Tuesday, June 14, 2016

There is no excuse

I grow tired of these rationalizations for a hate crime. Most of us see plenty of things we don't care for but don't slaighter people. Most of us see a variety of things that annoy us like Dallas Cowboy merchandise or a Vanilla Ice Cd. We grasp that people like stupid things. The killer was born in NYC and was familiar with gays. Gays are fellow Americans who need to grasp Progressives just threw them under the bus.

ISIS is Islam for losers. The killer could have left the country and become a war criminal. Instead he chose an act of cowardice and sneak attacked unarmed gay Civillians.

Just exactly how do Muslims become victims. Any claim that Muslims are victims given their history of colonialism and
Jim Crow abuses are sad jokes. Palestine is a communist rationalization for Jew hatred. In reality it is lefties who want to create apartheid states for Muslims. It is time we realize that rationalization of terror by the left is a crime. The presidents great buddy Ayers should be ostracized as the worst American ever. Unlike Benadict Arnold he never served his country. He aided and abetted a foreign death cult slaughter millions. His crimes had nothing to do with Vietnam. Furthermore if he lived in the idiocy he advocates for others he would be dead.

Progressives are ignorant heartless people who hate everything about our country and our traditions. Obama can't say Islamic RadicLism because Muslims are victims. He uses the terrorism word to describe people opposed to his policies and then sends his Mafia in the IRS after his critics. The Obama Clinton abuses need a special prosecutor. Let Lois Lerner face jail time in a Super Max and see if she is as tough as Liddy. My guess is she sings as she is a coward and bully. Time in a superman breaks her.


Ducky's here said...

One one hand he claims allegiance to ISIS and on the other he claims allegiance to Hezbollah. So you think he's a militant Salafist who doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia?

I'd love to read your explanation.

Ducky's here said...

Just exactly how do Muslims become victims. Any claim that Muslims are victims given their history of colonialism and
Jim Crow abuses are sad jokes. Palestine is a communist rationalization for Jew hatred. In reality it is lefties who want to create apartheid states for Muslims. It is time we realize that rationalization of terror by the left is a crime. The presidents great buddy Ayers should be ostracized as the worst American ever. Unlike Benadict Arnold he never served his country. He aided and abetted a foreign death cult slaughter millions. His crimes had nothing to do with Vietnam. Furthermore if he lived in the idiocy he advocates for others he would be dead.

That may be your greatest paragraph ever.

You really need an editor.

Ducky's here said...

Gays are fellow Americans who need to grasp Progressives just threw them under the bus.

That's a rather strange statement.

Can you elaborate.

Michael said...

I'm confused. I thought that Lois Lerner was the Worst American Ever.