Saturday, April 02, 2016


At work I have a brother. One of us is Black and the other white. It doesn't matter that we are on opposite sides of the union dispute. I can't think of anyone I would trust to protect the workers in my absence. I am off to fight for a larger principle. It is something I believe in my heart. I have led a dissident faction and while I stand on my ideals. I respect those who remain behind. They must choose what works for their family. The question is local or national control. I am a tireless campaigner for local control. It is a nasty fight and we have been underestimated.?

It is an odd struggle with me leading a charge with a largely Black and Asian effort to restore local control. My friend is the sole Black in what many perceive as a racist crew.

Though we might disagree on this, we are always brothers first.

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