Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Racist Bird Brain

If someone on the right made remarks about mostly Black and Indian immigrants the Duck would be screaming racism. However as a moron follower of Marx he feels himself above basic norms of behavior. Interestingly his comments on immigration are especially dumb.

West Indian immigrants run the entire gamut and can be found in every profession. The most notoriously, bad mouthed group is Haiti. However, one can visit business run by Expatriates and visit with skilled professionals in almost every endeavor. All of the West Indians readily become American with ease. A surprising number serve with honor in our military. In two generations they are indistinguishable from other Americans.

I will contrast this with Emigrants the Duck champions. They do not absorb American values and have tendencies that would shock even the most jaded of us. Lefties are very fond of hyping homophobia when expressed from a right of center pastor. Lefties pretend much more incindiary comments aimed at Jews and gays from Muslims are rather quaint. Homophobia is a problem in the West Indies. The largest group of gay asylees comes from Jamaica. Of course Obama will
not dare lecture West Indians or Muslims about mistreating gays. He did lecture Africans who do not emigrate for this reason.

Immigration is about individuals and how well attached they are to our values is subject for debate. I have not witnessed anything other than love for the USA in my community. Education for its own sake is not as prized as learning a vocation. There is nothing wrong with those who wish to labor in those areas. Sucky views them as unwashed
Masses who need the divine wisdom of the all mighty Marxist State.

In reality almost every immigration story centers around jobs.


Always On Watch said...

Perhaps the darker that a person's skin is, the more Duck despises that person.

Always On Watch said...

Of course Obama will
not dare lecture West Indians or Muslims about mistreating gays. He did lecture Africans who do not emigrate for this reason.

I've noticed that.

Why is that?

Ducky's here said...

No, I'm just pointing out to Beak that his rejection of Muslims makes no sense when he champions an immigrant group that is well documented as being welfare dependent.

We turn away children who are refugees from very violent drug wars in central America or people fleeing a hellish war in the mideast (both situations we helped spawn) but if Caribbean's fly in, over stay their visas and go on welfare we should be fine with that.

Beak has it backwards.