Saturday, March 13, 2010

New York Times gets around to dubious trade schools

You have seen the commercials on TV. The trade school that promised a lucrative career. What they do not tell you is that many of these schools saddle the applicants with debt loads they can not pay and jobs that pay just above minimum wage. The ones in the culinary art area are far and away the most notorious.

The sad part is that these schools are feeding on people who are at rock bottom. Of guess who pays for these scams..... the tax payer via student loans. We need accountability in government and reform in all educational outlays.

I want to take the story of a childhood friend. I grew up with this friend and indeed he was a talented artist. He went to a State university and did get a fine arts degree with impressive grades.His degree qualified him to do nothing.

Unlike many fine arts students my friend is a gifted writer and has other skills. Still in twenty five years of moving from entry level job to job has gotten him nowhere. The liberal arts base provided no significant job skills.

The truth is that students are more employable after an acounting class than by reading Marx, Menchu and Chomsky. However, the folks at big education do not want to discuss the cushy jobs
and lousy product of our system.

The trade schools is a great start but what is a sociology major really equipped to do.

This was a question I had with an actual grad student and mounds of debt. He was a nice enough
sort who is lost in the train wreck of an economy. Of course the student had no idea, but none of us ever know what the future holds.


Ducky's here said...

Ah, the government paper pusher is going after fine arts students.

Do you know what a good graphic artist makes? Of course you don't. You're too busy filling out forms at a dysfunctional agency.

Why don't you try museum curation or something that you say takes no skill. They'd be thrilled to interview a hard charging paper pusher like yourself.

beakerkin said...

Actually Duncy yours truly did work as a purchasing agent for a firm that employed graphic artists. They made considerably less than the people with business degrees.

With one notable exception the fine arts majors in government have been useless. At least the English majors could write in between idiotic rants
of Marx.

It is time to revamp the liberal arts base and require everyone take classes in accounting, marketing and finance. All of the above are more useful than anthropology or Sociology.

CM said...

If I were young again, I would be an Anthorpologists. Why Not? Just be happy.

Your future depends on where you live and what you want out of life. If you grew up in N.Y., you want that fast pace fancy restaurants, museums, opera, same with Chicago, just be Happy.

I attended a dedication yesterday for a well known Indian man in our area, he was known by many people throughout the U.S. and England. His name was George "Woogie" Watchetaker. He appeared in several movies, TV shows including Ed Sullivan and in 1971 he went to England to represent the American Indians in the 150th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower(I would have protest after being educated about Columbus). He danced for two Presidents, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman. He even met President Ford who acknowledged him at the Airport.
Woogie was escorted in limos!

He was a vocation student, an Artist and Flute Maker and Player. I don't know if Woogie even graduated high school, yet he was a very successful person when it came to life and personality and social acceptance within his Comanche Community, for that matter all Indian Nations. For us he represented the best, he was five-time National War Dance Champion and three-time World Champion at the American Indian Exposition held at Anadarko, He was knowns as the "Rainmaker" and a spiritual Leader among the Native Americans was well loved respected by all Races. Above all his teachings of his Arts, he encouraged his students to take pride in their Traditional language and dance. A dancer can express himself by dancing he said.

You may have never heard of our "Woogie" the Rainmaker, but that is "Our" neck of the woods and lifestyle, it takes all kinds, life is short, love it, make the most of it no matter where you may be in the sidewalk jungles of N.Y. or the Plains of Oklahoma! I think "Woogie" lived an exciting life. For a trade school student he was very successful in the eyes of the Comanche People who attended and Danced to this Dedication! It was like, he was still here amongst us, while old time style war Dancers dressed as he did and emulated him.... what a day!

For some of us, it doesn't take much to make us Happy, just a song and dance and good memories!