Friday, May 18, 2018

Non News

Let’s see a Trump supporter makes stupid comments to restaurant workers about reporting them to ICE. It his highly dubious that Trump knows this clod. The point about workers in a non Spanish area talking a foreign language on the job is one bandied around for at least 30 years. I don’t have an issue with a foreign language, but I acknowledge the larger issues.

Meanwhile Obama has a personal friend who compared Jews to vermin. Obama was never once asked about the comments of Rashid Khalidi. Obama has never been asked about the comments of Khalidi. Nor are the comments about infestation of government related to Palestine. They are literally lifted from Nazi rhetoric that as a so called academic he should be cognizant.

Obama is given a free pass for sitting in a Church two decades and not knowing the pastor is a weapons grade bigot. The media also hid photos of Obama meeting well known bigot Farakhan. I am starting to wonder if the reason Obama hides his grades is because he is an
Duhhh, I sat in a Church run by a Black version of Archie Bunker and took two decades to figure it out. Duh Rashid Khalidi is just uses flowery rhetoric that Nazis would recognize. Duh Bill Ayers is a neighbor a washed up terrorist
I barely know.

PT Obama must be laughing between Bong hits.


Always On Watch said...

BHO gets a pass for everything. And his name is cooed in dulcet tones. Sheesh.

Ducky's here said...

I hope Schlossberg has representation.

He's being evicted from his law office and a formal complaint was brought before the New York bar.

It isn't the first time this bigoted schmuck has been involved in this type of racist incident either.
I hope he gets reamed.

beakerkin said...


You are right. Why did the media withhold the photo with Farakhan. His grades are a bigger secret than the revenue for Coca Cola. The cries of fake news are idiotic


The First Amendment covers the right to stupidity. In your world it is only for those you agree with. When it comes to musicals celebrating tossing American Jews in Wheelchairs off of cruise ships you take a different view. You also give Farakhan a free pass. He has the same right to offensive views as Farakhan or Pastor Wright.

Warren said...

I hear we might get a face to face at the end of June or beginning of July.

I get the recliner!

Always On Watch said...

I hereby declare that the recliner is Warren's.

Anonymous said...

You all are still complaining about Obama. Get over it already! Talk about what a sleazy scumbag president we have. trump is incredibly incapable of making decisions for my country. I'd rather see this country sway towards Socialism than in the direction we're going (Fascism) now.