization of all discussion about immigration the left is perhaps more guilty of creating an atmosphere of paranoia. People are too polite to tell lefties open borders and social services for illegal aliens is insane.


Ducky's here said...

I assume you realize that Farrakhan endorsed Trump.

I read your screed as an endorsement of white supremacist shootings.

Always On Watch said...

I just cited your post at my blog.

beakerkin said...

Halfway right. Farakhan is stupid and made the comments out of his ass. Trump doesn’t take Jewish money. Does this imbecile grasp that he has Jewish family and plenty of Jewish support.

The question is why the media hid the Obama Farakhan meetings until he was out of office. No political figure has ever received a free ride like Obama. Much of the anger at the MSM was due to this convivance. If the media did it’s job he flatlines and Hillary gets the nomination. Obama made plenty of stupid comments. As stupidity is his natural state this is why he gets a pass