Monday, November 23, 2015

Doing Nothing

This is a strange post where I support Obama. We as Americans are not suited to wars where civilians are cannon fodder. Russia and other nations are held to lower standard. I don't like war in general and it is even worse fighting an enemy with a snuff film mentality.

What has to be done is brutal and beyond our ethos. You beat such a foe by sapping the will of the public. You make support and shelter painful. You make people turn on their neighbors. You level whole neighborhoods. This is quite different from a traditional foe.

ISIS unlike the left is factually correct. As all of the States are colonial constructs the argument for yet another
Arab state is facetious. It always has been a false narrative pretty much a repackaging of old time Jew hatred. It is not fashionable for Ducky to rail about Jews. Thus he turns his maniacal focus on the planets only Jewish state. He does so knowing that Palestine was contrived after Jews into the Sea didn't market well.

Obama is a lame duck and should sit this one out. Let the issue become a campaign issue and let the next President decide.


Ducky's here said...

"ISIS unlike the left is factually correct."

In an incomprehensible rant, this stands out.
Maybe you can give the statement a little context.

beakerkin said...

The thugs at ISIS know all of the nationalities are contrived. There is zero case for Pseudostine

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I have to disagree. Only bombing campaigns that haven't dropped enough bombs are ineffective. We should be coordinating sorties so that there actually isn't a pause between bomb strikes. Just one perpetual explosion lasting for months. People in orbit should be able to see a Syria-shaped fire in the Middle East. Leave no grain of sand unbombed.

Michael said...

Leveling entire neighborhoods is exactly how we have fought wars going back to the Civil War. Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Baghdad--do I have to go on? Chopping off the arm to cure the hangnail would be nothing new; it would be business as usual.

beakerkin said...

Way to go Mr B

Sadly Michael that is what it will take. Think Chechnya or Sri Lanka and the left was silent When Russia leveled Chechnya. Chechens are yet another people with a better claim then those Pseudostinians you rail about 24:7

Michael said...

"Pseudostinians you rail about 24:7"

I don't remember having mentioned them anywhere in any context whatever, either in conversation or online, but okay.

"Think Chechnya or Sri Lanka and the left was silent When Russia leveled Chechnya."

I thought that we were supposed to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the Russians.

It would seem that the innocent civilians are not even human, as far as you're concerned.

beakerkin said...

Funny you seem to hold the USA and Israel to high standards and make excuses for everyone else.

If you want to win a war against Muslims you have to be as brutal as they are. Funny I don't recall a peep from the left about Chechnya.

Arabs have an abundance of states and are not victims in any sense.

On your earlier posts you fail to note the Atomic bomb was used after Pearl Harbor and brutal war crimes. You mention Dresden but forget the bombing of London and the Holocaust. In the case of The USSR the famed numbers include Stalin killing his own people and 1,5 in the Holocaust..

Beating ISIS will require tough tactics that are suited to the Russians.

Michael said...

"Funny you seem to hold the USA and Israel to high standards and make excuses for everyone else."

Again, this very sentence is, as far as I remember, the first time I've ever mentioned Israel anywhere online, so I'm not sure who you're thinking of when you write that.

We're supposed to hold our country to a high standard. It's our country. I also hold my own kids to a higher standard than I hold other kids to because they're my kids and I get to hold them to a standard, something I don't get to do with other parents' kids.

"On your earlier posts you fail to note the Atomic bomb was used after Pearl Harbor and brutal war crimes. You mention Dresden but forget the bombing of London and the Holocaust."

I failed to mention them because they were not germane to the point you'd made. You said that it was time for the United States to try destroying entire cities in order to demoralize and defeat its enemy, as if the United State had never gone there before. I was pointing out that the United States has already tried that, going all the way back to the Civil War.

Always On Watch said...

Stopping by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

beakerkin said...

Thanks AOW

Now I am glad you mentioned the Civil War. General Lee refused to get involved in guerilla war. After dropping the atomic bomb Japan surrendered.

Arabs have no honor. They need to be defeated soundly and then be given a few crumbs. This is a task suited to Russia and the Iranians. Americans are too busy trying to win the hearts and souls.

Ducky's here said...

@Beak -- General Lee refused to get involved in guerilla war.

Ever hear of Nathan Bedford Forrest, Beak? Have you bothered with any history since high school?

@Beak -- Arabs have no honor. They need to be defeated soundly and then be given a few crumbs.

Channeling Sharon, are we?
Attitudes like yours will have us in perpetual war in the Middle East. Too bad we can't bomb unarmed civilians for no good reason like our "honorable allies" in the IDF.
You are a very angry, ignorant man, Beak. A bad combination.

beakerkin said...

The pseudo educated Duck rationalizes Arabs keeping people in camps for generations to stoke Jew hatred.

Show us where you protected the treatment of Chechens

beakerkin said...

The pseudo educated Duck rationalizes Arabs keeping people in camps for generations to stoke Jew hatred.

Show us where you protected the treatment of Chechens

Ducky's here said...

Israel could reduce a lot of that hatred by loosening the blockade on Gaza.
The IDF behavior has been indefensible.

Now, just what leverage did we have to resolve the war in Chechnya?
You're being obtuse.

beakerkin said...

By whose standards, Russia or Arabs themselves. Any other nation levels Gaza for the rockets.

According to you morality is very selective. Jews held to high standards and Muslims none.

Michael said...

You have a lot of weird obsessions, which include these topics:

1. Reluctance to hold yourself to a high standard when you feel that other people are getting away with stuff. Why are so you afraid to be held to a high standard? Is it because you secretly know you won't make the cut?

2. People who smoke marijuana--"potheads," in your vernacular. I don't know what you think weed does to people, but, whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be based on reality.

3. Communists. Apparently everyone you disagree with is a Communist. I have thought for a long time that you don't really seem to know what a Communist is.

4. Your own indispensability at work. This is despite the fact that, to judge by you own descriptions of events, your bosses all try to palm you off onto some other department.

beakerkin said...

Let's do this slowly as you are clearly an imbecile.

You hold Israel to standards that are unique and novel. When other nations are faced with similar behavior from genuine indigenous people you say nothing. In any comparison to Kurds, Tibetians or African Tribes Palestine is a joke. You obsess about it because you are antisemitic. You did not say a peep about Grozny because neither party were Jews.


beakerkin said...

2 The drug abuse of both Obama and Bill DiBlassio is factual. Sorry but potheads should not be leading anything. Obama was a hardcore pothead much of his idiotic comments appear pot induced. He knows more about Judaism than any other President because he read a book. What book was it the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. DiBlassio has a history as well. Both are more Bill and Ted than serious thinkers.

beakerkin said...

In the case of DiBlassio his support for the Sandanistas and honeymoon in Cuba point to your stupidity. Obamas mentor was a card carrying member of the Communist party and he was endorsed by the Communist party.

Communists typically hide their stench with words like Progrssive and social justice. They tend to be Potheads for Palestine with an inordinate obsession on the subject that borders on pathological.


This is why when I was supposed to switch teams my boss hit the roof and scuttled that plan.
This is also why I am assigned to mentor new officers regularly. This is why our local AILA chapter President cites me as an example in meetings with management.

The problems are with a specific person and I am not alone in that regard. The Union has cited this person multiple times having nothing to do with me. In fact when managers got to pick their teams I was selected near the very top. My ratings and bonus speak louder than your ignorance.

Moreover, I am regularly asked by top management to look at numbers and how to improve results. Sorry but you know less about my career than the other subjects.

At best you are an ignorant peasant.

Always On Watch said...

He knows more about Judaism than any other President because he read a book. What book was it the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

I'm reasonably certain that his "fathers" made sure that he read it. Maybe his mother, too.

Michael said...

"You hold Israel to standards that are unique and novel."

Again: what are you talking about? I've never, ever mentioned it, here or elsewhere.

"The drug abuse of both Obama and Bill DiBlassio is factual. Sorry but potheads should not be leading anything. Obama was a hardcore pothead much of his idiotic comments appear pot induced."

Again: you seem to have some weird ideas about what marijuana use does. You don't get flashbacks or anything decades later.

"Communists typically hide their stench with words like Progrssive and social justice. They tend to be Potheads for Palestine with an inordinate obsession on the subject that borders on pathological."

Maybe, but you call anyone who disagrees with you a Communist, whether or not they mention Israelis or Palestinians.

"At best you are an ignorant peasant."

That's as may be.

beakerkin said...

Obama is a hard core pothead. His idiotic ramblings are the product of years of drug abuse. He was not a casual user.

beakerkin said...

We play this game with Commies. As they are dishonest about who they are this is a dodge.
Are you denying Obama had a card carying communist mentor and Diblassios past.

I call them as u see them cumwad.

Always On Watch said...

Obama is a hard core pothead. His idiotic ramblings are the product of years of drug abuse.

His ramblings in Paris yesterday were surreal.

Obama's speech yesterday in Paris implied that the terrorists would be impressed with the West's resolve and unity to curb global warming. That statement is illogical. A dry climate doesn't cause terrorism, which is ideologically driven.

Does Obama really believe that global warming causes terrorism?

The jihadists didn't target Paris in order to interfere with the climate change conference. Nevertheless, Obama has implied that. Sheesh.

beakerkin said...

Obama is almost a satire of the left. The satire isn't funny as the media gives him a free pass at every turn.

Obama and his clown posse are a parody of elitist arrogance.

Michael said...

Ah, "cumwad." It's good to see you back in top form.

beakerkin said...

Given the high pitched paranoid obsession Commies have with Jews, Israel and the USA it is amazing it isn't worse