Monday, April 22, 2013

Why Stephen Schwartz gets it and Ducky doesn't

Stephen Schwartz is a Muslim who cares deeply about his faith and country. He does not mince words about terrorism and grasps the damage  these pointless attacks cause the faith. The attacks in Boston made the faith look bad. It made Muslims look bad and accomplished zero.

There is no excuse for these war crimes. There is no evidence that these Beavis abd Butthead pot smokers
experienced anything more then the fat kid type of abuse in gym class.  These were spoiled upper middle class loser types who were more or less emulating Bill Ayers.

Ducky as a Marxist feels a need to stand up for any enemy of the country including Beavis and Butthead bombers. Sorry, but terrorism is pointless and makes the faith look bad. The damage of Beavis and Butthead bombers in Boston is far worse then Pam Geller.


Ducky's here said...

The attacks in Boston made the faith look bad. It made Muslims look bad and accomplished zero.

You needed someone to tell you that?

Please, go back to filling out the forms.

beakerkin said...

Funny Stephen Schwartz doesn't make excuses or rationalize terror. He is an American Patriot who cares about
his faith.

You run to rationalize the actions of every enemy of the USA.

Always On Watch said...

Tom Brokaw has blamed the drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan.