Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Gathering Storm

The Obama administration must be concerned about the poll results in the Senate race.
If the GOP challenger is within 10 points in MA Obama should take heed. The country wants first and foremost jobs.

The problem is that Obama is a University Marxist who is more concerned with the approval of deranged social science faculty hacks than those in Walmart parking lots.
He is reviving the GOP with his arrogance and maniacal big government policies.


Anonymous said...

Obama's the best thing to hit the GOP since Jimmy Carter.

Susan English Mason said...

I think Scott Brown is going to win and the two health care debacles are doomed. I cannot believe how willing the left is to give up their freedoms. I cannot even believe that in the US our government is trying to force us to buy health care and be penalized if we do not comply. They are not going to give people any alternatives like investing in health savings accounts, or buying catastrophic coverage and taking care of oneself. I do not even have to look at the two plans beyond this one unconstitutional aspect to decide it's not right for me, or my country. This next week is going to be interesting. I don't know how you feel about the word fuck but all I can think to say is fuckety fuck fuck fuck.

beakerkin said...


If Brown wins then Obama either hears the message of goes out in one term.MA is themost liberal state in the union.

I wanted insurance reform, but this does not seem too popular. We have a maze of 50 state laws and the system is ponderous.

Obama has done something I have not thought possible. Conservatives
hate him because they think he is a stealth Marxist. Marxists hate him because they think he is a stealth conservative.

The far left had unrealistic expectations for Obama. They had a laundry list of just impossible

1) Single payer health plan
2) Gay Marriage
3) A Palestinian State
4) Amnesty for Illegals
5) Withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.
6) Reduction in the size of the military.
7) Normalization of relations with

When Obama failed to deliver this extreme agenda the left started
to cry. In the United States things are not done by fiat like in Cuba or North Korea.

Obama's biggest enemy is his ego.
Right now he should be working on one thing jobs.

He did benefit from the Haiti disaster because it makes him look
Presidential. His foes look worse
than ever with idiotic comments.

Susan English Mason said...

I want health reform but these I think it will collapse the dollar if it goes into effect. And, this is one time I hope I'm dead wrong.

I sat down and thought about what I would do if I had the ultimate power to do so. When I did this I realized that there are some good points in the two bills, like the exchanges and the tax credits for buying policies. Beyond that there isn't much there that I agree with. They say they want to clean up waste and fraud in Medicare, but they always say that.

Soon we will all be flying off to Costa Rica along with the Canadians to pay for health care.

Always On Watch said...

BHO sank Creigh Deeds campaign here last fall.

Might the same happen in Massachusetts? Could be.

Justin said...

Prediction for the Massachusetts election:

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Joseph Stalin

Cateran said...

Pouty Lips said, Soon we will all be flying off to Costa Rica along with the Canadians to pay for health care.

In a word, nonsense. You need to stop listening to politicians and "newsmen" that have agendas and talking points provided to them by the lobbies that manage your healthcare system. Do some research on your own before spouting utter twaddle about something, I'm willing to bet, you're completely unqualified to comment on.

As much as I dislike Wickedpedia this comparison of US/Canadian healthcare systems is a fair start. From an user point of view, this article from an American expat living in Canada, and this article written by a Canadian expat living in the States speak to some of the gross misconceptions Americans have of the Canadian healthcare system.

Beak, why don't you start a thread on "socialised" medicine?

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to bet, you're completely unqualified to comment on.

Yeah. Listen to the liberal media elites, PL! They have all the qualifications of a BA in journalism! And Cateran probably even has an AA in law enforcement or some other equally "socially relevant" field!


beakerkin said...


Unlike you I lived in a border state.
I can say with certainty I saw plenty of Canadians getting medical care on the American side. Canadians also did much of their shopping on the American side as well because everything else is taxed to the teeth.

I also listened to Montreal talk radio on my way to work. I heard complaint after complaint so the system is not as you claim.

Also remember the USA subsidizes Canadian defense and drug costs.
In short US consumers pay for the R&D costs while Canadians pay fractions of what the US consumers pay for drugs developed and produced here.

I would also add EU countries also
have their defense subsidized by the USA. Their large social saftey
nets have come on the back of the US tax payer.

It is time to end NATO. The USA should sign a pact to defend Poland and Hungary from Russia.

Anonymous said...

...and please, PL, in the future NEVER comment on political issues like socialized medicine that will directly affect you and your loved ones for the rest of your life. Else Cateran will label you a greedy self-interested b*stard with no heart for the poor and underinsured masses!

Cateran said...

Unlike you I lived in a border state.

Beak, look at a map sometime, every Canadian, including myself, (unless they reside in the NWT, the Yukon, Nunavut, or Labrador) lives in a border "state". I used to live in Vancouver, it's a 45 min. drive to Washington State. I've spent numerous weekends in the States, not for shopping or medical care, but for recreation.

I happen to think the US is wonderful place to visit.

I can say with certainty I saw plenty of Canadians getting medical care on the American side. Canadians also did much of their shopping on the American side as well because everything else is taxed to the teeth.

I have no idea about Canadians travelling to the USA for medical care, but I'd say there will always people with more money than commonsense. As to shopping, it's more a function of a rate of exchange than it is taxes. The closer the Canadian dollar gets to par with the American dollar, the more cross border shopping there is. There are a lot of US border towns that need Canadian shoppers to stay in business. Not something I'd complain about, were I you.

I also listened to Montreal talk radio on my way to work. I heard complaint after complaint so the system is not as you claim.

I haven't claimed anything, Beak, I simply called an inane statement "nonsense". Even in a perfect system there will be moaners. And moaning is something the French are particularly good at.

Also remember the USA subsidizes Canadian defense...

I have no idea about that, Beak. I would say that we simply don't have as many enemies as you do. In other words, if you subsidise Canadian defense, it's because it's in your best interests to do so.

... and drug costs.

The Canadian government negotiates drug costs with the pharmaceutical industry. They pay a fair price for the drugs. You don’t.

beakerkin said...


When I say I lived on the border I mean literally on the border. Around one in four cars in the local doctors practices were Canadian. Some of the Doctors themselves were Canadian.

Alcohol, Gas and Cigarettes are taxed through the roof in Canada. This situation happens regardless of exchange rates. There are some Americans who go to Canada for pharmaceuticals and cash paid dental visits but that is about it. In my particular case I do not think I crossed the border three times in three years and once was an accident. I think I made a U turn and had to cross into Canada to return. The border guards on both sides had a good laugh at my expense.

As for drug prices, many parts of the world pay production plus a fixed percentage. This leaves the US consumer paying all the R & D costs and this is wrong. In essence the US consumer is subsidizing countries with socialized medicine. This is 100% wrong.

Moving on to defense, the USA has subsidized the defense of NATO members. This has allowed those countries to construct endless saftey nets on our dime. This practice should end and be replaced by separate treaties.

Cateran said...

When I say I lived on the border I mean literally on the border. Around one in four cars in the local doctors practices were Canadian.

You know Beak, something your political pundits seem to omit when they're chattering about the Canadian healthcare system is it's not a "national" system. Healthcare is managed by each province, so I'm honestly unable to comment on what the medical system is like in Quebec.

I live in BC. So, other than the normal bitch about waiting times, I have no problem with the healthcare system where I live.

Some of the Doctors themselves were Canadian.

And that, my friend, is a Canadian subsidy to the American Healthcare system. My tax dollars subsidise their education and their student loans - Americans are the beneficiary of that education. Were it me, I'd make bloody sure that those doctors signed a contract to practice medicine for a few years in the country that trained them before they're allowed to scoot across the border.

Alcohol, Gas and Cigarettes are taxed through the roof in Canada. This situation happens regardless of exchange rates.

Well Beak, I used to work for the Burlingon Northern Railway and I've seen the BNR, rather than fuel their road engines in Seattle, fuel them in Canada. When the exchange rates and fuel prices made it worth their while.

As to alcohol and cigarettes, they're "sin" taxes. If you don't drink or smoke, you don't pay them.

As for drug prices, many parts of the world pay production plus a fixed percentage. This leaves the US consumer paying all the R & D costs and this is wrong. In essence the US consumer is subsidizing countries with socialized medicine. This is 100% wrong.

Well, since the pharaceutical corporations aren't really hurting, more fool you.

Moving on to defense, the USA has subsidized the defense of NATO members. This has allowed those countries to construct endless saftey nets on our dime. This practice should end and be replaced by separate treaties.

Couldn't agree with you more. I'd say Afghanistan has proven how toothless NATO is. Canada's been in the thick of the fighting over there whilst the majority of our European allies have been cowering in Kabul.

Z said...

I thought Brown might win but the polls today show probably, let's not forget ACORn and ballot stuffing.
Maybe Jimmy Carter can be an observer at the polls? :-)

If Brown DOES win, it could be the best thing to happen to America in at least a whole year. (God, PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN!)