Sunday, April 05, 2009

Beakerkin Follies

There are times that Beakerin abuses Commies with comedy. Commies are dour death cultists and are worthy of satire, deportation and incarceration. There was some group of agitators protestingoutside my office. The man said he was from International yada yada yada. I responded he was a corporate whore pitching pancakes and sausage. The perplexed commie was angered and screamed at the top of his lungs he is not from IHOP. "You Trotskyite clowns are very tricky subverting a pancake establishment to foll the masses". After five minutes of exasperation the commie traitor deduced we were mocking him.

I was not in the news cycle on Friday. Sunbeam told me that there was yet another shooting in Binghamton. I asked her if it was another English major gone haywire. She explained it was at an immigration center. I responded it must be open season on officers even though we do not have an office there. Sunbeam explained it was at a community center.

In these tough times it is more important than ever to maintain a sense of humor. For the record the killer at VT was in fact an English major. This was despite all the predictions that the Killer was an Engineering student who could not relate to humans and would benefit from more Chomsky, Marx and Menchu. Well if the media is going to make up insane theories based on its own agenda then my theory is no less inane. My theory is the killer was driven mad by studying the 17 rules of commas.

Of course the killer turned out to be an imigrant so the hate crime element just doesn't work. If this were under Bush the media would be playing up hopelessness of laid off workers. However,
under Obama the adgenda is to blame guns for the actions of the mentally ill.

Sunbeam is amazing. Some of us live their dreams, but she is better than any of my dreams.


Always On Watch said...

the killer turned out to be an imigrant so the hate crime element just doesn't work. If this were under Bush the media would be playing up hopelessness of laid off workers. However,
under Obama the adgenda is to blame guns for the actions of the mentally ill.

The cries for gun control are reaching another fever pitch. In fact, the WaPo ran just such a lead editorial yesterday.

I heard on the morning news today that the shooter was upset that people at the center "made fun of his English." I highly doubt that is the case in such a facility, but perhaps, unlike many ESL students, he couldn't laugh at his mistakes.

I admit that I'm relieved that some white supremacist didn't commit those murders in Binghamton -- or even any white person, for that matter. I hear that the Taliban tried to take credit, and that idea has been discredited now.

Always On Watch said...

This story does have all the elements to set the liberals on fire:

Richard Andrew Poplawski was a young man convinced the nation was secretly controlled by a cabal that would eradicate freedom of speech, take away his guns and use the military to enslave the citizenry.


"He was really into politics and really into the First and Second amendment. One thing he feared was he feared the gun ban because he thought that was going to take away peoples' right to defend themselves....

Mr. Poplawski's view of guns and personal freedom took a turn toward the fringes of American politics. With Mr. Perkovic, he appeared to share a belief that the government was controlled from unseen forces, that troops were being shipped home from the Mideast to police the citizenry here, and that Jews secretly ran the country....