Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lets hope the GOP Candidates listen to Rick Scott

It is nice to read about a Gov. talking about the excesses in higher education. It is time to end the days of wine and roses for Bolshevik political hacks at public expense. The reform initiative should be named after the poster child of useless political hacks, Bill Ayers.

1) Tenure needs to be abolished going forward at any University accepting government sponsored loans.

2) All hiring decisions should be made in human resources. The days of Marxist star chambers
in departments should end.

3) Department heads should be appointed by the University President.

4) Elimination of sabaticals

5) Removal of publishing and research for all non hard science classes. The rest of the professors will have their teaching hours increased.

6) Reform of the liberal arts base and replacement of political classes like anthropology and sociology with accounting and marketing.

Newsflash to the Occupy Crowd don't blame your hard working banker for your student debt.
Do blame your overpaid political hack professors.


Ducky's here said...

5) Removal of publishing and research for all non hard science classes. The rest of the professors will have their teaching hours increased.

6) Reform of the liberal arts base and replacement of political classes like anthropology and sociology with accounting and marketing.


Beak what was your major? Do you have a degree?

How did anthropology become political?

Art history is loaded with commies so I understand your position but anthropology seems a stretch.

beakerkin said...

Anthropology has become a clearinghouse for anarchists and communists without job skills. David Graeber is not an isolated case. When the field does a better job of including more mainstream political views it will get less scorn.

I have your a BBA otherwise known as your traditional Business degree. I have plenty of credits in psychology as well.