Thursday, July 11, 2019

ICE means safety Th

The media does a very poor job describing the work ICE does. They take public safety very seriously. Want to see an army of volunteers just see how sex offenders get to the front of the workload. They are the people who remove the violent criminals, gang members, drug dealers and sometimes terrorists.

Abolish ICE means abolish sanity.

I am very spoiled in that when they do the work locally it is done in a controlled setting. This is for safety of all parties especially the general public.

Next time you see a radical chanting abolish ICE. Who is going to pick up those pedophiles.Who is going to pick up the gang member.

ICE means public safety


The Second Coming Of Bast said...

This is all about certain states absorbing as many new people for the census as possible in order to get more and undeserved representation in the House of Reprrsebtatives, which would come at the expense of other states that don't have such a heavy influx of illegal aliens.

That's why tbey don't want the citizenship question on tbe census, and also the main reason they want to abolish ICE.

Every goddamn one of these leftist officials should be rounded up and sent to Gitmo, along with any judge that objects.

Ducky's here said...

Tie a can on it, Adolf.

There is a constitutional mandate to count all "persons" in the U.S. The question was shut down because Wilbur "What Me Worry" Ross got caught admitting that the question was intended to undercount districts.

Undercount and then gerrymander. That's how you fascists play it..

beakerkin said...

Let’s see could care less
Jew as Nazi so cliche