Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Enough allready

Long term readers know I supported Civil Unions for gays on the basis of equity. The legal fight is basically a temper tantrum by gay activists who have zero respect for the concerns of religious people who see marriage as a religious term. Still part of me wanted to see the measure pass so the gay activists can shut up. The reality is that this inequality does turn ordinary law abiding citizens into law breakers in immigration matters. I would rather see an honest and committed gay couple than the comedic Will and Grace farces known to anyone in my profession in LA or NYC.

After victory the media has been in overdrive on the issue that is pointless. The first gay marriage stories were appropriate, but weeks of this every day is enough. Even the local billboards for moving companies and a vodka company chimed in needlessly. The gay market is an important consumer demographic and it is important for companies to advertise in their mediums. However,placing billboards with in your face messages rubbing the faces of those who opposed this in the dirt is in extremely bad taste.

The truth is that gay people are subjected to more abuse in the workplace than any other group.
My contribution to this malady was refusing to press charges when an ignoramus in Vermont called me gay on multiple times. I was told by an outraged human resources type to press charges. I told her that as an enlightened NYC resident I do not consider the term an insult. In my particular case the matter is comedic as it shows the person has obviously never been to a big city. However, the very same people who would end a career over the N word see nothing wrong with anti gay slurs, stereotypes and claims that certain people have gaydar. The anti gay comments by Black coworkers are shocking in that they feel immune to being called out for bigotry.

On a certain level there is far more pervasive and entrenched bigotry against gays than any other group. No group should be subjected to slurs other than commies. This is indeed a far more serious and relevant issue than gay marriage. Even in far left bastions like Vermont and NYC the level of scorn and often well meaning ignorance is amazing. My message is that it is a private matter that is no business of mine and other than commies everyone should be treated with decency and respect. However, the droning news stories and gratuitous bill boards don't respect the views of religious people who for the most part are far more respectful than their sanctimonious far left opponents.


Joe Conservative said...

Still part of me wanted to see the measure pass so the gay activists can shut up.

Shut up? Do you REALLY think that this would be the END of their activism? THAT would be like believing that granting some Pseudostinians the right to govern themselves in Gaza would induce them to stop launching rockets into Israel.

Joe Conservative said...

However, the droning news stories and gratuitous bill boards don't respect the views of religious people who for the most part are far more respectful than their sanctimonious far left opponents.

They do NOT, nor did they EVER seek moral "equivalency". They seek moral "superiority". That you can't see that, beakerkin, is a little disheartening.

SecondComingOfBast said...

I support the right of gay people to get the help they need to overcome this delusion they've been caught up in. I most definitely do not support the right for them to push "tolerance" and "acceptance" of their lifestyle on innocent grade school children or on anyone else.

And I most definitely do not support the right of them to adopt. Geez if two male homosexuals went to adopt a baby I wonder if they would choose a boy or a girl. Oh yeah, I guess they would adopt a boy. You know, to have somebody to "carry on the family name" (Snort)

Gays already have all the legal rights they need. If someone assaults them, they can and should press charges. If they want to leave their property to their fellow butt-buddy, what the fuck is stopping them? Its called contract law. As long as there's no children from a previous marriage, especially underage children, its not an issue.

They want to be visited by their gay lover in the hospital? What the hell is stopping them? I've had friends in the hospital, nobody ever stopped me from visiting them in the hospital for as long as I wanted. Granted, I wasn't sucking any of their dicks or fucking any of them in the ass, but if they're in the hospital they presumably aren't in the mood for that anyway.

Nobody gives a shit what gays do in the privacy of their own homes and bedrooms. Just keep it there and everybody will be fine with it.

Ducky's here said...

Pagan, Michele Bachmann's husband does just that at his unlicensed clinic. He prays them straight and then collects Medicare payments for the "service".

Man, that women is permanently attached to the public teat.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Good for Mr. Bachmann. If he can cure people of this mental illness then he deserves a hell of a lot more than Medicare payments, he deserves a Nobel Prize in Psychiatry.