Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More Water Boarding of The Duck

Among the juicy tidbits revealed by our crack interrogation methods

1) The Duck secretly likes Grape Nuts
2) Gweneth Paltrow is a more talented actress than Nicole kidman
3) Spike Lee and Oliver Stone are over rated
4) Dunkin Donuts Coffee is better than Starbucks
5) He enjoyed Shirley Temple movies in his youth
6) Watched the Sound of Music while drunk
7) Reads used books and newspapers

Our expert team is now planning on white collar criminals next.
Will we find out that members of the AIG Board buy their underwear
at Walmart.

Tune in next time as the Beak water boards.


Anonymous said...

Crack interrogation methods? I sure hope those aren't the methods they sound like...

Ducky's here said...

1) The Duck secretly likes Grape Nuts

Slander, but I do like Sugar Pops. Don't tell anyone.

2) Gweneth Paltrow is a more talented actress than Nicole Kidman

They both stink. I watched Cocteau's "Orpheus" last night and I was struck by Maria Casares. She was also in Bresson's "Les dames du Bois de Boulogne". Supurb actress, going to look into her other performances.

3) Spike Lee and Oliver Stone are over rated


4) Dunkin Donuts Coffee is better than Starbucks


5) He enjoyed Shirley Temple movies in his youth

I kinda like "Captain January".

6) Watched the Sound of Music while drunk

I've only seen it once. Utter crap. I was sober.

7) Reads used books and newspapers

Just used books.

Anonymous said...

Farenheit 451 party at ducky's!

Ducky's here said...

Hoyer’s remarks come as Harman continues to fight allegations — which first appeared in Congressional Quarterly on Sunday — that she was wiretapped in 2005 during conversations with a suspected Israeli agent. The report alleged that the veteran California lawmaker agreed to seek leniency for two accused spies in return for help in lobbying Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for the Intelligence Committee chairmanship.


Come on Beak. Still think AIPAC has American interests at heart?

elmers brother said...

Yahoo! You know what they say where there's smoke...

I also heard that Duhkkky denied during the interrogation to not own a white sheet.

elmers brother said...

I also heard that Duhkkky confessed to having his temperature taken rectally vs orally.

Come to think of it I don't think we needed the 'crack' interrogation techniques to tell us something we all knew.

Brooke said...

So Ducky hangs at the Half-Priced-Books, sucking up all the free tea. Heh.

Always On Watch said...

Grape Nuts break teeth.

Steve Harkonnen said...

Actually I tend to agree with all of those points with the exception of #'s 1 and 2.

And I am betting a lot of people probably think I'm more liberal from my recent post on Iran!

Ducky's here said...

My. my, once again Elmer displays his fascination with the human rectum. Tough potty training, Elmer?

Anonymous said...

It's my fault, mr. ducky. From now on, we'll leave the wisecracking to you.

elmers brother said...

Me? Duhkkky? You're the one with the homosexual fixation.

My guess is it's a way for you to get around your so called religious convictions about marriage.

Say hello to your boyfriend for me.

elmers brother said...

I mean one way for you to avoid the Catholic church's position on divorce and a loveless marriage is to have a boyfriend eh duhkkky?

I know the truth hurts.

elmers brother said...

and the only thing I'm guilty of is overstating the obvious