Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obama will end the gay ban in the military

I am surprised this did not happen sooner. However, as the people most apt to be annoyed with this are already annoyed beyond repair Obama is seeking to boost support in the gay and far left community.

In general the far left community has always been deceitful about gay rights. There are plenty of gay antisemites who parrot popular leftist cliches about Israel in favor of Psuedostinians who persecute gays. Gays were mistreated under Castro, Mugabe and in many other places. These facts send Gay leftists up a wall as they pretend the sum of all evil is Pat Robertson. The fact remains that while militant gays scream about the the Catholic Church and other denominations, these same denominations treat the sick and the dying. In an extreme example the Anglican Church is on the verge of a split because the far left tried to impose its will in this area.

Gays have always been in the military. In an ideal world there would be no need for don't ask don't tell. The matter would be discussed discreetly and be handled as a matter of discretion. The non fraternization rules that govern other federal workers should be enforced gay or not.

The times are changing and in reality this policy especially when non military contractors such as interpreters should have been changed long ago. A gay Arabic or Urdu interpreter could do the job just as well if not better than a straight interpreter. The reality is that a gay interpreter would likely provide a reliable interpretation especially considering how Jihadist types want to kill them.

I understand how military employment is much different from working at Dairy Queen. People at Dairy Queen do not live together or form the type of bonds that military personnel do. In fact even law enforcement officers form closer bonds with coworkers than other professions. In my own unit I have been surprised at the crass bigotry by the same people aimed at gays who would skin you alive for saying the N word. Some of the more odious claims is that they have "gaydar" or that gays work in certain professions. This is odd because our friend Justin is a Vietnam Vet lives in Texas and as far as I know never went to a Broadway Show or attended a Barbara Streisand concert. I worked in the fashion industry for over ten years, lived in Greenwich Village, attended over 100 Broadway shows and am related to Streisand. The prejudice against gays is frightening in that people assume people are gay and the converse and have no idea who is gay or not.

Obama is going to try immigration reform after health care. He will be a one term disaster. His saving grace is that Jimmy Carter will always look worse.


Ducky's here said...

In general the far left community has always been deceitful about gay rights. There are plenty of gay antisemites who parrot popular leftist cliches about Israel in favor of Psuedostinians who persecute gays.


Notice hoe Beak manages to completely destroy any semblance of sanity in a few sentences.

Beak are you capable of going more than a sentence without slurring the Palestinians?

The_Editrix said...

All I notice is quack quack the Duck! Get an education before you accuse somebody of insanity. You are certainly not insane, just plain dishonest, you fucking liar.

Here or here for example is proof positive that Beak tells the truth and you are dirty lying shit. One link is to my own blog, and to find the other one took me 20 seconds via Google. Oh my oh my! Why do I have a hunch now that you will not apologize for the insanity thingy?

The "Palestinians" don't need Beak or anybody else to slur them. They are doing that pretty effectively themselves.

Beak, you are right about ONE thing, namely that there have always been homosexuals in the military, supported by the time-proven, oldfashioned "don't ask, don't tell" rule. We can safely assume that they were of the sane, sexually continent sort, who don't think that the world is revolving round their schlong, those to whom their sexuality is, as it ought to be, just one aspect in life. However, this was not enough because the homosexual political agenda is not about equality, but about dominance. (Incidentally, that is the case with all militant minorities.) When they get the "right" now to serve in the military, there soon will be endless complaining and lawsuits about "discrimination", endless demands for more "equality", "rope teams" will be formed and homosexual nepotism will be rampant, because that is what ALWAYS happens as soon as homosexuality becomes officially accepted and institutionalized. What will be next? Official darkrooms in the barracks because homosexuals must not be inhibited in the free expression of their sexuality? I am NOT joking.

You are delusional! The nice, continent, sober, middle class homosexual couple you have in mind doesn't exist, or if it exists, it doesn't do anything against the disgusting public display of "gay" sexuality and power hunger. Just as the peaceful Muslim next door doesn't do anything against the oh-so-few "Islamist extremists". At the end of the day, your friendly Muslim neighbour is on his way to Pakistan to join Al Quaida ... ooops ... to seriously study Islam and your nice, sober homosexual couple visit darkrooms at night.

I repeat: It is NOT about equality, it is about power and dominance and if your Great Leader is supporting such a cause it should make you VERY wary. WHO will have an interest to render the American military ineffective?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Where's all the fags that want to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan?


The Merry Widow said...

Dr. Anis Shorrosh slurs the pseudostinians, and he is a Palestinian...

As for carter, I'm not so sure of that anymore, Beaker. I'm afraid that obama will claim the title from him...though his anti-semitic ramblings have gotten blattenly worse lately.
GOD bless and MARANATHA!


Always On Watch said...

Obama is going to try immigration reform after health care.

Lord, help us.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Obama's health care is going to put him on life support.

Ducky's here said...

Beak, am I allowed to respond to that demented kahanist clown, editrix without being banned or do you have a double standard?

beakerkin said...


You can respond to the Editrix.

I want to correct your communist ignorance. Kahanists want to create a Theocracy and when you use this adjective on her it shows your ignorance. In my case it is humorous considering I am a foe of that idiocy. Ask MZ who used to pal around with Renegade Testicle and Gertrude if I have anything to do with his madness.

The_Editrix said...

"that demented kahanist clown, editrix"

You can come and collect a nice Catholic and "Aryan" asskicking from me, you idiot wildfowl!

beakerkin said...

The term we use here is poultry. Wildfowl or Waterfowl are noble creatures. Other than Col Sanders and Frank Perdue nobody gets too worked up over poultry.

The_Editrix said...

Thank you, Beak! Of course you are right. "Poultry" he is.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Ducky keeps the comments here interesting and diverse. It's good to have a balance of views on your comments section. Hell, I even agree with him maybe two or three percent of the time.

The Merry Widow said...

TPT-He even has his humanity intact...most leftistas will go into a diatribe when the post is about a stroke victim or the death of a spouse. ducky retains empathy for the suffering.

That puts him head and shoulders above the average leftista. Besides he can discuss art and movies...he's NOT one dimensional.
GOD bless and MARANATHA!


The_Editrix said...

"Ducky keeps the comments here interesting and diverse. It's good to have a balance of views on your comments section. Hell, I even agree with him maybe two or three percent of the time."

I agree with him almost ALWAYS about "Gay Eagle", which is, by the way, an inspired epithet.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Pagan Temple,

You only agree with Ducky when you're dead fucking wrong.
