Sunday, May 06, 2012

Great Pot Smoke In

I passed through Union Square Park on my way home. My favorite Pizza place is gone. I had been visiting there for more than 20 years. The place across the street is pretty good. However, one can not get the same feeling from a destination that has been part of your life for so long.

Unfortunately, I was wearing clothing with my employers name on it. As such I was careful not to engage the locals. An communist anti semite from the tiny but stridently antisemitic Pseudostine movement was there. I really need to locate a bunch of Caterpillar hats and Tonka Bulldozers. Now some of you may think that making pancake jokes about Rachel Corrie is cruel. However, signs describing Jewish conspiracies to control the government and calling Jews who support Israel traitors deserves a response. Communists questioning the loyalties of anyone is at best some sort of joke. Julius and Ethel weren't executed for being Jews, think again comrades.

The main event appeared to be a meeting of aging communists with the Bill and Ted crowd of druggies. Lengthy speeches about legalizing drugs were the topic. I could have drawn a larger crowd than that with a free Vanilla Ice concert.


Ducky's here said...

Your work logo identifies you as a Jew?

Damn, you really are a member of the lunatic fringe.

beakerkin said...

Not quite poultry, I appear Jewish
and deal quite easily with your obsessed Marxist cumwads. As I was in work clothing I could not dismantle them. That would be breaking several laws.

SecondComingOfBast said...

The main event appeared to be a meeting of aging communists with the Bill and Ted crowd of druggies.

Where the fuck is Andre Brevik when you need him?